Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

i never notice it, for me all 3 is the same performance wise

HSTV-L should be placed at 11.3.
Terrible firepower, it is outclassed by the 2S38 in almost every performance category.


Keeping the Ariete AMV at the same br as the Leopard 2A7. WTF Is wrong with you gaijin?


It is, 2 PSO has same UFP composite as 2A5 while 122B+ has 122 composite UFP package


GRB, Leopard 2PL, 11.7

Like the 2A4M it’s still missing its spall liner (Community Bug Reporting System)


A6M6c… 5.0 > 4.7

The armour upgrade doesn’t make up for the reduced energy retention that occurred when the weight increase wasn’t paired with extra power. As the A6M is a turn fighter at heart it means it simply can’t reach its potential and deserves a downward nod.


The good news would be fixing the penetration fall off at range…

Why I am thinking.
Firstly, the small number of counter measures does not allow him to defend against a large number of Fox-3 missiles at the bottom of the list. Secondly, these are weapons. the absence of thermal missiles with jamming protection and aim-7f, which the bra 12.0 aircraft have, do not justify this high br to him. and his flight characteristics are worse than those of the f-16. and finally, the mig-21 bison, which has r-73 and r-27r missiles, has br 12.3, which seems unfair to me.

The kurnass 2000 is at a was to high br for just having some ok ir missiles in an radar missile meta.
Currently almost everyone you try to shoot dies from radar missiles before you can so a single Thing.

Kurnass 2000 12.3>12.0/11.7


ARB. Mirage 2000D-R1. 12.3 > 12. It has only 2 air-to-air missiles & no radar guided missiles. Even its gun pod is not available from initial purchase. Or, make the gun pod a non-researchable modification.


Thanks Gaijin Team for not forgetting about Simulator players as usual. Very nice changes!

On a British vehicle? Hmm


100% agreeance.
The IDS MFG is absolutely ABYSSMAL to play. Only 2 AAM along with the turn rate of a small building, makes this a sitting duck for anything coming at it.


I agree with raising the BR of the Type 10 tank to 12.0, but the Type 10 needs a buff, preferably with more armor and engine.


Air RB Ayit 9.3 → 9.7 With decompression for 10.0+ it should be possible for it to go up 0.3


Type 90/90B/90B “fuji” 11.0 > 11.7 - The best reload in its battle rating, has the same armor protection as other opponents, and is also not inferior in mobility to other tanks. The battle rating should be increased to 11.7 A/B


that’s not what i mean, i use 2a5pso as an example because 122b+ and 122a only differ in side armor, the same as 2a5 to 2a5 PSO

what i mean is all 122’s should have the same br, regardless it will be up br’ed to 12.3 or not, the same as 2a5 and 2a5PSO

Fleet → The highest battle rate should really be expanded to 7.3, or even 7.7. Many battleships take too many advantages to others in nowawdays’ naval confrontation. For instance , Japanese Navy even has 7 ships at 7.0 battle rate , among which the battle efficiency gap of Amagi and Kongo is too wide.


Overall I love this change, and how it’s beathing life into the 9.0-9.0 BR range which is full of wonderful cold war vehicles that suffered in perpetual uptiers. That’s going to be a real treat to play.

My biggest gripe has to be this though, the F8U is absolutely bonkers currently at 10.0. It has to be pound for pound one of the strongest planes at its BR in the game. You know it’s ridiculous when it’s spammed as hard as premiums and it’s a random mid-late TT vehicle, to the extent where every match at 9.7 is 10.0 mixed battles. I really hope they see your suggestion here and raise it to at least 10.3 because it’s really hurting that BR range of air rb.

Gaijin potentially hasn’t noticed it because of the mixed battles meaning half the F8U players lose every game and half wins, keeping its genuine effectiveness obscured.



N1K2-J, N1K2-Ja (I’m grouping these together since as of right now, in-game, they are COMPLETELY IDENTICAL IN EVERY WAY except the Ko model gets an option of 4x 60kg instead of 2x 60kg, I do not think this matters)

6.0 → 5.7
They have been nerfed somewhat recently with a significant increase to its weight, and have become less maneuverable + worse energy retention, two things it relies on due to its poor speed.