Planned Battle Rating changes for January 2024

still no change in BR of russian coastal ships!
PR206, SKR7 and SKR1 urgently need a upgrade to 4.7. or 5.0
They totally ruin the coastal gameplay resulting in a massacre when beeing top-tier facing BR3.3 and 3.7 boats. PR206 can easily face destroyers using their fast torps and the SKR ships have no issues with destroyers in their BR plus creating an non-flight zone due to their proxy fuse shells


You love destroying every French vehicle at the second it have some glory and weight in the game like the other nations, isn’t it ?

Gonna be fun to fight stabilised tank with unstabilised 90mm.

What a joke.


bruh, you really think the Mig29(9.12/13) can be 12.7, with F16C/SU27/JAS39?

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Please set max BR to 24.3

Spreadsheet proposal.

Or start at the lowest BR.

  1. take the vehicles underperforming and leave them at their current BR.
  2. take the vehicles performing fine, shift them and every higher BR vehicle up 1 step.
  3. take the vehicles overperforming, shift them and every higher BR vehicle 2 steps up.

Underperforming vehicles are fighting things too strong for them to handle, creating space is the only way to see what’s underneath.

Expanding the top cap doesn’t help without creating space, space MUST be created bottom up, not top down.

Vehicles should only be shunted down in BR as a last resort.


Char 25t 7.7 8.0 7.7 8.0
AMX-50 (TO90/930) 7.7 8.0 7.7 8.0
Somua SM 7.7 8.0 7.7 8.0
E.B.R. (1963) 7.7 8.0 7.7 8.0

Taking these french tanks to 8.0, doesn` t make sense.
AGS to 11.0 why?


How do all 3 F15s stay at 12.3 but the Barak II gets moved to 12.7… im not sure if this an early april fools joke or what but you have to be kidding right


it`s obvious that Gj hates french tanks since the permanent BR ups of the EBR-tanks. Resulting having a light tank with a M24-like gun at 5.7


So the Falcon is gonna get upped again for no real reason.
Are you balancing it as an SPAA or as a tank destroyer cus I think you really need to start being consistent with it.

Putting it higher as a tank destroyer is only gonna make it more powerful since it sees less and less vehicles that have armour while as an SPAA it now sits higher or at the same BR than some radar guided SPAA while vehicles like the M53/59 or Leopard/40 sit at a far lower BR but can still dish out the same damage to tanks while the M53/59 is an insane and easy to play SPAA. Meanwhile the US still barely has functioning SPAA in that bracket.

The sporadic balancing with the Falcon feels like it’s just a vendetta at this point instead of a realistic attempt at balancing it.

The AMX M4 at 7.0 is just mental to me as well, if you’re gonna put that to 7.0 you may put the Tiger 2H to 7.0 as well.
The French vehicles that are going 8.0 is just mindboggling, it’s almost like sometimes Gaijin doesn’t realize their own 1.0 matchmaking spread and the lack of balance in it.

The majority of this balancing chart just feels disconnected and out of touch. The lack of mid and high BR German vehicles on it speaks volumes.


They should definitely be lower, maybe even 2 brackets lower than the SU-27 imo with just the R-60’s. Yes the R27ER’s are good, but the radars aren’t fantastic and they only have 2, the rest of their missiles are 1 flares.

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Good change for top air SB.

All the proposed changes are referred to RB:
Sagittario 9.0 → 9.0
Shouldn’t move at all. Especially considering what’s above it.

KF-41 10.7->10.3
Poor armor, poor gun performance and lackluster missile and amount of them.

Ariete(both WAR and PSO) 11.3->10.7
Time to face it, the tanks is just bad.
Remove the DM53, give it back the CL3143 and keep it at a decent BR.

Ariete AMV 11.7->11.0/3
Still a bad tank but slightly better.

These changes should be now possible thanks to the prospect of the Hungarian Leo2A7 taking the place at top tier until the Centauro 2 and the Leopard 2A8IT show up.

