Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

Hello, please provide an additional BR separation for Helicopter EC as well. There’s great difference between 7.7-8.0 helicopters and 9.3 ones, while 9.7 helicopters will struggle to do anything versus 11.0 and higher. We need an intermediate 3rd bracket, around 9.3 - 10.3 as well for Heli EC mode as well in order to better balance out the matches.

Air Realistic Battles, F4s Phantom 12.0>11.7. In the current matchmaker the F4s faces the f15a, F16’s and Mirage 4000’s. All aircraft that outclass the f4s in weapons capability’s (Irccm, smokeless-motors) and in performance(Speed, maneuverability, climb rate, etc.) With the proposed change of moving the J11 and Su27 that will make the matchmaker even less favorable to the f4s.

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Ki-84 hei (AirRB) 6.3 → 6.0 or 5.7

The Ki-84 hei has the same flight-performance as the Ki-84 ko, which is at 5.3.
The only difference is the armament.
But the 30mm on the 84 hei are not good, as they are on the wings and have a very bad velocity, making aiming them in dogfights and in general atrocious.
Therefore the Ki-84 hei should be lowered in BR to ar least 6.0, or even to 5.7, as the flight performance is the same as the Ki-84 ko and the armament is somehow worse.


RadKampWagon 90 should stay 9.7. Its performance is comparable to other vehicless like the Centauro, Type 16, and Rooikat. Plus the lack of Thermals dosent warrant an uptier to 10.0


Realistic Air, CL-13 mk.4 8.3>8.0

Reasoning: This version of the CL 13 has literally the same performance of a F-86 A-5, I don’t see why it should have a 0.3 higher br.


RB, Leopard A1A1 (L/44): add DM23

At the moment it’s just a straight downgrade from the Leopard 1A5.
It’s slightly heavier, has worse gun handling, less penetration and less armor.
The firepower should at least be on the same level.


RB, TAM, 8.7 → 9.0 + add DM33
This vehicle has no lineup at 8.7 but it’s much more mobile than the Leopard A1A1 and has a laser rangefinder. It shouldn’t be a lower BR.


Realistic Air G.91 R/1 8.7>8.3

Reasoning: extremely weak offensive armament, and with the Mig 15bis, and the F-86F25 at 8.3 it really doesn’t make sense to be higher. It’s probably a leftover from that round of br adjustments, it should be lowered.


RB, Leopard A1A1, 9.0 → 8.7
It’s worse than TAM, the two should swap BRs.


Realistic Air G.91 Preserie 8.3>8.0

Reasoning: extremely weak offensive armament, and with the Mig 15bis, and the F-86F25 at 8.3 it really doesn’t make sense to be at the same br. It’s probably a leftover from that round of br adjustments, it should be lowered.


Same with Italy’s CL-13MK.4

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Im sorry but WHY are both pumas which are already overtiered getting moved up?

So what now the puma s1 will exclusively fight tanks its utterly outclassed by?


that can quite happily defeat most aircraft at its BR

This is delusional. It really doesn’t stand a chance against the majority of 10.7’s. Or are you talking about people that don’t pay attention to you? Because if that is your rhetoric you could argue a P-51 can beat a F-15. 1v1 there is hardly any 10.7’s it can beat. But if you disagree, I would encourage you to send me a list in response. In a typical ARB match it’s severely underperforming. The only reason it’s 10.7 is because people get high mission score by bombing bases, which is a stupid reason and metric to determine the BR of a plane in ARB

The lack of CMs might make in vulnerable to aircraft like the Sea Harrier or A-10 with Aim-9ls but its speed means it can stay out of range with ease

About 25%-33% of my matches end with me vs the enemy team. How much chance do you give the F-4C in that scenario? Because it can 1v1 hardly anything. Outrunning the enemy is only a legitimate strategy for so long. At some point you are going to have to fight them. At which point a lot more planes become a problem for the F-4C than only the Sea Harriers and A-10’s

At 10.0 it would be facing aircraft like the Hunter F1 with no CMs, sub-sonic and no AAMs and a fraction of the turn performance

Do you ever think the problem might be with the Hunter F1’s BR instead? Or maybe the fact the up- and downtier system is fundamentally flawed and creates an unbalanced matchmaker? If it were up to me up- and downtiers would be limited to a 0.7 or even a 0.3 BR delta

and thats just ignoring the fact it does actually have SARH as well and most dont even have RWRs below 9.7

If we are going to balance for up- and downtiers we need to have a whole different discussion. Because you conveniently seem to forget it often faces planes that are higher BR as well. Tell me, how is a F-4C supposed to fight J-7E’s, F-5E’s, MiG-23MLD’s and JA37C’s?

TLDR: 10.7 is the correct BR

It really is not

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when could we expect the br changes and will dm53 replace dm43 for the leopard 2 pl or be a new mod for it?

Yep, I didn’t forget, I already wrote it here, Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024 - #1660 by nemo333339 , a few comments above. It’s litteraly the same plane of a F86A5, it never made sense to be higher.

Honestly I think the guy who assigned the original br got confused with the German CL13.

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Literally my suggestion at all times

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RB/SB, F-4J(UK) . 12.0 > 11.7. As both the F-4EJ’s are moving down I think it would be good to drop the F-4J(UK) by one br bracket as well. It currently sits at 12.0. Similarly to the overal better F-4S.


Ho-Ri Prototype 6.7 → 6.3 or 6.0 - Ground Realistic

It has good gun as heavy tanks of the same BR and that’s all it has going on. Some parts of it are well armored, but on the other hand it has extremely large weakspots, which can be penetrated by any vehicle you should be facing. Even rarely met BR 5.7 M4A3E2 can penetrate your frontal armor from good range. Same thing against all light tanks. Those big weakspots are in such a position that you cannot practically ever cover all of them if any at all.

It is also one of the least mobile vehicles. Jagdtiger and T95 can at least get their gun on target relatively fast thanks to neutral steering, but Ho-Ri doesn’t have such.

Compared to Ferdinand at same BR, it is simply worse in every single way. Jagdtiger and SU-122-54 at least reloads slower, but in all other ways they are far superior at same BR. Jagdpather at 6.3 doesn’t lose to it either.

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Air Realistic Battles(Air RB), B-29, 7.3 > 6.7, reasoning:

  1. Heavily overtiered. Placed directly at the same BR as the jets that were directly designed to counter it (MiG-9).
  2. Defensive armament is woefully underpowered against 7.3+ jets and is highly susceptable to .50 cal damage model changes.
  3. Should not be tied in BR considerations with the Tu-4 which has massively improved defensive armament and better bomb payload.

PS. I am a person of a very anti-bomber mindset and usually harbour disdain for the low skill they choose to show in this game knowing full well how powerful bombers can be when played with tactics in mind. But B-29 currently is so out of place that it makes me feel pity for those who try to play it against 7.3-7.7 jets.


The thing is before these changes you would get up tiered a lot and even when you got down tiered it’s still not a very enjoyable experience the JA-37c would still be there for 11.3 and the other two ground attack ones are also alright but I’d rather be able to put the incredibly good radar the viggen has to use with a actual good long rang missile cause the rb71 is just so bad. Also the whole purpose of the JA-37D was to have fox3s on a aircraft until the gripen was put in service.

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