Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025


R2Y2 (all versions) - 8.0 - 7.0 for v1 and 7.3 for v2 and v3.
The rationale is that the days of imbibing are over. The aerial spawn was selected (v1 still requires bombing bases for camouflage), the guns were flown, the br was raised, and the br of the opponents was lowered. At the moment, all 3 cars are on 1 br with Korean War vehicles, which they are inferior to in literally everything. The Keyuns can’t help but catch up/run away, and outmaneuver the opponent. All they have is some kind of turn (and then only b2 and b3), in which they wildly lose speed and become logs, from which they simply run away.


It’s already 9.7 in GRB.

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Vehicle: F-16A OCU (Thailand F-16)
Gamemode: Air RB
BR Change:13.7 —> 13.3
Reason: lack of HMD/HMS, weak engine(F-16A engine), lack of Flares/Chaff(only 15+30), don’t have MAWS(Not like the F-16AM [Belgium]), max 6 AAM Slot


Increase the ground BR to 14.0 please…

The compression is painful.

Mode: Air Realistic
BR: 6.3 > 6.0

F7F is outclassed by comparable aircraft like the Ki-83 and Hornet. Both of these superior aircraft are 0.3 BR lower. The F7F-1 should be placed at the same BR. It would still have inferior performance, but its ground ordnance would justify sharing the 6.0 BR.


6 fakours may be stretching it unless you’re moving it up to 13.3, that way it’d be a bit more balanced (not fully) against aircraft with R-77s and Aim-120As, it would be very interesting to see how it performs against Rafales, F-15Es and the Eurofighters that have much better missiles, radar and flight performance

RB F-20A 12.7 → 13.0 - give AIM-120 x2 as a loadout option.
Reasoning: the Premium Viggen has proven that these are not a problem gameplay wise. It was fitted with everything to use the 120’s and was planned to, which is the same justification used for the Yak-141.

F-80C is fine at 7.7. The problem is all of the Sabres and MiGs that were dropped too low.

Previously, this thing could only see MiG-15bis & F-86F-30 in a full uptier. Now it can see a MiG-17PF. That is absolutely ridiculous.

Problem with the F-20 is that it gets immediatelly outclassed by the F16 however with 2 fox-3 missiles, it should be somewhat more worth using it especially with its amazing flight model but yeah I agree, F-20 does need some sort of buff to help it compete against F-16s and other top tier aircraft but 13.0 means you’d face eurofighters and rafales

Not only sabre, mig15, The F80C is too slow and the mobility is not the best, I am even sure that it will can against sea Meteor and SU11, which are 7.3

Air RB:
Yak-141 12.7 → 13.0 - give R-73 and R-77 options.

This would help add 13.0 lineup variety to russia.

And it has neither flares, a gun or is supersonic.

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That’s not stretching it whatsoever. That should be standard. Fakours aren’t Aim-120s. They’re worse.

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R-73 would be fine at 12.7 but the R-77 would make it 13.3.

If the F-20 were to get Aim-120s, it would get a double rack of them in place of the Sparrows. So 4x Aim-120.

Any battle rating changes that don’t include a BR increase for Top Tier is just moving around compression and compression is bad, m-kay.


It would perform terribly. I don’t understand why it needs to go up. Throwing it against 14.0 effectively mitigates the one thing people seem to be upset about. The EFT and company along with the F-15E can out climb it, have better missiles, better radar, better RWRs, etcs. Its going to be forced to belly crawl, negating the Fakours completely. Which I imagine would justify dropping it again. The missiles it has can be easily defeated. I feel like the only people wanting it to go up are the ones pissed it didnt go to like Russia or China for some odd reason.

AMX-32 105 9.3 > 9.0
AMX-32 105 9.3 > 9.3 Buff the reload
It shouldn’t stay at the same BR as AMX-32 120 that has better gun and engine


M2000D-RMV ARB 12.7-12.0
M2000D-R1 ARB 12.3-12.0
They have only 2 IRAAM and no gun. They CAN NOT fit the 12.7 air fight.


JH-7A Air RB 12.3→11.3/11.7
it doesn’t have Fox1 or irccm missiles, and the Kh29T only has two. Only has extremely low combat capability in the 12.3 weight. And JH7A doesn’t have a gun aiming point,The body performance is only similar to F4
Or add 4 pl5e2 weights to keep them unchanged