Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

And yet the CTWV RCV was added exactly at that BR. And let’s look the lineups at these BR:

9.3: Type 16 (P), Type 16 FPS, Type 74G
9.7: Type 16, CTWV RCV

(I’m not counting the Type 93 since the next SPAA is at 11.3 so you’ll have to use it regardless)

Putting the FPS at 9.7 would just change which BR has 3 vehicles, and it would be better as a backup to the Type 90 Fuji for grinding the tree.

TBF, anything over 279 i would take. it could be 10.0 for all i give a shit, 279 is fucking usless…

Could they have made it any more obvious they think French players should go fuck themselves?

Just give Leclerc shard if you’re not gonna do anything else and still send it up in BR.


20mm is 25mm isnt

Belfast is my go to SL printer but yeah, Buc S2/S2B loosing CCIP is gunna suck. But just makes the case of usable CCRP even more pressing

Air RB, AMX A-1A . 11.3 > 10.3/10.7

A 45G missile with a sub 2km range and the flare resistance of a R60M shouldnt make this plane comparable any 12.3, is subsonic, and with a constant uptier it only faces planes that vastly outclass it.

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The 25mm was made unstabilized as the JSDF planned on having them sit stationary, fyi this tank was 7.7 and moved to 9.0 and yes its unstabilized.

10.7 would put it on par with the Sea harrier FRS1e which is the lowest it should be. (would be OP at 10.3)

The question is whether the AAM upgrade over Aim-9Ls (and I think they are an upgrade over them when used right) and double the CM count (plus the fact it doesnt have to deal with the Harrier Curse) are enough of a buff over the Sea harrier FRS1e to put it at 11.0 instead.

But either way, 11.0 is the minimum it needs to move down.

Desert Warrior 10.0 > 9.7 at its current BR it is propably worst IFV, extremely slugish mobility and well below average gun as far as rate of fire and penetration go make it hard to play, even played as pure ATGM carrier it strugles to perform well. Honestly I consider it sidegrade to 8.3 Warrior and it just feels like I am playing slightly better ZT3A2 (which is not very good).

With most things above 10,0 going up 0.3 BR, I wonder if that is enough for the DW to stay put. Though if they are creating an effective 9.7 line-up where it could join, then that would be good.

(but not going to comment further than that because Ive yet to even unlock it but would probably still throw it into my now 10.7 line up)

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Realistic, F8U-2. 10.0 > 10.3. Due to the amount of jets at 9.3 and the lack of 10.0s the Crusader gets constantly down tiered where it fights jets that maneuver far worst, are way slower, have worst and less missiles than it such as the F-100s and the Mig 19s.

ground KF41 10.7 - 10.3 Crew turret, the spike need range, compared to PUMA VJTF the KF 41 has the worst things.

/ground battles/ The RUS helicopters with 30 mm and powerfull APDS with 82 mm of penetration, can start the game and kill all the abrams only with this ammo (this APDS has 69 penetration at 2000 mts the other country heli only 51 mm for all distances), the abrams roof can be pennetrating easy by this powerfull APDS, its so hard to play with USA vs RUSSIA helis to start with APDS you need to pay SP like the secondary armament.


every br change feels like we get fucked over every time and Vextra not getting a better dart is so silly

Honestly you have a point, hopefully other thing going up will make it slightly more playble. By the way you are in for quite a ride with stock DW, it moves like heavy tank, stock APDS do next to no damage (even darts are meh but bit better never the less) and stock TOWs are ok but lack tandem warhead. I reckomend you get TOW-2A ASAP and play it as glorified ATGM carrier only using gun on light tanks and SPAA. I was so desperate while playing it stock I killed Locust once that was friendly (yes I am monster).

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Ka-50 shud be at 11.7 likes other heli. It’s true that he dont have thermics, but his armamen its better that all others helis at his Br . Have great missle air to ground and he can engage planes more that other helis and has more survivability. He Is premium but he shut not be lower br than other weaker helis.

Up and up without buffs anywhere.

If they would at least fix the gear ratios on the Leclerc so its actually fast it wouldn’t be so upsetting so it it has some kind of niche or advantage.

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Or a half competent round. That’d help too.

like that will ever happen

Tbh, If the 11.3 Mig-21s are going back down to 11.0, the Squadron sea harrier can be 10.7. It just isn’t as good as a Mig-21Bis-sau