Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

Unfortunately I have neither, I assume the datamine data is found at optimal speed but nobody can really know. We can call it splits and say they both have very bad FP compared to other jets but it’s a toss up between who would win in a dogfight.

Air Realistic Battle, J-7D. 11.0 > 10.7.

The J-7D does not have the same offensive capabilities of the Migs that are coming into its BR range, compared to them the J-7D is already lacking all-aspect missiles thus getting hindered at the start of matches, the lack of any radar missile also affects it’s performance, making it, in the currenty state of the game, underperform too much when facing jets with good Radar missiles such as F4Ss and F4Es, the inability to have a proper offensive capability on the start of the match (lack of all aspect and long range missiles) hinders the only strategy (climbing and boom and zoom) useless when this types of jets are on the opposite forces.

If Migs are ellegible for the 11.0 BR, the J-7D should be moved to the 10.7 so it can face less radar fights and more jets focused in the dogfight, such as F5Cs and J35Ds, then it can have a chance to use it’s rear-aspect missiles along with other similar playing jets and ordinaces i.e. Aim-9ps and Aim-9es.

In general the J-7D is already lacking in its current BR, keeping it in place while other jets are moved just cause it to be more inefective, hindering it useless in any type of scenario, facing all aspects in its BR and powerful radar missiles not even in a full uptier, meaning, the only hope for a decent match is a full downtier, when it can face dogfighting enemies.

Those are my points, feel free to disagree with them, it’s all based on personal experience and some feedback when researching about the jet on youtube.

Edit to point some disparities in armament for the proposed 11.0:

Mig 21 Bis SAU, Lazur, Bis (6x R60[MK/M] = 30g - All Aspect) (4x R3R = Radar 8km 10g)
Mig 23M, MF (6x R60[MK/M] = 30g - All Aspect) (2x R23T = 20g - All Aspect) (2x R23R = Radar 20km 20g)
J-7D (4x PL-7 = 35g - Rear Aspect)


In terms of range and max aam count it is the best yes.
However it has I believe the lowest G overload aam, and cannot defend itself unless you put yourself in position to die to it.

Dude… are you trying to rectify all these tech tree in one go? Like wow. Chill a bit eh?

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Naval AB & RB, Krasny Krym, 5.3 > 5.0. With a maximum of 8x130 guns available to fire, it’s firepower is similar to other 5.0 early cruisers such as Tama (6x140 maximum, slightly faster reload) or Trenton (7x152 maximum, slightly slower reload), but significantly weaker than 0ther 5.3 cruisers, and it’s armor isn’t impressive either. Currently I don’t believe there’s any reason for it to stay at 5.3.

Air RB, J35A . 9.7 > 9.3 Reasoning : RB24 missiles are too difficult to use in 10.7 top battles


The spall liner might save you from dying here and there, but a properly placed shot disables you anyway, and you don’t have the reverse to get out of danger, so you just die to the next shot. The spall liner is much better on the Leos because they actually have the ability to retreat to safety and repair in some situations.

Strv 81/Centurion Mk. 3, AB:

7.7 → 7.3.

The 20pdr is very inconsistent at its BR, and it gets sucked up into the black hole of death (8.7) most of the time.

This would also give a decent lineup with the Ikv 91.


Naval AB & RB, Spokoinyy, 5.3 > 5.0. Similar to the Krasny Krym, generally subpar at any aspect compared to other 5.3 vessels except fire control. However only 2x2 guns with significant gun distribution makes sniping ammo rooms at long ranges fairly difficult. It’s good performance before is mainly the consequence of fighting against large numbers of Moffett Silver Lion bots than it’s own capabilities. Since SL bots are now generally eliminated from naval battles now, the vessel (alongside with its premium counterpart Blagorodnyy)'s BR should be reconidered.

Lago I, AB:

2.7 → 2.3

Performs quite poorly at its current BR, especially when stock, and has a BR 1.0 gun, and regularly faces 3.7.

This should get it out of the 3.7 MM, which will help it a lot.


Why is the British 9.3 loadout getting absolutely gutted? Of the vehicles around 9.0 and 9.3 getting moved British tanks are half of them. MTTD getting DM33 is more than reasonable to then bump it up to 9.3, but then on what planet is moving the 105 to 9.7 justifiably fair?

On top of the that VFM5 to 9.7 is criminal. How the Class 3P and TAM 2IP can comfortably sit at 9.0 with similar capability and DM33 but the VFM5 is brought up to 9.7 is so beyond me. I guess every other nation will have a better time at 9.0 and 9.3 now but you’ll have a worse time than before with the British lineup, unless you drop the VFM5 and Rooi 105 (which are two of the most fun vehicles in that lineup). Sad.

Chieftain to 9.3 as well is funny, but it won’t particularly change much (and it wouldn’t really have a good lineup anymore anyway at 9.0 so it’s irrelevant).


Please put the object 292 to at least 11.0 maybe even 11.3.


I could agree with this. It’s a blast to use but it does punch far above its BR. I often take it in my 11.3-11.7 line up.

Lap loading can be done by anyone though. So it would still be a case of NATO tanks getting it. There’s quite a few videos of loaders being able to go as low as 4.3 without lap loading. Unless you count keeping the blow out door open. Then it’s still just under 5 seconds.

My BT-5 can still get kills playing at 10.3+ too

Aviation RB, F-104S.ASA, 12.0 > 11.7, The avionics performance (radar and RWR), armament (AIM-9L/4 + guns or AIM-9L/2 + SARH/2), and itself performance are all inferior compared to other BR 12.0 aircraft. It is not capable of fighting against BR 13.0 aircraft.


British RB Ground BR’s:

- RB, Centurion Mk 3: 7.7 down to 7.3. It’s been power creeped by new additions and previous BR adjustments. Just compare it to the Centurion Mk 5/1 which has far better armour and secondary weapons, the Caernarvon which has a better front plate, and then the Conqueror which has amazing armour especially with the add-on armour module.

At 7.3 the Centurion Mk 3 can make a line up with the FV4202 which it compares well against. This also opens up an opportunity to add a new Centurion 7/1 or 8/1 as a new 7.7 vehicle, though this can be saved for a dedicated suggestion.


Aviation RB, F-104S.ASA, 12.0 > 11.7, The avionics performance (radar and RWR), armament (‘AIM-9L/4 + guns’ or ‘AIM-9L/2 + SARH/2’), and itself performance are all inferior compared to other BR 12.0 aircraft. It is not capable of fighting against BR 13.0 aircraft.


SCIMITAR F MK1: 8.7----> 9.0 GBR. is the most completly broken jet in 8.7 for CAS specially in 8x8 squadron battles, there is no other counters for it, no AA systems, no other jets with that speed and climbrate + it has 4 bullpups, right now in 8x8 squadron battles is infested of Scimitars and you can do nothing about it, soo to be more fair for the sake of the gameplay and balance this plane should go up in BR to 9.0 in ground realistic battles.


Air RB

Yak-3U 5.7 → 6.3

The Yak3U has very good climb rate, insane sustained turn rate (thanks to very good energy retention), is very agile and responsive, and good firepower since the ShVAK buff. As if that wasn’t enough, it’s also VERY fast for something as maneuverable as it is - at low altitude it’ll easily outspeed a 109 K4 and even a P-51D-30, both of which can’t outmaneuver nor outclimb the 3U.

It’s easily one of the best 5.7s and arguably THE best, it shouldn’t see 4.7s AT ALL and even other 5.7s are greatly disadvantaged against it.