Planned Battle Rating changes for January 2024

Giving the AGS a slightly better shell is just not worth it. The tank is a slightly older event vehicle just let the thing sit at its current battle rating please.


Can you explain WHY you are moving certain French vehicles to 8.0 when they are effectively undergunned/tech in comparison.


Yup, improving the core gameplay and game modes would go a lot further for balancing than adjusting BRs every month.

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At least those with Sparrow capabilities, I think those without are probably alright.

They should remain/be shifted down. Compare the Chally 3 to the Leopard 2A6/M1A2(?) and thats a mostly fair comparison its not on STRV 122/Leo2a7/m1a2 sep level.

Imo they should all be shifted down, eg CR2E and CR3 and Black knight as the same br as the 2a6, with the fat Cr2’s 0.3 below (unless their armour packages are fixed).

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But said apds belts on other AA vehicles are severely limited. The falcon is not. This leads to increased lethality over other AA vehicles.


But they are slow with glacial levels of gun handling. The T-55AMD-1 especially is not much better than the T-55M or ZTZ-95D1 in the swedish tree thanks to no improvements to turret protection. The AM probably should go up though.

Its fine at 9.7 but could do ok at 10.0. The Khrizantema is not survivable thanks to the changes so that its launcher actually explodes now.

My personal opinion for vehicles that really need changes is the Chieftain Mk3 at 8.7. Its more akin to the T-55A than to the T-55AM/AMD.


If you put all f15s and their variants to 12.7 than what they have could be worth to compare with f16c? Which obviously has better A2G capability, more maneuverable (higher SEP) on low deck and most important the HMS. If they gonna recover the sparrows’ performance then I wouldn’t say a word.

Tens of thousands don’t want it lol. It can be a seperate mode perhaps.

First and foremost. Speed. F-15 is the fastest jet in the game.

Also worth remembering, as far as I am aware. the F-15s have placeholder radars currently. No way of know what they will be like once finished.

Mght yet get HMD. But will have to wait and see on that part and there is a bug report in for them missing BOL rails as well, to increase CM count.

Then finally, we just have to hope the Aim-7M/Skyflash (DF and SuperTEMP) get fixed at some point. Just a lot of issues for those SARH currently.

Though its less about F-15s vs F-16C or Su-27 and far more about F-15s vs Mig-23/Phantom/Tonrado/Viggen etc. The 11.3s. I feel the main point of moving the 12.3s to 12.7 is nothing to do with the 12s, but about moving them out of range of the 11.3s which have been rendered unplayable for the past few months, especially the last few weeks


“First and foremost. Speed. F-15 is the fastest jet in the game.”
it isn’t

Thats good, oscilating turreted french tanks are overpowered and need some balancing.

Certainly faster than anything and everything at top tier

F-15A: 2505 kph
Su-27: 2357 kph
Tornado F3/ADV: 2308 kph
Mig-29G: 2306 kph
Mirage 2k: 2174 kph
Mirage 4k: 2174 kph
Mig-29SMT: 2216 kph
F-14B: 2181 kph
Gripen A/C : 2134 kph
F-16C: 2073 kph

(numbers in game, most stock)

What is actually faster?


Well, yeah, it’s currently plagued with random wing rips, and some random other planes as well. F-15 is probably still under tiered, that is just by its secondary weapons.

it’s slower than even the F-16 on the deck and it’s slower than even the MiG-23 at altitude

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The AMX M4, it going up in RB will mean facing 8.0 MBTs, some of them with stabilised guns, and generally lots of HEAT shells, it will not be very pleasant to play, it will be penetrated by everything (it’s turret armor is still incorrect btw: Fwd: Aug/11/2022 []  AMX M4, Turret armour way underarmored - Documented Ground Reports - War Thunder - Official Forum , it’s elevation limits are underperforming too, even though they’re listed as 15 degrees in game, they only achieve about 10 iirc: ( Char AMX M4 TO90 Turret - Incorrect Elevation Limits - Documented Ground Reports - War Thunder - Official Forum)and it’s gun will be it’s only saving grace and even there it’s not much better than anything around it because it’s reload is hampered at 6.7 seconds, where historically it was 4: ( Incorrect Reload Rate For French 90mm Autoloaders (AMX M4 and Char 25t) ADDENDUM - Already Reported & Resolved - War Thunder - Official Forum on the other to not make it too strong in downtiers, this tank’s AP shell should be adjusted, as it’s weight is incorrect, being 11.2 kg like in the arl-44 instead of the historical 10.735 kg: ( Char AMX M4 - Incorrect Ammo Modelled - Documented Ground Reports - War Thunder - Official Forum) this would slightly reduce penetration. Furthermore the AMX-50 and Lorraine should receive their commander’s override if they have to go up: (29-09-2021) [] Lorraine 40t/AMX-50: Commander view/gun control missing - Documented Ground Reports - War Thunder - Official Forum


Air RB
Can we please add AIM7E2 to F4EJ?
F4E and Kurnass are just better than you in every aspect.
AIM7E at 11.0 is dead weight. If you dont use this, SARH capability only on paper, then you have a worse version of F4F at 11.0 :S

Drop it to 10.7 or just add 7E2

So is USA MAIN only really good when they play with other nation’ planes? Your argument defames my efforts on F15. I had to put in a lot more effort but couldn’t even get the desired results. try playing F15A and make it have more than 60% winrate in 300 matches and 1:4 KDA at least, then I will listen to you.

The people calling for F15 to move up with su 27 and gripen are people who don’t have good stats on F15 and they don’t play it as often as their favorite country. Bringing up F15 only helps them have an easier life on the toptier.

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Havin some link troubles I see ;)