Air RB, Ju 388 J. 4.3 > 3.0
This is an event vehicle and was never popular, so after one BR change from 4.7 to 4.3, this aircraft was forgotten. This aircraft needs a drastic reduction in its BR because the BR at which it was introduced was extremely overrated. In short, it is a slightly better Ju 88 C-6, which is at 2.3.
detailed reason (very imported for everyone who has never played this aircraft):
It’s a slow and heavy aircraft with average weapons for its size and low ammo capacity, even compared to light aircraft. The Ju 88 C-6 (2.3) is very similar and suffers from the same issues. Both have downward-angled guns and their rudder is bad for vertical aiming. Just a little maneuvering by the enemy makes it impossible for you to hit them. Compared to the Ju 88 C-6, the Ju 388 J has more engine power and more powerful guns. But the drawbacks are too substantial and are cumulating in a very negative way:
Downward-angled guns + low-velocity 30 mm
Two bad factors that make each other even worse.
Downward-angled guns + weak rudder
It is already harder to aim horizontally. Most players will not engage in a head-on with the Junkers, so you have to try to hit them while they are evading (vertical aiming). Because your rudder is too weak to make quick adjustments, you have to roll your aircraft. Now imagine trying to aim a downward-angled gun while rolling. Hitting an aircraft becomes almost impossible.
Low and rare chances of hitting an aircraft + low ammo per gun
Two conflicting limitations: You have to take every small chance of landing a hit, but you can’t spare the ammo for it.
All that comes on top of the low speed, climbrate, turnrate and rollrate.
All the peculiar limitations of these aircraft and their role in the game as bomber-hunters that can’t hunt bombers due to a way too low airspawn and horrible climb rate still apply. Even with an airspawn, fighters that take off from the airfield will reach bomber height twice as fast! So you are forced to fight the fighters, which can always easily avoid you. Overall, the improvements of the Ju 388 J over the Ju 88 C-6 are small and don’t affect the aircraft’s performance by much.
PS: Don’t get fooled by the stat card of the Ju 388 J:
Two of four 20mm cannons with 400 rounds are “Schräge Musik” (in WT, dead weight).
612 km/h at 10,600m!!! - the game doesn’t even last long enough to reach that altitude. At lower altitudes, your speed is very similar to that of the Do 217 N or Ju 88 C-6.
Please don’t ignore this post and don’t forget about the existence of these aircraft.
THIS PLEASE, I know it’s not probably historical or anything, but seriously just because it’d be cool to see. It’d almost be like an HSTV-L alternative in my opinion, higher spall, longer reload, and no IRST, but M900 to go BRR.
This thing will be facing flankers in sim battles and it stands no chance. it can already face the mig-29 which curb stomps it without a second thought. The radar only has SRC and PDV HDN modes, which make it hard to acquire a lock sometimes. At the same time, aircraft equipped with the R-27ER missile and a PD radar can lock me up from 40km, launch at 30, and i cant do anything about it except attempt to evade. Plus this change would make the premium phantom on tier with the tech tree phantom that has the same * if not a little better* stat card and missiles. there’s no reason for this thing to be 12.0
Air Realistic Battles, F8U-2 . 10.0 > 10.7.
If the A-5C that is a transonic strike aircraft goes to 10.7 with only 2 rear aspect IR missles, there’s literally no reason on why a supersonic fighter, with way more flares, double the missles, better handling, better guns and better flight performances to stay at a BR in which it rains hell on even flareless subsonics.
Played 100 battles in the J7E since update, only got hit by one aim9m.
Stay aware of the A10C and you wont get hit by it. Keep in mind the aim9m is only really flare resistant in rear aspect.
No way, tell me a good reason on why something the super etendard or the AMX should face a supersonic SARHs flinging bus that the the phantom is. The F4JUNK is the worst one and is surely at a dodgy BR but it’s still usable.
its smokeless, and easy to miss when youre busy with other things. plus in Simulator this thing is just a griefing aircraft, you cant tell the difference between A and C, plus 4 9M’s is insane. it needs to go up, the A-10 can handle it easily with the amount of countermeasures and low speed performance.
the Phantom FGR.2 is at 11.3, and has the same abilities as the premium phantom, same missiles, same speed (actually a little better), same turn rate, etc
The F8U-2 needs to go up to 10.3 minimum, honestly 10.7 would be a balanced BR for it but even a 0.3 increase would help the health of jet tiers. Currently, the F8U almost completely outperforms every other fighter aircraft in every category at 10.0, let alone 9.0 aircraft which have no hope of defeating it. It is faster, more maneuverable, has more thrust, and has better missiles than most of it’s competition. The few planes that is does not have every advantage against it still outperforms massively in other aspects. For it’s BR, the F8U-2 might be the best aircraft in the entire game.
The J7E is also absolutely unreal at 11.0. It’s insane P/W ratio combined with the PL5s make it formidable at 11.3 and it has no business being 11.0.
The F8F-1 is already overpowered at 5.0 with the recent thermodynamics changes and does not deserve to be facing 3.7 aircraft. Additionally, the F5C going down to 10.7 is also a problem. Just because new players are picking it up as a premium and doing poorly in it does not mean that the F5C, which has very strong rate-fighting capabilities and very responsive FM for it’s BR, should be fighting 9.7 aircraft which it outperforms completely.
GRB PANTSIR S1 11.7>12.0
Pantisir shouldn’t stay at 11.7, since helicopters’ rb are raised, SPAA’s should be raised too, or no one can play heli at 10.7 any more. What’s more, many countries don’t have 10.7 CAS plane, like England or China. Jaguar GR.1A or A5L doesn’t have any effective way to fight against Pantisir S1, they only have 2 laser guided bombs.
I appreciate the Reload buff for the Merkava, but can you correct its weight and make the armor actually great? It can’t stop 9.3 shells, why is it even at 12.0?