You do realize that the missiles it faces can be evaded just by starting a slight turn (exceptions being the Ayit and AV-8s, but those are their own problems)?
Missiles around the 9.0-9.7 range purely exist to catch people who are out of energy (Ariete will never be if flown complemently) or who lack situational awareness (pilot error, once again).
First it was the planes don’t have RWR, then it was that planes don’t have an RWR that can see the missile, then it was that directional RWR wasn’t enough, now it’s that the RWr can’t show you where the missile is at.
If you know where the F-14 spawns, you know where the missile is coming from. At any altitude, the missile makes a giant contrail. Look for it. If it’s too close that you can’t turn around, you can out pull it. If not, you have more than enough time to turn around. I do this stuff all the time. I haven’t died to the Fakour all but once. And it was when I wasn’t paying attention. What a surprise.
When they start to face AMRAAMs, it won’t be that simple.
Can you please put the Vijayanta down in br to something like 8.0 in realistic battles? It has no right being the same BR as the Turm III. It has no autoloader (yes it has a fast reload but the apds and heat is very inconsistent) and it has a pretty low top speed. The armor isnt good as well.
The aircraft is in a very bad state, being not only heavier but lacking the improved tail of the IIN Late.
The Shafrir 2 would be a nice upgrade to the Shafrir 1, having slightly improved range and maneuverability to compensate for the very poor maneuverability of the aircraft as it is no longer viable to be played as an interceptor and especially not a bomber since it is too slow to outrun enemy aircraft.
Absolutely will not go back down. All-aspect AIM-9L slingers have no place against any of the jets they can already see in a downtier, and dont need to see 9.0 again.
Jas 39-A 13.0>12.7
It’s extremely difficult to play with Aim 7-E2’s being your only radar missile, especially with constant up tiers to 13.7 and 14.0.
Jas 39-C 13.7>13.3
It has the least number of Fox 3’s at 13.7 and it gets constant up tiers to 14.0 where it faces the much superior Eurofighter and Rafale. It was fine when it was the best dogfighter, but now it’s useless to play.
You guys are absolutely sluggish when it comes to Chinese tech tree , no spall liners for pla tanks , not even giving us light tanks , before you move the jh-7a to a higher br at least give it it’s 4 kh-29s and at least 2 irccm missiles
Jas 39-C 13.7>13.3
It has the least number of Fox 3’s at 13.7 and it gets constant up tiers to 14.0 where it faces the much superior Eurofighter and Rafale. It was fine when it was the best dogfighter, but now it’s useless to play.
This seems like a fine change until you look inside and see that all the F-86s and MiG-15/17 variants are undertiered and should just move back up. I don’t like the idea of moving even more aircraft down at all personally, it’s just undoing all the decompression.
Naval RB (AB as well) RN Ghibli 4.0 → 3.3, this boat is ridiculously overtiered, it has destroyer’s spawn while worse in everything than any frigates or even reserve destroyers. Weapon consists of 2 outdated 100 mm with slow rate of fire, it has very poor survivability, prone to be ammoracked, poor 450 mm torpedoes, no secondary cannons, only AA, which consists of 20 mm Bredas, so nothing good either, it doesn’t have some modern rangefinders, so distance is updated rather slowly, there is literally nothing making it not even 4.0, but 3.7 as well.
I should say that this is the worst vessel I have ever played.
Either the others need to move back up or the F1 and a few others need to move down. I dont really mind which. Its really unfair to do neither especially when the reasons given for the others all apply to the F1 and yet it was untouched.