Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

Tbh, If the 11.3 Mig-21s are going back down to 11.0, the Squadron sea harrier can be 10.7. It just isn’t as good as a Mig-21Bis-sau

yeah, the gun always looked a bit meh to me, so Id mostly take it to scout with tbh

The mk3 chieftain gun is better to be fair thats why i keep the mk5 in my 9.3/9.7 lineup and actively use it.

Thr apds does pen more than the early darts.

But most other tanks have their fking laser range finders or full ammunition choices!

Air RB
With recent changes to the turn speed and missiles, it’s impossible to play this at it’s current BR, it has no RWR, and given that any jet can catch up to it at that point, it doesn’t even get as much as the advantage of speed. Sure it has AIM 9Ls but so do many jets at lower BRs, I fail to see the reasoning for the 104 ASA to be facing 13.0 jets and such.


11.3 is too low, 11.7 but

It never had any, can’t mount them, can’t carry them, and can’t fire them.

It can carry an upgraded variant of the Aim-9P with presumably IRCCM tho.

(99A, WZ1001, VT4) 11.7 > 11.7 due to the huge 1-shot zone, 7.1 7.1-second reload and 577 pin round.
T-90M 11.7 > 11.7 due to reverse speed and 7.1 second reload


(99A, WZ1001, VT4) 11.7 > 12.0 with buff of reload speed 6-6.5 second reload
T-90M 11.7 > 12.0 with buff on reverse speed and 6-6.5 second reload

Shard then. We got options

GRB, Ariete PSO, 11.3 > 11.0/11.3

At the moment, the two 11.3 Arietes are effectively copies of each other, since the WAR kit adds very little frontal armor. Instead of adding a 5 second reload to both of them, I suggest removing DM53 from the Ariete PSO and giving it the CL3143 it historically would have had access to during its peacekeeping operations in the 2000’s, while keeping its reload time the same.

This has several advantages. Firstly, it reinforces the 10.7 (now 11.0) lineup around the KF41. Secondly, it puts the PSO at a BR where its add-on composite armor can be useful against 25mm and 30mm autocannons. Thirdly, it reduces the number of vehicles with 5 second reloads, which makes it feel more impactful for the vehicles which get it.


BR Change: 11.3-11.0

Replace DM53 with the original CL3143

The ammunition layout of Ariete is similar to second-generation main battle tanks such as Leopard 1/OF40, and its own armor can only block some of the APFSDS fired by 105MM guns. The 1200 horsepower engine and supporting transmission system perform poorly, and its maneuverability is not as good as other NATO series main battle tanks. Reducing its BR to 11.0 is more appropriate


The instructions were quite clear: only one vehicle suggestion per post. Any more and the post will be ignored.

Apache AH64D - 11.7 to 12.0 please add AGM-114L

AH Mk1 Apache - 11.7 to 12.0 please add AGM-114L

Challenger 3 TD - 11.7 please give it a 5 second reload along with DM63A1 which would make it immune to being ammo racked

HSTVL - 11.3 to 11.7 please give it at least Delta 3 APFSDS maybe even Delta 6 APFSDS !!


Needs one post per. Though I’ve already got a suggestion in for the Challenger

Mode, vehicle name. 8.0 > 8.3. Reasoning.
2S38 from 10.3>11.7 reason the HSTV-L moving to 11.7 this new BR change and the HSTV-L holds less ammo, gen 1 thermals, and the 2S38 has overall better optics at 4.0x-9.4x


Good day, here are the changes I believe must be made in the current balance adjustments.

Unfortunately, my suggestions are quite extensive, so describing them in a “one message — one vehicle” format will not be feasible.

(ARB) F8U-2 10.0 > 10.7 — The aircraft is ultimate in terms of characteristics compared to planes with a BR of 9.0-10.3. It has 4 excellent missiles and frequently encounters aircraft that don’t have countermeasures. It boasts great acceleration, armament, a substantial supply of countermeasures, and is capable of engaging in turn-fights and emerging victorious.

