Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

GRB, PUMA VJTF. 11.0 > 10.3. Spikes ARE NOT OP. And 30mm not OP.

GRB, PUMA. 10.3 > 10.0. 30mm steel not OP. Just don’t break what’s already broken.


ZTZ99A and VT4A1=🤡🤡🤡


in current state puma is 8.7 tank.

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Not raising the BR for the F-104, F8U2, J-7E, A10C is fucking retarded… and raising planes from 9.3 to 9.7 + lowering the F-5C to 10.7 and not raising the BR for A-10A/A-10A late and SU-25 is to go back to the same problem of aircrafts without flares against all aspect missiles and again being clapped by F-5Cs hordes, it’s complete nonsense.

And to clarify, I have all those planes, basically all USA, USSR, Germany and Japan in planes and much of China, Italy, France and Sweden. I just hate feeling compelled to use OP META just for don’t have to suffer against unbalanced planes that ruin entire BR brackets making it unenjoyable to play different nations and planes.

I don’t give a fuck which nation is “better”, I just want to enjoy playing with each and every one of the vehicles that took me so many hours and mental stability to research.


mb 9.0 or 9.3. But not 10.0+

I second moving this down it is literally a cv9040c but slightly better

No it don’t,… currently fits it’s BR.

10.0 its 50/50 good

i got my F5C the day before it went to 11.0 specifically cause i knew it was a clubbing machine, managed to get a pretty good KD with it even at 11.0.

and seeing its going to be against hunters and the likes again is just ridiculous, the funny part is, the mig19, f104A/C , yak38 etc all the things that pushed the mig15s and sabers down STILL havent moved up again even when the stuff that compressed them did. so now were just getting it all pushed back down again.


Why is the Su-25SM3 still at 12.3 when it only has 2xR73’s which we all know is pretty bad for that br, the A-10C that has 4x9Ms is sitting at 11.3 which is just insane. The Su-25T is at 11.7 and has a loadout with 2xR60M’s, 2xR73’s and it comes stock with IRCM, why is that plane at 11.7 in air rb and the Su-25SM3 at 12.3

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Plus at the same BR there is Obj 906 with better APHE, access to HEATFS and stabilizer.


and mb snail need in ARB 12.0>11.7 the F4S and Mirage F1C-200

the F4S certainly does not need to go down?? its like the 3rd or 4th best phantom in game and has 6 Aim7Fs xD
the mirage as well is fine at 12.0

The Merkavas MK3 should stay at their current BR If 11.0 because they are slow, have Bad protection.

Merkava MK3 11.3>11.0

or im not lucky and always play with F14 IRIAF

T-55A 8.3>8.7 or 9.0. I hate being in my Tiger II H and seeing a T-55. Cold War tanks should not be fighting World War II tanks.

Su-7s to 9.7…you cannot be serious. These things are already terrible at 9.3. They are barely supersonic, reach bases slower than their competitors and can’t dogfight anything. Who does the BR changes? Did he ever play the Su-7?

the F14 needs to go up, not the F4S down, the F4S also can fight it well, same as the mirage, take it you cant get past the aim54s and facour 90s?

only on maps like sinai

again yet the F104, mig 19 arietes etc stay 9.3 xD