OTOMATIC 11.3->10.3
Everyone agrees on it, limited APFSDS count, enormous dimensions, limited engagement range, relatively slow RoF(compared to similar cannons), ammunition replenishment of the carousel is embarassing for how long it takes.
While at 10.3 you can find the way more reliable Flarak platforms, at 10.7 you can find the 2S6.
To top it all, at 10.0 we can find the 2S38 that is almost identical to the Otomatic except for the radar feature but on the other side it has:
more ammo, a smaller size, faster reload both of the gun and ammo carousel and, to top it all, no limitation on how many APFSDS rounds it can carry.

TCM AGS 10.3->11.3:
Everyone hates it but at least give it a round that can compete. Add the M900 to it.

J-8B and J-7E: Add the PL-5C
Maybe move them to 11.3 if needed.


Yep. I can. Because the Mig-29 (both the 12 and 12.3) curb stomp 11s and 11.3s still. But do fine against 12s/12.3/12.7s

Moving the Mig-29 with R-60s up to 12.3, protects 11s from having to face R-27ERs, the most OP weapon system, in game. But doesnt put it at the same BR as the 12.7s.

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What is with Gaijin and M833? Just give it to all the tanks capable of firing it. It should be as common as DM33 at this point.


Good changes overall for top tier Air RB, however I want to request a double take in looking at the changes for the French 7.7 vehicles with regards to the rest of the opponents. For example the Turm III is at 8.3 with a strong 105mm cannon and powerfull rounds, a stabilizer and very mobile, with the changes a tank like the Somua at 8.0 with only a regular solid shot AP and 4s autoloader is in no way shape or form a simple 0.3 BR difference from a Turm III, let alone the other nations vehicles.


Good catch. We need that bracket! A good amount of premium grinders exist there. Every BR needs a chance to be top tier in the rotation.

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its the problem of toptier, should make 12.7 to 13.0 or even higher, but now only put the Mig29A to 12.7

Aml 90 at 7.7 , it’s fine in 7.3 and could even be lower , but whatever…
But char 25t and To90 at 8.0 ??? Wtf Gaijin ???
What I am gonna do with 200mm of pen against 9.0 vehicle with stab , apsfds and way more armor ??
It should be 7.7 or even 7.3 …


Agreed, but until then, 12s to 12.3 and 12.3 to 12.7 would do wonders for for those at and around 11/11.3

French 7.7 → 8.0, making uptiers even more common and more impactful is a horrible change. Despite these tanks having decent mobility and firepower, the lack of things like stabilizers, rangefinders, APDS and HEATFS, and even shells like APHE(aside from CHAR & TO90), vs. tanks with most of not all of these components.

The CHAR25t and TO90/930 are victims of good statistics, and while are very strong vehicles on their own, a shell with barely more than 200mm of pen at 8.0 is gonna force a very passive and flank heavy play style. Imagine being in one of these and encountering an OBJ 279 LOL, just J out at that point.

edit: spelling mistake


We’re going to be carefully reading your feedback on the planned Battle Rating changes, so please feel free to share your thoughts and any suggestions that you may have for them.

The br increase for top tier is nice, i think the F15 should join the lineup of top tier jets at 12.7.

A6M5 ko should not move up to 5.3 (RB) as it’s equivalent to the tech tree A6M5 with the only change being minor round increase in 20mm, neither performance is not good enough to face jets.

Wyvern should move up to 4.7 (RB).

P-51D-20/10/5 should stay at 4.3 (RB) as its performance is too good against 3.0/3.3/3.7 planes.

A-36 should stay at 3.0 (RB) instead of being lowered to face 1.7/2.0/2.3 planes more often.

P39 (N/Q, all countries) should be raised to 3.0 (RB) as performance is too high for 2.7.

Ju 288 C should be raised to 6.3 or 6.7 (AB/RB/SB) as its too effective of a bomber at 6.0 and outspeeds most fighter aircraft it faces with good defensive armament.

also of note:

AMX should be raised from 10.3 to 10.7 (AB/RB/SB)
A-10A (late) should be raised from 10.3 to 10.7 (AB/RB/SB)
A-10A should be raised to 10.3 (AB/RB) with SB battle rating staying the same
A-6E tram should be raised to 10.7 (AB/RB/SB)

all due to their offensive air and ground armament outclassing everything at the same BR and lower, being perfectly capable of using them in ground and air battles at a higher BR.

JH7A should stay at 11.3

A7D (SB) should be raised from 9.7 to 10.3.