Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

theres no information on the plane having flares or not, ive gone on a full day search for that info and its always said theres no info

the F14 absolutely drops the tornado even without the missile kits.

I know, what is this guy on about… i think hes just a bit salty.

Skyflash SuperTEMPs are better than the SARH missiles the F-14A carries which is Aim-7E-2.

Tornado F3 is also slightly faster in a straight line.

Also, not decided if the kumass 2k should go down pr not

News flash, there the same missile. In the files they are exactly the same.

The only difference irl was that the skyflash got monopulse allowing for lower deck shots but gaijin has given that to every pd missiles.

That’s because CM was part of an upgrade program to the GR.3 model.

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the harrier Gr1? the first itteration? never had flares you can find many sources on the thing.

I think the gr 1 has pictures of it with a flare pod on it, not the same as the gr 1 but it may also have been an ecm pod for testing or something

thank yoU!!!

carries aim7Fs dude, which are essentially the same idea

I did think he was wrong for a second, and if so 7fs are far and beyond anything better than the tornado gets…

Foxhunter though makes the Skyfalsh nearly unchaffable

isnt the aim7F different from the super temp now? like in the files they were teh same until just before amraam or am i tripping

Lmao, you sir have never flown a tornado and it shows, massively. They are known as skyshits for a reason, they loved to doge at the last second.

the super temp used to be better on the F3 for me before all this ARH nonsense i found them to land more consistently than the 7F but again thats ancedotal.

I have played it extesnively

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Super Temp was just bit better regular skyflash even before SPAMRAAM updates.

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yah thats what i mean

No, it was my bad. 7e-2 are the same as skyflash dog fights. But skyflash superTEMPS are completly different with a longer burn. But the burn of the superTEMPs (like 7 seconds) is half of that of the 7fs (like 14 or 15).

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