Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

Damn, really? The question is if they are ever going to fix it as the grippen gets bols…

Make them standard flares and standard chaff. The flares would be underperforming, but would be fine

Not so much at 12.3, you would be facing ALOT more 9ms and trying to doge one in a tornado is an ordeal. Being able to dump a large amount of large flares would help a tremendous amount.

Gripen is the only problem. What they need to do is model BOL flares properly (not as flares but “chaff” that produces an IR sig) and then overhaul IR sigs.

Though push come to shove, they could just remove 2x BOL from the Gripen. Though with most now needing Chaff, it would be fine and BOL flares would still burn for less time

Give the Iranian F-14 R-73’s and move it to the same BR as the F-14B

Air Realistic Battles, Mirage 4000, 13.0 > 12.7. Doesn’t have the range capability of the F-14s(and they are at a .3 lower br), along with the fact that the Su-27 that is being moved down to 13.0 has 10 air-to-air missiles that are better than the missiles that the Mirage 4000 has and it only has 8 air-to-air missiles.


Its better than nothing, especially considering all the airframes suffering due to BOL flares. if the choice is wait 10 years for Large Calibre BOL flares or standard BOL flares ASAP. I’d take standard BOL flares ASAP .

Tornado F3 Late remember does “fine” ish. Just struggles with the BOL chaff

Or simply move the grippen to 14.0, it would then not face anything with arh missiles (im on about the top tier one). The swedish one with no arh could be moved up as it with 4 9ms is perfectly capable of just dogiing any arh missiles coming at it tbh. I dont even play my grippen anymore as top tier is a cespit i would like to stay well the FUCK away from. Its a big factor why i would rather keep the nerfs to the bols and stay at 12.0. I literality dont play anything above 11.7 apart from my tornado.

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The issue is for me with the f3, i can fight mig29s f16s etc but when i started to come across frequently, gripens, f15s f16Cs mirages etc after the f3 went to 12.0 i just felt i could.not touch them at all.

The f3 in arb, maybe need to use it in sim, is absolutely horrendous due to the flight characteristics

Ive given up spading my f3 late, If im not going to have fun with it even spaded whats the point. I have a grippen i could be flying instead but even then why would i. I prefer the early brs where you still see gunfights. Its why i want the f104asa to finally be moved down so i can actually have fun with it. Also why im now grinding isreal for the kurnass at 11.3. I need me phantom.

I play the odd match of the FA2, but waiting for Placeholder RWR and HUD to be replaced. BOL Fixes would be lovely too.

Started spading the F3 Late and its fine-ish but long way to go to spade.

Gripen not enjoyed since it was added.

The Issue in the Gripen was people dropping flares every few seconds indefinetly and making themsleves 100% immune to IR missiles. Now the meta has changed. that would be fine and the reduced burn time mitigates it as well.

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Yeah i feel that why i bailed and im.playing hunters and chieftains for ground agian.

8.3 american lineup be some fun as well.

I feel like pushing all the Abrams up in BR will just exacerbate an issue with any line ups at 10.0.

I kinda feel bad, got 2 nukes in my chieftain mk 10 last wek along with a couple in my mk 5/3. Maybe i should lose a couple matches to keep them low lol.

(mk5/3 chieftains not the cent)

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I agree. The Vcc 80/60 is an okay multi role, but 9.3 seems a bit much.


You guys are still going at it? I’m going to come back to 2000 new posts in this thread I swear.

Its got like 24 rounds and runs out immediately. 9.0 is fine. It shouldnt have to face the 2s38.

The only things it would start seeing more is ARH from F3 Lates and F4F-ICE and JF-17.

With the F-16s and stuff going down anyway. It needs a defensive buff and full strength BOL , it could be unfair to deal with in 11.0s that all

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GAIJIN - nerfs fm of draken, nerfs it again, moves it to 11.3, money.

Gaijin or something i dont knopw what the hells going on there?

I mean, from all my time spading 11.0 and 11.3 jets ive come across 3 tornados on the enemy team. and of those times ive killed 2 of them in a f4ej with 7es. I do believe there are about 30 people in totoal who play the tornado and who actually know how to fly it if im being honest. Its not like the f14 where youll see it every game so i really dont think its ruining 11.0 as much as them.