Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

Kinda yes,… JA-37D is currently no match for any F-16A.

The acceleration of the F-16A blk 10 is fairly superior to the JA-37D.

matter with what?
the APDS on the vehicles i mentioned is being changed, but we don’t know how much or how in gerneral buff, nerf or sidegrade, (all use the “30x170 APDS-T”)

Air Realistic, J-7D. 11.0 > 10.7. Why should the J-7D sit at 11.0 with the “bis” lineup and MiG-23 when these are faster and carry all-aspect missiles?


You need a separate comment for each of these vehicles

Either way, there’s like 4 different comments about Pantsir so that part is covered

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Vehicle: HMS Tiger
Gamemode: Naval Realistic
BR Change: 5.7 -----> 5.3
Reason: Despite its high firerate, it actually has a weaker fire rate than that of other light cruisers like USS Atlanta or USS Helena, and unlike those ships, the Tiger has terrible medium range accuracy. Additional, it has almost no armour, making it extremely vulnerable to even destroyers. 5.3 is a more reasonable BR for it at this time.

Alternative solution: Make its guns actually accurate


you have way better missile than mig21smt and you want it to move to 10.7? are you insane?

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Ground Realistic

FV102 Striker

Add spotting

It is part of the CVR(T) family, where the R quite litterally stands for Reconnaissance. It is a scouting vehicle, that doens’t have the ability to scout.


I wonder if just sending an excel sheet would be “approvable”

This is a bad idea; M1A1 AIM would be literally alone at 11.3, all so it keeps its unhistorical ammo choice.

Instead, this should happen;


Guys, F8U-2 is still in 10.0 with 4 good missiles, flares, speed, agility and good guns meanwhile while flareless phantom only now gets moved back to 10.3. I see no reason to keep F8 at 10.0. F-8E would go to 10.7 accordingly (or not)


Can we please finally put the KV1E amd KV1B up to 4.3 in RB?


Why arietes are moving up?
It really should be:
Ariete 11.3 to 11.0 reload buff remains
Ariete PSO 11.3 to 11.0 reload buff remains
Ariete AMV 11.7 to 11.3 reload buff remains

or let them stay at 11.3


F8U 10.0 > 10.7
It is as goood the f8e


Vehicle: J-7E
Gamemode: Air RB
BR Change: 11.0 ----> 11.3
Reason: It has unparalleled maneuverablity, as well as good missiles. still, maybe F-5E FCU should be moved to 11.7.


Air RB, Kurnass 2000. 12.3 > 12.0

Thank you for moving the Netz down in Air RB gaijin, it could not compete at 13.0 while it was lacking IRCCM missiles or any Radar guided missiles for that matter.
However, the Kurnass 2000 faces a similar problem, as it’s overtired due to the addition of the Python 3. Please consider moving it down a single step, just as you have moved down the Netz for the same reason. It’s still a phantom at the end of the day, and only gets slightly better Aim-9Ls essentially…


The leopard 2a4 is the second best MBT of 10.3. The only other tank that is better is the vickers Mk.7. The reload is only with a stock level 1 crew and can be improved to second with max ace crew. Russian MBT have a 7.1 second reload and cant be improved. The tank also has great armor and maneuverability (for A mbt)

Here are my thoughts regarding British vehicle, but I may have time to write them as well:

Comet I to 4.7 without APDS
Ram 3.7in to 4.7
Cent Mk.2 to 6.3
Conqueror and carnavon to 7.3
Warrior to 8.0
Stormer AD to 9.7
M113 ADATS to 11.3
Sea Fury FB.11 to 5.3
Spitfire Mk. XIVe, Mk. XVIII, LF Mk. IX access to full M20 tracer belt
Stirling Mk. III to 4.0
Lanc Mk. I/III to 5.0
Peacock and Orla to 3.7
Liverpool(and probably belfast) to 5.3
Hood, Renown, Barham: 15in 6crh APCBC


Lots of F8U posts still, so just want to say again, please search F8U in the thread; 2 of the first results will be the original ones arguing for it to go up to 10.3.

Upvote these if you agree that it is currently busted at its BR, as numerous upvotes on a singular suggestion will help get attention to it even more.


this is crazy and all and the arietes getting a reload buff is much needed but my goodness why are we still moving them up in br. its been known for ages the arietes are 11.0 br worthy MAX. the logic gaijin has for the amv being a higher br than the other arietes without the armour packages it COULD CARRY IRL, having all survivability stripped from it for a slightly powerful engine that gives it… the same acceleration as every other mbt in the game… but a lower top speed… just doesnt make any sense to me. leave the arietes at their current br and move everything else up. proper silly that. and now the otomatic is left without a lineup


F8F-1, Air RB, 5.0 → No change (or 5.3)
ANOTHER incident of an already strong aircraft going to obscenely low BR. it is already good at 5.0 and needs not go down.