Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

GRB JA37C 11.0-10.3.
Only A2G weapon is CCIP rocket pods, would be very helpful in CAP operations without any meaningful CAS addition. (Also if you could give a lookover of all swedish jets in GRB it would be nice)

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The reason they get air spawns is because under certain configurations they basically can’t take off

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Have to agree with this. I see more uptiers playing 5.7 US than I do downtiers and your only real tactics against it are CAS or hoping you can get a flank.

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Air-RB ,A1A AMX 11.3 → 11.0
At current state the AMX is already weaker than its competition , being too slow to bomb bases , too weak Air-Air capacity with very inconsistent missiles aswell as not having that many flares to dodge many missiles , im being very generous to say that at 11.0 this would have some chance of having fun while flying this because this is just a overtiered 10.7 vehicle , now with these proposed changes it would just make this plane completly usless , on same BR you get better planes already , if those changes go foward on full uptiers its now not only fighting F14’s , its also able to face F16’s ,


I don’t think it’s fair for skyflashes and a PD radar to be at 10.3 for anti air

ZSD63 PG87, Phong kong T-34
Switch positions and ranks in the research tree, such that Phong kong T-34 is Rank III and ZSD63 is Rank IV

With the ZSD63 moving up to a higher BR than the Phong kong, it makes sense for it to be placed later in the research tree. This is also sensible as the Soviet premium Phong kong is already Rank III.

So what about T29 and T34?

7.3 → 6.7 ARB

Massive, slow prop-driven target from WW2 fighting jets and early AAMs with defensive armament not designed to take on all-metal jet fighters?


8.0 → 7.0 ARB

Same story as the B-29A replied above with better armament that gets to fight even more AAMs and jets with heavy guns.


F16A (France) - ARB - 13.0 → 12.7.
The other F16A are dropping a BR. With the current kit of the F16A (France), only having short range IR missiles, the BR of 13.0 is not coherent, especially with full up tiers to top tier being so frequent. While the AIM9M obviously should not allow it to go as low as other F16As, but now that those are moving down, the French variant should also follow.


ARB, JA37D 12.0 > 11.7. Reasoning; It has bad flight performance and the missile kit for the BR isn’t great at all (normal Skyflashes and aim-9L’s). With other planes having a way better kit (at 11.7 R24R/T etc ) and in an uptier it can even see Fox 3’s, which is ridiculous for the D variant (not to be confused by the 13.0 DI variant). The Tornado F.3 is ~150kts max speed faster than the JA37D, Gets 8 total missiles, which includes the SuperTEMP (upgraded Skyflash), approx the same amount of Flares/Chaff.

It is a marginal upgrade to the JA37C viggen (11.3), and that’s only due to its RB74s. It has the same exact engine and radar as the C variant. IRL the D was the upgrade that gave a data link to the aircraft and RB.99s (aim-120s), which the latter the DI now has, which I’m fine with.


PzH 2000/ PzH 2000HU
7.7 → 8.0
Fix the Issues on it(mainly Spall-Liner for the BR) and move it to atleast 8.0, good mobility, VERY good firerate


Just like the A29, but we don’t see any complaints about that.

Atleast remove the airspawn from the F-84G, since those can’t see small afs afaik.

Its actually because israeli pilots are just better than the average USA pilot (gaijin doesnt think about actual aircraft differences AT ALL when making BRs, they aren’t even aware the python 3 is a better missile!)

but don’t tell USA pilots that!

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8.0 → 8.3
Has very good mobility, good firerate, Has gen.3 Thermal and also an


PzH 2000
7.7 → 8.0 GRB

This thing has no business fighting WW2 heavies. Fully autoloader howitzer with a LRF and surprising survivability.


is somebody here asking for that?

Air SB
13.0 → 12.7

The aircraft is permanently in the BR deck 13.0+. The fact that the F-15A, MiG-29G, and big amount of FOX-3 carriers are on the same BR don’t makes any sense. They have more than 4 IRCCM AAMs. But if that was the only reason… FOX-3s against AIM-9L and AIM-7F/M is crazy

And how is the F-20 compared to the F-4S? The current best 12.0? Oh it’s just flatout better in most ways? Maybe you shouldn’t advocate for compression.

No they didnt lmao they doubled down on it last I saw with the tornado br changes