Air realistic, Kfir Canard, 11.3>11.0 Very low suppy of countermeasures and no flight performance to deal with AIM54s and SARH launched by aircraft at 12.3
I mean the j35xs should be 10.7, the sea harrier has grown on me alot. I used to hate it but now im having fun in it even at 11.3 so i really dont think the frs1 is a problem. Its why im now grinding the fa2 as i really want my little tub.
i absolutely love the chieftains man tbh, theyre a fantastic lineup and i genuinely think if the mk5 got a better round n LRF could be 9.0
RB XM800 7.7 to 9.0. It literally is dominating at 8.7 and needs to go up. It small enough to miss and it has insane penetration. You cant leavr spawn when it rushed spawn and slaps you.
FRS1 (SQV) needs its placeholder RWR and HUD replacing, Radar Gunsight and ideally its IR sigs fixed, Removing the sooty exhaust would be good to.
Though I do think 11.0 would be more reasonable
They could but gaijin does the balancing and someone seems to want it to stay as a very effective AT, Britain has an overabundance of 8.x TD’s disguised as spaa. Why the ZA 35 isnt higher is beyond me since nobody actually plays it as an spaa. Id be happy if they nerf the falcons belts and move it to 7.x
Its actually fast which is a delight. What i want most on the world is the aps it could get. It was a turret on the top of the actual turret housing 2 7.7s with a radar lol. meant to take out early atgms.
Fixing its ir sig would make it mental tbh. I wouldnt complain about a downtier but trying to fight that thing when it can just turn towards you and have you unable to lock it untill up close would help ALOT. Plus the lack of soot would make me play it in sim instantly. I remember when it had the f5e radar and i didnt realize untill i killed my second friendly in sim.
RB Type 16 FPS: 9.3 > 9.7 and give it its type 93 APFDS round
There’s absolutely no reason for a mid 2010s production Type 16 (it’s literally in the name: First Production Series) to be using a late 1970s round.
You did something similar with the Wolfpack, no reason not to do it here.
Its to help add to the 9.3 lineup, 9.7 japan is nonexistent
Same reason vextra is the same way
Z19/e on simulation go to top tier sim… all heli with more than 5km atgm need go higher br because they overhelming battles, when AA struggle to kill them. Or do some time for resp planes and helis, because nobody can even drive from resp.
But even the aphe is a nuke round so either its pure spaa or it can still destroy your ass. The za 35 is good but with the nerf to the turret rotation and the lack of apds it really wouldnt suit facing 9.7s and the helis that come along with it. Plus the radar tracking is abysmal in it meaning you may as well take your radar dwon at the start and use irst.
yeah, fixing the sooty exhaust would make me play a lot of the earlier harriers a LOT more. Its like flying with a giant flashing beacon where you are all the time
Go upvote the bug report :
That’s why I said 9.3 is a bit much, meaning 9.0 is fine for it.
Did that long ago, harriers are some of my favorite jets to fly in sim. I really need to get the gr 1 for myself (my buddy got he 90% off and used it on the gr 1 just to refuse to play it and say its shit… it might be but you cant speak that way to my baby).
I dont use the radar anyways lol so no downside there, also gaijin could just do the sidam treatment. Give it 40 apds as a separate belt and the rest HE. The sidam is very much over BR’d but thats what it uses and could go down.
Not as much as the fox
Should have worded it better, but i was agreeing with u.
Although i would love for the falcon to actually fill the 7.3 spaa void we have i just dont see them doing it. the french amx 30dca is at 8.7 as it has the same belts plus a shitty radar.
Gr1 is fine, a lot better these days its not fighting Viggens and Mig-23MLs (was when I started playing it in Sim before the new brackets)
SRAAM need fixing, year old bug report for those, but after that its good.
Harrier Gr1 would be fun to play again in sim (especially as it has the Napalm), but the sooty exhaust and the state of SRAAM just keep putting me off