Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

Ground RB - Jaguar IS
11.0 > 10.7
A single extra LGB does not really warrant a 2 step BR increase over the other Jaguars with smart ordnance, epically considering the retainment of the same countermeasures suite. This change also allows for a Indian Armed Forces line up (Bhishma, OSA-AK, Strella, & of course Jaguar IS) without up tiering the lone high tier Indian MBT to a possible 12.0 matchmaker.


It is true that the Israeli F-16D is inferior to the F-16C in terms of performance and armament capacity. However, it is not so inferior to the F-16C as to take the BR down a notch, taking into account the HMD and radar.

I think so.
But still, does it really deserve to be 11.3 because of that ?

Even with that, IFVs are still pretty useless.
I still have to see a guy that has respectable IFV stats, especially for higher tier ones.

11.3, I don’t know. Higher than 10.3? Definetly. Most of the BMPs are under BRed

It’s solid, but where it’s at. Could maybe go to 10.7, but no higher. Can one-shot it by just shooting the top of the turret. It’s so situational.

The kfir C.2 definitly shouldn’t be 11.7 for the crime of having two python 3’s. It used to be the same br as the mig 21 bis, witch is about equally as good as the kfir c.2. But now they are 2 battlerating steps away from each other.
I also want to mention the F-5E FCU, witch has two python 3’s plus two AIM-9P-4’s. It has arguably better cannons with twice the ammo count, and more flares (some are even large caliber) with better placement. The F5E-FCU has all of this and a good flight model, at a lower br of 11.3.
I say the Kfir C.2 should be at 11.3.


Vehicle: Type 87 RCV Prototype
Gamemode: Ground Realistic
BR Change: 7.7 → 7.3

Reason: The Type 87 RCV prototype is at an br where no other vehicle is ground wise,
Only in air you have 2 vehicles, but that isn’t an line up.
It is speedy, it can be used an anti air and it can scout people.
The pen is horrible in full uptier of 8.7


The TT AMX already has them at 10.7

Because of ?
I find them to be pretty balanced, especially when compared to something like Begleit.

The Thai F-16 OCU just became even weirder.

It’s an aircraft that suffers from artificially inflated BR from ahistorical AMRAAM and missing more than half of its countermeasures, and instead of fixing any of that they decide to add HMD it never had…

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In the British tech tree the premium Harrier GR.1 sits at 9.7 but lacks any effective air to air weaponry(just it’s funny missiles) especially considering it’s peers and the availability of countermeasures. The Harrier GR.3 sits at the same 9.7 br yet has countermeasures and a proper set of air to air missiles(as opposed to the SRAAMs).

This plane as a result is entirely useless out of getting lucky and hitting a base with a tiny bit of ordinance. Can it be looked at to move down to 9.3 or even 9.0 considering it’s lack of maneuverability and countermeasures?

I forgot F-16C Blk 50, JAS 39 EBS HU, Gripen C (RTAF) and F-15I Ra’am might received AIM-120C-5

AIM-9X (Blk I) for F-15C MSIP II and F-16C Blk 50

But AIM-9X Block I inferior to AIM-132 (Blk I) and AIM-2000 (analog)

AIM-132 (Blk I) for Typhoon FGR.4 after decompression max BR to 14.3, and AIM-2000 (analog) on F-2000A & EF-2000 (Tranche 2 Blk 10)

F-104S.ASA (air rb) 12.0 → 11.3

SURELY this aircraft is equal to the Tornado F.3 at the same BR currently. It’s ridiculously overtiered and next to unflyable currently. It must be moved down to match similar aircraft. While having AIM-9L over base F-104S, you lose 2 of your 6 pylons and the RWR. Trying to play 13.0 games all the time with 0 situational awareness is awfully difficult.

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yes the pen of type 87 rcv P is horrible but i dont know if lowering the br helps the tank because on 6.3 are a lot of tanks with more amour and in my opinion for tanks like rcv is 7.7 or 8.0 pretty good because of all the bmp, leos, ikv 91, fox, Aubl bradley, Marder etc and less IS 2 King Tiger T34 etc

Although off-topic… I shall remind everybody (your message had red numbers in it) that:



Mode: Ground Realistic
Vehicle: AMX-13 (FL11)
BR Change: 4.3 > 3.7
This machine is a competitor to the Chaffee (M24), but unlike it, it does not have a stabilizer and an anti-aircraft Browning.


Yeah with autocannons, going down a BR can be more of a nerf than buff. Once you hit 8.0 or so armor fairly consistently goes down (To an extent).

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  • Realistic Air Battles
  • Seafire LF Mk.III
  • 5.0 > 4.3

It has no performance advantage over the Spitfire F Mk.IX (4.3) and is outmatched by almost everything at it’s BR like the Spitfire MK XVI, A7M1 and Fw 190 D9.

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11.3 → 10.7 (Air Realistic battles and Air Arcade battles)

Despite being an excellent ground attack aircraft, this vehicle’s air-to-air capabilities leave much to be desired. Moreover, since it is currently the only option for researching the entirety of the Italian tech tree, its performance in this regard is questionable. The AAM-1 “Piranha” missiles also fail to perform well against targets equipped with countermeasure payloads, and its speed does little to improve its situation. Lowering its battle rating in air battles could make the vehicle more appealing to potential new players.

Due to its strong air-to-ground capabilities and excellent weaponry, its battle rating in ground arcade, realistic and simulator battles and air simulator battles should remain unchanged due to its air-to-ground effectiveness, as previously mentioned. I hope this is a moment when the developers carefully consider their choices regarding this aircraft, making it a more viable option both for researching the Italian aviation tech tree and for gameplay itself.