Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

F8F-1 to 4.7? Why, it’s already far better than anything at it’s BR. Pls stop balancing by stats and do it with the actual vehicles’ performance
Also move the F-104s up if you do it with the SU-7s aswell, they’re better than the latter


CN m60a3 is too weak comparing to the US one while sitting at same BR

need to add M774 to CN M60A3


One can only huff copium and hope for the best.

RB, Leopard 2A4M: add DM53

I don’t see a reason to buy the 2A4M when the 2PL now has better armor AND firepower tbh. Maybe only the 2PL fixed DM43 or KE-W and the 2A4M DM53 instead?


Ground RB, XM8. 9.7 > 10.3

There is no US Ground lineup at 9.7 anymore. Why have this single vehicle there when it could instead receive the following buffs and serve a useful role in a higher BR?

-Add M900 which the vehicle used historically
-Add blow-out panels it has lacked since addition


Decompression is nice. Doesn’t help the most compressed BR of 11.7 itself (why is the 2A5 still the same BR as the 2A7???) but its alright.
Why aren’t the T-72A/M1 and ZTZ96 going up? Why is the PUMA going up?
F-14s going up- good.
Su-27s going down- bad
F-15s staying- bad
F-16s going down- extremely bad
MiG-21bis going down- bad
Mig-23s going down- good. But where are the ML, MLA, MLD?
Why is the F3H-2, one of the top 9.3s, going down???

And now BR changes that need to happen:

  • Further decompression of ground to 12.7. Specifically, only affecting current 11.7s/soon 12.0s. Again, why is the 2A5 the same BR as the 2A7+?
  • F-104s except the A/C need to be reduced by .3 across the board. They are just such poor aircraft with no maneuverability, and armament and speed matched by superior aircraft at their own BR. The Italian G also needs the extra pair of 9Js.
  • The Leo A1A1 and TAM have opposite BRs- the TAM is more mobile, more survivable, and has LRF while the A1A1 doesn’t (and essentially every other 9.0 does). TAM and 2IP +.3, A1A1 -.3
  • R-13Ms for all R-3S carriers except MiG-17AS, MiG-21F-13, and appropriate .3 BR increase for aircraft without R-60s
  • Obj. 292 and 120S are still undertiered
  • Many 6.7s still managed to avoid the BR jump from like a year ago… Come one why is the Tiger II P and H both the same BR? Why is the T34 fighting T-34s?
  • F-4F still missing 9Ls 3 years later…
  • M36s still undertiered
  • 17pounder, SA-50 armed vehicles as well as the ARL-44 still undertiered
  • Panzer IVs still undertiered

And I’ll link a fix for top tier aircraft-


Air RB, F-5C 11.0>10.7

It is absolutely mental to have F-5E at the same rank, when it has stronger engine and better missiles. One of the worst changes in the previous update, rendering the plane completely useless in current meta and facing planes that simply outperform him in both flight performance and weaponry. And no, moving F-5E to higher rank to justify that change is NOT what we are asking.



Now that many of the former 10.3s and 10.7s have moved up, this plane is too powerful for 9.3.

9.7 is a good start to see how it does there.

Can’t wait to see Zero fight Tomcats


If you want to raise the Type 90 to 11.7, you need to strengthen the armor, or JM33


The Netz should go more down than from 13.0 to 12.7 it has no radar missiles and the Phyton 3 are just a bit better than AIM9L

Netz 13.0>12.3


AIR RB MODE: 13.0 → 12.7

The flight model (nose authority at low speed is inexistant for a DELTA wing + canards,…)and weaponnary aren’t on par with Su-27/J-11 which are going down to 13.0

Mirage 4000 may have a lot of Magic-2, but need to use the fuel tanks to support them which adds drag and weight.

The Super 530D is clearly not on par with R-27ER abilities, neither is the RDM-3 radar in comparison to J-11/Su-27 radar.

Doesn’t recieved any form of HMD as for the Mirage 2000C-S5 which is at BR 12.3 Air RB, and not alike J-11/Su-27, which reduce the ability of Magic-2 at close range.


Just like in the historical documentary Top Gun!

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With these new BR changes I believe that a new shell for the Leclerc is long overdue.

It hasn’t received any new shell since its introduction in May 2019 (over 5 years ago !!), back then it was part of its uniqueness, a great shell on a good tank.

Nowadays the Leclerc gets completely overshadowed by its contemporaries, due to lackluster armor, over average but not exceptional mobility and large weakspots.
Tanks such as the 2PL and the M1A1 HC offer very similar gameplay but have edges over the Leclerc (most notably much more reliable armor and survivability) for only small drawbacks, and these tanks are now receiving significantly better firepower whilst being at a lower BR.

I believe that giving great firepower to the Leclerc would restore its uniqueness and give it a bit more reason to play it over its counterparts.


Take another look at the changes. F-5C was moved to 10.7. F-5E still at 11.0.

The Final Countdown (1980)

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Yeah, but they still lose in a dogfight xD

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Wyvern isn’t even particuarly good in GRB, I always take the Hellcat Mk II out over it and that’s already a full 1.3 BRs lower


Leclerc is no longer good for anything except being fast.

A new APFSDS must be added.


Questions for the project developer, not me. The tank is not inferior to its analogues in other countries