Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

Vehicle in question: Su-25SM3
BR: 12.3>11.7 ARB, 12.7>13.3 as CAS(ARB)

The Su-25SM3 holds no speciality in ARB, effectively the same 2xR-73 and a cannon, but at a higher BR compared to the other R-73 armed frogfoots, which unironically can troll with vikhrs as well. Its GRB BR needs raising but its pointless to split it from Su-25T/39 in air battles.


Air & Ground Realistic

Lancaster B MK I

5.3 → 5.0

In ARB, it is such a massive and slow bomber that have no real defensive weapons at all. While it does have the payload to take out multiple bases, it is so big and slow that it is most of the time have no way to realistically be able to even get close to the bases.

While in GRB, it does have the advantage of being able to use the 12.000lb bomb, when you compare it to the Pe-8 because they are both able drop giant bombs, then you will find that the Pe-8 is 1.0 BR lower than the Lancaster, and that actually have defensive weapons that are effective.


While i agree with the R-27ER part, it should still go down to 13.0, im aware its not THAT hard with SARHs against ARH (considering 27ER are the best SARH currently and the 27S can carry 6 of them) its also not fun for most to have constant 13.7 matches and not a single non fox3 match in a flying brick with a (still) nerfed FM

Kfir Canard 11.3 → 11.0
why are all Mig-21bis going down but not the Kfir?
also we have the J-7E at 11.0 which is objectively better at everything then the Kfir Canard:

  • more missiles (4 instead of 2)
  • better missiles (30G instead of 18G)
  • more CMs (72 instead of 36)
  • better RWR (is not blind to J band)
  • better maneuverability (its a double delta)

You forgot the armor plating behind fuel tanks generating enough spall to kill entire crew and the recently added Hydraulic pump breaking your turret drive all the time from both side and front hull shots. It’s a repair simulator if you’re not dead on first shot and you can’t retaliate.

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Air RB
F8U-2 10.0 > 10.3
it has flare/chaff also have good missle
i think it shold be 10.3
Kurnass 2000 12.3 > 11.7
6 python 3 is not worth 1.0 br in AirRB
Air AB
A2D 9.0 > 8.3
I think A2D is not worth in 9.

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Air & Ground Realistic

Lancaster B MK III

5.3 → 5.0

In ARB, it is such a massive and slow bomber that have no real defensive weapons at all. While it does have the payload to take out multiple bases, it is so big and slow that it is most of the time have no way to realistically be able to even get close to the bases.

While in GRB, it does have the advantage of being able to use the 12.000lb bomb, when you compare it to the Pe-8 because they are both able drop giant bombs, then you will find that the Pe-8 is 1.0 BR lower than the Lancaster, and that actually have defensive weapons that are effective.


Vehicle: F-5C
Gamemode: Air Realistic
BR Change: 10.7 ----> 11.0
Reason: It has an extremely good flight performance, well suited for ARB and due to the limitations with how the game models IR signatures. Is completely cold, achieving IR lock with any missile is hard work and it has CMs that will instanteously defeat any and all missile, include all IRCCM missiles whilst sat on full-reheat and it was a rear-aspect shot. There is no justification to lower its BR other than its Premium and Gaijin wants a pay-to-win aircraft for the US.

It is impossible to deal with in aircraft such as the Sea Harrier FRS1e at 10.7 let alone 9.7s that dont have CMs and are sub-sonic such as the Hunter. If its BR drops down ALL 9.7-10.7s need to drop down 0.3 BR as well so that they can actually be playable


I mean the works to file in suggestions, there are no photos. I would argue kurnass 2000s are AMRAAM capable as well, but I dont have the money to bribe mossad agents to steal photos for me

Air & Ground Realistic

Lancaster MR.7

5.3 → 5.0

In ARB, it is such a massive and slow bomber that have no real defensive weapons at all. While it does have the payload to take out multiple bases, it is so big and slow that it is most of the time have no way to realistically be able to even get close to the bases.

This compared to the other Lancaster doesn’t even have the advantage of being able to drop big bombs in GRB.


Air RB, JA37D move it from 12.0 to 11.7. I see no reason for it to be over 0.7 higher than C variant only because it gets AIM-9Ls. It’s very similar to MiG-23MLD (which is 11.7) with only 2 good SARHs, better radar but worse flight model.

they entire hull has 0 armor

same should go for all ATGM only vehicles, ZT3A2 and Swingfirem M113A3, UDES, and the rest, ATGM only armament isnt great and could really use the extra insentive to play them

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Please increase max tank BR much higher, and separate top tier vehicles accordingly. Not all 12.0s are equal, for example, Leopard 2A5 is still same BR as Leopard 2A7V.

What you’ve done is, increased the BR of nearly every MBT above 9.0, which means the battles will play virtually exactly the same as they did before.

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Chi-Ri: 5.0 → 4.3

It is HUGE, not very fast, and has no armor whatsoever. Its gun is comparable in performance to the Pz IV H’s, but it is on a worse platform. Yes it has a very fast first stage reload (3.3s aced) but it can only fire a maximum of 3 rounds, at which point its reload drops to about 11s with an expert crew. Replenishing this first stage ammo also takes very long considering how close the ammorack is to the loading assist device:

If the first stage reload was reduced to a more reasonable number, or its reload outside of first stage ammo improved, I suggest only a drop to 4.7 due to large size, thin armor, and poor mobility.


Air arcade/realistic/simulator. BR cap 13.7 > 14.0
Reason: the top aircraft for each nation far out-perform aircraft they are capable of fighting. (As shown by the current plan to lower select aircraft BRs)
The compression caused by decreasing BRs will only cause further stress to lower BR aircraft.

Instead, moving the cap to 14.0 will allow the top performers to be moved away from aircraft they outperform, without compressing the brackets below them.


Vehicle in question: Chinese top tiers(VT4, ZTZ99A, WZ)
BR changes: 11.7>11.7 GRB
Alternative: fire rate buff to 6.5/6.8 seconds

The biggest weakness of top tier Chinese MBTs are their lack of firepower. Low pen and a lengthy reload. The mediocre protection and decent mobility would not be able to compensate such.


But your moving crap unfinished tanks that cant compete up. At least do due diligence and make these tanks competitive.


GRB, Su-27SM. 12.7 → 12.0-12.3, no Thermal container. Or leave BR as is, but give it thermal container

If you are adding M829A2 to the M1A1s at 11.7, you must add M829A3 to the SEPs at 12.0