Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

The f14s radar is far from crap, it can effectivly find targets and lock them for the 7fs, which admitantly carries it in the bvr. But 7fs are that much better than the superTEMPS that it doesnt matter. Sure with the new fm the tornado is in a far better place but it only seal clubs ina fulldowntier, the moment you have f14s and other 12.3s your not doing much else apart from notching and firing off skyshits whcih miss as you always have 3 or more people hounding you down (might just be my terrible luck as ive even had a squad of 4 come up on me on an ec map in a long forgotten corner of the map). I would take an f14 over the tornado 8 out of 10 times if it was pure stats, i just prefer the look of the tornado. That is the only reason i grinded britian, they look better than most other nations.

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and I would take the Tornado F3 over the F-14A every single day of the week. But thats just me. I’ve had no issues with it and in fact, might even dare play it more in ARB (especially with CM fixes), though I will always prefer Sim at the moemnt because its just better.

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I will admit, 150 sim matches is inasne, however sim is vastly different to rb. radar and rwr are 100 times more important in sim than rb which does make the tornado a much better jet at the br. However in rb where you can just look with your eyes hundreds of kilometers away it really isnt as important (unless your the f104 asa without a directional rwr that is). In sim the tornado does beat out the f14 but in rb it is far from close.

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Not really, its honestly very logical step prem wise. Adding a 3rd gen jet with ARH makes sense to try and sell. A viggen at 13.3 with 4 ARH and 2 9L’s would more than likely sell and get clubbed by proper fighters since the radar is hit or miss at times. Im.more suprised gaijin lowed the XS’s BR they seemed very intent on killing it lol

and most of those were in the dark days of forced uptiers vs Mig-29s and F-16s. (and shockingly bad MP) The fact Ive maintained a 2(ish) K/D despite that is actually not bad.

The tornados a blast in rb, but its not on par with f14s, and by moving it up it would have to face jets with arh missiles that also outclass it in the wvr fight. Do you want it to be slightly over performing in FULL downtiers or it to basically become a paper weight at 12.3?

when missiles would stop working half way through the match… Should i give tornado sim another try, it always seems daunting looking at the br brackets i would have to face.

Torando F3 or F-14A?

Tornado F3 with 32 Large Calibre Flares and 320 full strength BOL flares and 432 large calibre chaff. I could genuinely see it being 12.3.

it cant compete with the 13.3s is the issue in ARB at all the F14A but over all is far, far better in ARB cause how the games played

Pick a downtier bracket and you just seal club Mig-23MLDs. Not a lot they can do unless you encounter the 1 competant pilot, then you have to use your brain.

Does still struggle a little vs Mig-29s, but its more managable

But that would require gaijin to make bols better than large countermeasures (for flares). As the nerf to them is correct for chaff but even then it should be comparable to small rather than what we have now.

No, move it down as is.

The VEAK has radar.

I feel bad for the poor Gaijin intern who has to read 1800+ requests… then again they probably won’t even bother reading most of these and will skim through

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Perhaps. though Id still take fixed BOL and Phimats at 12.3 than 1/4 strength BOL and no Phimats at 12.0.

You think they are reading any of this? theyll pick 5 comments at random and might implement some of them.

RB AMX-10P: 6.0 > 5.7 or stays at 6.0

The AMX-10P is very similar to the SUB I-II, which sits at 5.3. It has no business being an entire BR over it like this change is suggesting.


If they gave it the phimat pod then perhaps but i doubt it, plus i really doubt they have the knowhow to separate bol to make them large flares and small chaff. Although i could think of a couple ways i doubt they would be able to…

its not:

Weight difference is likely due to plastic casing on the BOL vs metal casing on the soviet chaff

The AMX-10P was a surprising amount of fun when I played it, it’s literally a low tier IFV. It should stay at 6.0 so that France can actually have a 6.0 lineup and it doesn’t do any harm at its current ranking

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Some baffling changes to do with the F-14. I would never fly the F-14B over the Iranian F-14, the A has everything you could possibly want since the AIM-54A/C sucks so much compared to the Farkour. You just aren’t using the heat-seekers often enough for it to matter.

F-14B should be given 9M’s at this BR, or kept at the same spot.

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