lmao why so mad
The only reason Sea Vixen clubs on people is because they lost most of their brain cells and lack any situational awareness/have no idea how to dodge a 12G missile - in both cases that’s a skill issue.
lmao why so mad
The only reason Sea Vixen clubs on people is because they lost most of their brain cells and lack any situational awareness/have no idea how to dodge a 12G missile - in both cases that’s a skill issue.
All of the 8.0 Vampires should go down to 7.7. They aren’t that good anymore, since they’re the same BR as Mig-15s/Sabres, and commonly face enemies with an airspawn.
GRB, T-64A. 9.3 > 9.0
The T-64A does not belong at 9.3, it’s worse in almost every way compared to the T-72A, which is also at 9.3. It has worse armour, same gun, almost same mobility, no smoke grenades, no laser rangefinder, and is a lot less survivable compared to the T-72A which sits at the same BR. The T-64A at 9.0 would make it much more balanced.
The 30mm cannon in the game requires a higher rate of fire to accommodate the increasing BR.
LOL. That’s right
Actually I’ve from flying it don’t use your afterburners after passing them they don’t get good lockons for aircraft not using their burners for some reason
Quite surprised about all the 11.3 and 11.0 planes going down. They were stomped by F-14’s thus their stats went down. But the F-14’s BR increase will get them space to have fun against the intermediate fighters that are F4S, early Mirage 2000 and Mig23’s.
In the meantime when I play the F-14’s I get stomped by the top tier fighters. The thing is 13.7 is a black hole gathering most 12.7 aircrafts, making the F-14A meta for 11.3 -12.3 fights. The F-14’s BR increase will save the 11.3 - 12.3 matches and thus re balance this area. Doing so will kill the F-14’s until we get 14.0 and 14.3 BR in game releasing pressure of top tier on them. It’s basically the usual WT top tier BR black hole for the no longer top tier aircrafts. I believe just increasing the F-14 is enough to leave the 11.0 / 11.3 alone.
Here’s the solution for all match making problems VEHICLE RANK MATCH MAKING NO UP-TIERING NO DOWN-TIERING LIKE THE ORIGINAL MATCH MAKING WAS WHEN THE GAME CAME OUT! I’ve been playing for over 10yrs on PC and Console that was the worst decision ever made by your developers and managers it scared away they original player base
The US F8’s crusader 2 staying at their current BR is a mess for their BR brackets. They must go up the release pressure bellow them. Between the premium black hole around 10.0 and the Crusaders, grinding the 9.3 aircraft is a mess.
GRB, T-72B, 10.0 > 10.0
Simply put, this thing does not offer any advantage compared to it’s foldered counterpart, at the same BR. The T-72B (1989) has the same engine, armor, gun and shells, but also gets Kontakt-5, which is much more helpful than Kontakt-1.
Aircraft rank V battle rating change for Air RB
Z-10 11.7 (old) - > 11.7 (new)
Until now, the Z-10 has not received a modernized RWR, nor more powerful missiles (such as CM502KG), and the AKD10 flies too slowly. This problem is as serious as the AH64D, maybe you will say that the Z-10 has a powerful air-to-air missile - TY90, but I use helicopters for ground attack, isn’t it? The TY90 is powerful, but this does not mask the weakness of a ground attack, nor does it prevent incoming missiles. To sum up, the Z-10 needs to be strengthened to adapt to more intense battles in the future.
You need to make a separate comment for each vehicle, or it will not be considered
MPK Pr.201K 3.3>3.7
The rear mounted 45mm has more punch than the 2M-3 of the 201K thanks to having a true HE rounds, but still suffers from the same blind arcs. Unlike the smaller calibre weapon it lacks AP and pushing it up to face destroyers and more armoured boats will only highlight this. It’s also less useful against air targets as it lacks the high rpm needed to make up for the lack of HE-VT instead relying on less than great timed fuses.
Holy cope.
RB, Pantsir-S1 11.7 → 12.0. The Pantsir is still leagues better than any NATO SPAA in top tier. It should move higher along with the top tier lineup.
RB, Rooikat 105 9.3 → stay in 9.3. Why is the 105 going up to 9.7, while the Rooikat MTTD, that is now getting the same DM33 shell, stays in 9.3? The MTTD now will have the same ammunition selection with a faster automatic reload, while the 105 needs an Ace crew to reach the same reload speed. Keep the 105 the same BR as the MTTD (if the MTTD gets DM33).
totally agree, F8U-2 has made air RB too hard for 9.3 br planes. when i play ayit, i often see f8u above me, its a horrible experience.
Statcard top speed doesn’t matter!
It doesn’t actually tell us anything. For example, an R-27ER has a statcard top speed of M5.8, but never once has it actually gone Mach 5 under realistic conditions even as high up as 10km and as fast as M1.5 aircraft speed.
In actual conditions, an R-77 will always be faster than a Skyflash Supertemp, like 200m/s faster.
RB, AGS 11.0 → 11.3. Please give it M900. The M833 struggles to keep up with the armor of top tier MBTs. The IPM1 with a .3 seconds longer reload gets M900, why shouldn’t this thing?