(ARB) F-4C 10.7 > 10.0 — The aircraft has no countermeasures, mediocre performance, poor maneuverability, and its only advantage is its significant bomb load. However, in direct confrontation with any aircraft of its BR, it will lose in every aspect.

(ARB) MiG-21 Bison 12.3 > 12.7 — The aircraft has excellent missiles and a helmet-mounted sight at a very low BR. Compared to its competitors, it is completely overpowered.

(ARB) F-20A 12.7 > 12.3 — In every respect, it is worse than the F-16 and its premium competitor, the Bison. It lacks a helmet-mounted sight and has mediocre AIM-7 missiles compared to the R-27. It does not belong at its current BR.

(ARB) F-104S and TAF 11.3 > 11.0/10.7 — The aircraft initially had mediocre flight performance compared to its competitors, but after the recent nerf, it has become even less playable.

(ARB) F-104S.ASA 12.0 > 11.3/11.0 — Compared to the S model, the ASA only has enhanced armament with four 9L missiles. It lacks both a helmet-mounted sight and an advanced radar. It doesn’t even have serious semi-active radar missiles, as using them requires removing the cannon, making it unplayable in close combat. This aircraft clearly doesn’t deserve to be in the same battles as the Su-27, especially after the recent nerf to the entire series.

(ARB) F-104G (all nations) 11.0/10.7 > 10.7/10.3 — These planes have received a significant maneuverability nerf in the latest major update, and a BR reduction by at least one step is required to make their primary advantage, speed, more viable.

(ARB) F-104J 10.3 > 10.0 — The aircraft has no countermeasures, and after the recent nerf, active maneuvering to dodge missiles has become impossible. A BR reduction is needed.

(ARB) F-4J(UK) 12.0 > 11.7 — The aircraft lacks a helmet-mounted sight, unlike its American counterpart, yet will face the Su-27 alongside it.

(ARB) F-1 10.3 > 10.0 — The aircraft has no major differences in flight performance from the T-2, and if there are any, they are insignificant. It lacks countermeasures, and its armament consists of just four 9P missiles, which cannot compensate for its weak performance for 10.3 and the absence of countermeasures. The aircraft is inferior in every aspect compared to the previously mentioned F8U-2, which is at a lower BR, has comparable missiles, and comes with countermeasures.

(ARB) Kfir Canard 11.3 > 10.7 — The aircraft cannot compete on equal terms with its BR counterparts. It has mediocre armament for its BR. It was well-balanced before the decompression, and it needs to be returned to its rightful BR to ease the progression of the Israeli tree, as Israel lacks premium alternatives.

(ARB) Saab J35XS 11.3 > 10.7 — The aircraft cannot compete on equal terms with its BR counterparts. It has mediocre armament for its BR. It was well-balanced before the decompression, and it needs to be returned to its rightful BR to facilitate the progression of the Swedish tree, as Sweden lacks premium alternatives.

Once again, I deeply apologize for presenting this in a list format rather than individual messages. I consider these to be the most critical vehicles in need of immediate adjustments.


You need to seperate those into 1 post per vehicle. The idea being that people can like the each individual post to denote community approval

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Also, F-4C would be totally OP at 10.0

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M-18 Black Cat GRB 6.0>5.7

Went up to 6.0 with the TT M-18 but didn’t receive the same HP buff. It is an inferior tank with less mobility than the TT version now while at the same BR.

Like the similarly less-engined P-61-A-11 (in the same Black Friday pack), it is 0.3br below the TT variant due to reduced engine power and mobility. M-18 black cat should be the same, or there is almost no point in buying it.

Softstat change suggestions: Give the He grenades to Rank I and II, with Overpressure and many unarmored or thinnly armored vehicles, especially if your tank doesnt have a coax (P.204 (f) for example) and most can be effective. Especially the Pz III Ausf.F and J which have the 5 cm KwK 38 L/42, the Sprgr.38 has 200g Fp.02 and Np.10 with an TnT aquivalent of 256g thats more than enove to Overpressure enemys.

Vehicle in question: Seafire LF Mk.III(FAA/Aeronautica navale)
Vehicle changes: 5.0-4.3 ARB
Barely provides any improvement over the Mk. IX, if any.