Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

Vehicle: USS Atlanta
Gamemode: Naval Realistic
BR Change: 5.3 ----> 5.7
Reason: It has one of the greatest broadsides of any light cruiser in game and can maintain a insanely high fire rate (highest in game by far) Whilst it may only have 5" guns, being able to fire a broadside of 14 shells every 3 or so seconds is just insane and it can shread almost anything, including heavy cruisers. Any destroyers it faces stand even less chance. Additonally, unlike many other light cruisers, the Atlanta is actually reasonably resistant to damage and can take a lot of pounding to sink, even from heavy cruisers with 8x 8" shells.


Air RB, Su-17M4. 11.3->10.7. (this relates to all Su-22 models as well since they are almost identical) After wing sweep flight performance change and last br change - this set of vehicles became helpless and totally outmatched in all aspects of gameplay, situation will be especially bad in light of planned br lowering for all MiG-21bis from 11.3->11.0.

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We need over 1.0 BR difference between current 10.3 and 11.3 premium lineups, otherwise they suck each other into the same matches.

Also Gaijin,i’m speaking to all the players that play Ground French…When are you gonna add stock APFSDS to the Leclercs? this joke is now old,give them the proper tool to fight late-game ERA and Composite Armor


Air & Ground Realistic

Stirling B Mk III

4.7 → 4.0

The Mk III is near identical to the Mk I, but somehow that justfies a BR difference of 0.7, instead of them being same BR. It is not even because they have any difference in armaments.


Why do the changes affect only MBT and bmp?
why will SPAA BRs not increase?
for example
Pancir 11.7>12.0


only after M4 Sherman 3.7 → 4.0
M4 a lot better than T-34 and Pz IV

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the 9Gs aren’t even your main weapons, use the guns and the speed lol you can dunk on everything in the 1 circle and even in the 2 circle you still shred

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Belfast is fine

Liverpool is up armoured vs Southampton (like Belfast is) but does lack 1x turret
Southampton doesnt have the extra armour that Belfast and Liverpool has.

Maybe Liverpool and Southampton need to go lower due to their respective “limitations” but I wasnt going to mention them for now.

Yeah. I will probably work on other topics, just to drop some of the thoughts here.

ARB, Mirage 2000D-R1. 12.3 > 12.0.

or lower. it only has 2 Fox2 and need a gunpod but has been increased to the same BR(12.3) has the Mirage 2000C-S5 on the update where fox 1 capability has been improved and added to stock loadout despite not having one in the first place


Kurnass 2000:
12.3 → 12.0, maybe 11.7 ARB.

Its still a Phantom with IR missiles only that have no flare rejection whatsoever, its much improved radar is kinda pointless in ARB.
That or it receives Python 4, maybe with bump to 12.7, but I have no idea if it ever fielded them IRL.


Air RB, Mirage 2000D-R1, 12.3 > 12.0 , like I get that it’s a mirage 2000 airframe, but it’s not only heavier, but also it’s defensive Armament consists of only 2 IR missile, it is essentially a ground attacker (that can’t even destroy a full base)it shouldn’t be at the same BR of the lighter Air superiority version


lots of good changes overall but maybe not enough in sim, like others I am quite surprised not to see any changes for the A-10C but the two changes that surprise me the most are the absence of the mirage 2000D-R1 in this list and especially the three mirage f1.

so my suggestions would be :

air realistic battles Mirage f1C, f1CT, f1C-200 12.0 > 11.7


You’re comparing two jets with exact same flight model and missiles that are both rear-aspect. J-7D to MiG-23 is substantially faster, all-aspect missiles, and radar missiles. Fighting a J-7D with a MiG-21SMT is not comparable to fighting a MiG-23 with a J-7D

Re-2005 Serie 0, AIR RB, 6.0 → 4.7
Over time, it continued to move up despite having INFERIOR performance to Spitfire F.9, which is 4.3. Re-2005 is VERY slow, especially when compared to F-84s which it can see. This aircraft MUST be reverted to a lower BR, it is genuinely miserable.


Delusional if you think their on-par weaponry makes them deserving of another BR step.

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GRB: 2S38 10.0 > 11.3 Reason: 2S38 is in the same class as the HSTV-L and Otomatic at a much lower BR. Either move the 2S38 up in BR, or move comparable vehicles down in BR.


These are astonishingly bad changes for such an overdue decompression for ground, I am truly shocked gaijin believes that the leopard 2a5 and 2a7 should be the same br, especially since the leopard 2pl is getting dm53 now… also how does the pantsir not move up despite being the most dominant aa system in the game by miles. Su27 at 13.0 is also a joke, gaijin truly thinks that a missile bus with hmd and the ability to take 10 of some of the best missiles in the game is 13.0 worthy, I mean there’s a reason this was moved up the first time why are they moving it down and making the same mistake as before. And 2s38 still a whole 1.4br below the HSTVL and otomatic despite outperforming them in many categories… I’m just amazed at this point

the 2005 serie 0 is one of the best props ive ever played i have a 6.0 kd in the 100s with it. you cheeky bugger