Guide Premium russian

2S38 is OP as hell. The entire community wants it moved to 11.0+ but Gaijin refuses to do so

How’s a vehicle OP when it can’t front pen most MBT’s it faces and it takes 10-15 seconds to kill a singular target. You stand no chance against single fire vehicles unless they’re bad and mess up their shot. And for flanking I already told how bad it’s at with bad mobility, big size and horrible depression.

I’d rather be in 2S25M or BMP-2M in any day over the 2S38, it’s the only premium I regret buying.

It easily pens everything and one shots most of them.

It can spray pray constantly as it never has to reload or even wait for overheat.

IRST and Prox fuse rounds make it good even vs CAS

Insert any vehicle here. At that BR almost nothing can soak more than 1 hit. Though most soviet tanks you have to aim for Pixels where everyone else you just have to hit.

Though the crewless turret makes you very good in hulldown

Still far smaller and faster than most of its competition.

Whatever 2S38 can do on a flank, BMP-2M can do it better, faster and easier.

lol you have no clue what you’re talking about. Why don’t you post your stats with this vehicle? Ohh right… you never played with it.

Even simply taking out a barrel takes multiple shots from, which is plenty for them to fire their shot and obliterate you.

I’m not comparing it to the BMP-2M. I’m simply stating it isn’t a bad vehicle. You also reveal your mindset towards this game by not even mentioning the utility of the 2S38 against both air and helicopters. Stick to your MBTs, bro. Let those wanting to support the team do so.

I may not have ever played it, But I know for a fact that the Challenger 1 and 2 are one shot by it at literally any angle and compared to vehicles like the Desert Warrior, its massively better.

Oh wait, you never played any of them, you’ve only played US and USSR and so wouldnt know how 8/10 nations actually perform against it

Given the fact it is ALWAYS the most heavily requested vehicle to get a BR increase. Clearly its too good at the current BR

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Zero premiums are OP.
The most user-friendly is the T-80UE1.
The hardest is T-55AM1.
The most divergent playstyle is the 2S38, avoid getting it if you’ve never played the playstyle before.

T-72AV is easier than 2S38 and T55AM1 to use and learn due to its thermal solution and optics.

Challengers are not to be compared, they’re far from being an armored tank, nor a popular one. it’s like saying x tank is good because it can one shot Arietes and Leclercs -_-

You almost always face Leopard 2A4’s since they’re on almost all tech trees and Abrams too, your only reliable ways of killing them is from the side or hope that they mess up their shot so you have enough time to fire multiple shots to take our their barrel, even then it still takes many more shots to finally get the kill. A single shot guns are better in almost every way to this slow autocannon, you can just one shot them in one second and move on, just need to aim carefully which you need it anyway with autocannons, but you have the guarantee that it will actually do damage and kill the tank or take out the barrel instead of just blinding both them and you with only making the barrel slightly yellow before you oblirate by fuel tank explosion.

I agree with him on only this point - don’t discuss vehicles you’ve never personally played in any conversation related to balancing.

No, the reason why it’s hated so much is actually because of how bad it is. It’s hated because it takes forever to kill you while you wait in frustration not being able to do anything against it while it slowly trying to eat away your crew and compeltely blinds you. After I purchased it, I realized that it’s both ways, it’s just as frustrating to play this thing as it takes forever to slowly kill targets and your shots also block your vision too.

It’s a false idea of vehicle being OP, people hate it because it disables your can’t and you can’t play the game while trying to repair or wait to die.

If you watch 2S38s steam roll every match with ease and one shot you every singel time they fire at you with any angle, then its pretty clear that something is wrong. When compared to the Desert Warrior (a vehicle he has never played) it is 10x stronger.

if you are only allowed to comment on vehicle balanced if you’ve played it, then nothing will ever be balanced because no one would be allowed to ocmment on anything.

But thankfully, im not alone in this. It is ALWAYS the most heavily requested vehicle to move up every single BR thread and has been since its introduction

That’s a cool story, Morvan. You still only have one half of the picture. Also the Desert Warrior is a pathetic excuse of a vehicle that is in desperate need of some TLC, no one can doubt that.

Meanwhile equivalent IFVs on most nations cant even do that and are always one shotted no matter what. So I dont really see what is bad about the 2S38 when its superior to almost every single IFV in the game with the exception of maybe the HSTVL which is 11.7

I have played way worse, I’ve played Bradleys that is on the same BR, and I agree with your point, these two vehicles are way worse than the both 2S38 and BMP-2M. But this doesn’t make the 2S38 OP by any means.


Nah, this is nothing compared to Mig-21 Bison at 12.3 BR. It’s basically mini 13.0 Su-27 and it get’s downtiered to 11.7 all the time. It was cancer to fight against while grinding Russia air with Mig-23ML.

EDIT: This thing is a menace even on 13.0 matches, just imagine this fighting against Phantoms and old soviet Migs, it’s just crazy how broken it is.

All equal or better than the Mig-21SMT-China.
Of course the F-5s can all out-dogfight both SMTs, which means so can the Mirage 3E.

My experience against them was quite different.

All I saw against J-7D was

No matter what I play
If that plane is [9.7-10.3]
I always went uptier to 10.7.

And J-7D slaughtering everything with dumb PL-5B
Just like F8U-2 did when it was 10.0

Edit: oh, no meant to derailing topic.
Just wanted to point out some prems are OP.