Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

Captor-M is (or at least should be, with many buffs already passed to the devs) superior to the APG-70 in every single way. And the base airframe offers superior performance in every other regard that matters in ARB. Only real downside is less countermeasures, but that can be played around.

There isn’t really any reason to move the 15E up without deconflicting the rest of top tier with a decompression. But that isn’t likely to happen for awhile. In a perfect world, 15A and it’s contemporaries becomes 13.7, 15C and contemporaries become 14.7, 15E becomes 15.0, EF/Rafale become 15.3, F-22 comes in at 16.0.
Then everything below can spread out a little more with the extra room to breath.

cant agree more

R2y2 to 7.7 its kibda bad for 8.0 as it does just feel like a 262


ARB- F-104J (Japan). 10.3>10.7; receive ahistorical AN/ALE-40 Countermeasures system for balance reasons

The F-104J in the Japanese carries x6 AIM-9Ps in its present configuration, yet sits at a lower BR than the F-104G in the Chinese tree which carries fewer missiles, while trading away ground attack capability that is, realistically, not relevant in ARB battle ratings. Therefore, the BR should be increased to 10.7 and receive- admittedly- ahistorical countermeasures of the same type mounted to the German, Italian, and French examples for balancing purposes to prevent it from seeing 9.3 aircraft. We should be making an effort to increase the BR of capable vehicles to take pressure off of less capable examples at lower BRs, not increase their suffering.

Furthermore, post flight model adjustment, the late model F-104s are much more limited in their performance. While the issue of the F-104 being able to pull excessive and incorrect angles of attack and excessive G-Forces has been fixed, it is clear that this was done by increasing drag on the airframe to incorrect levels. Therefore, the Starfighter is also hampered in its ability to retain energy, which it was historically quite good at doing. Being able to sustain a high-speed, high energy turn was a significant tool that the Starfighter could make use of, but right now, because of the flight model adjustments, it is very difficult to do. Turns of any kind produce a loss of speed and energy that seem excessive for the angle of attack and G-Forces being experienced.

The flight model should be revisited to ensure that its performance across all variants is a correct representation of its capabilities.

Thank you for your consideration.


The reason its 11.0 is a lack of sarhs but i feel 11.0 is a good spot for it just dont dogfight it and headon it with sarhs or a gun as tge nr30 isnt great for headons

ARB- A-4N Ayit (Israel). 9.3>9.7

I love this aircraft, but I recognize that, even though it is subsonic, it is massively strong- even overpowered- at its current BR, and can easily punch above its weight by several BR increments. 4 maneuverable and long-range Fox-2s combined with excellent speed and agility make it a menace, and forcing 8.3, and even some 8.7 aircraft up against it is inhumane. It should go up to 9.7 to reduce the impact on lower-BR aircraft that it sees in downtiers.


Ground Realistic battles, SA.342M, 9.7 → 9.3.
The reason for this is that this heli is in no way comparable to any other 9.7 heli present in game. It can carry a total of 4 missiles at maximum including both air-to-air and air-to-ground. Most 9.7 helis can carry up to 8 often with better range and stats overall.

If for some reason you still think this heli deserved a battlerating of 9.7, consider giving it stock mistrals.

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Ground RB 12.7→13.0
su_27sm, su_34,
f_16c_block_50, f_15c_msip2, f_15e, f_15c_baz_msip, f_15i_raam, f_16d_block_40_barak_2, f_16am_block_15_mlu_belgium
ef_2000_block_10, ef_2000_fgr_4, ef_2000a
saab_jas39c, saab_jas39c_hungary, saab_jas39c_thailand, saab_jas39c_south_africa,
mirage_2000_5f, rafale_c_f3

ground RB need to release BR for long but never do it,
just DO IT NOW

Ok clearly you’re just reacting emotionally to being hurt by facing it in uptiers instead of giving any actual facts to back up what you say. So I’m going to leave you alone in bizarro world where you think the F-5C needs an uptier. Good day

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Type 16’s that are 9.3 to 9.7 please? Sick of modern day gokarts fighting my is7 in a full uptier. Or put the is7 from 8.3 back to 8.0 please I rather just increase br brackets instead of being able to seal club 7.0. Its beyond annoying and unblanced to see those and rooikats cv’s and lvkvs and ikvs that never die when shot with he the aphe or the 14.5

Mode: Air Realistic
BR: Stay at 13.0 (as proposed) but add R-73s

The F-14A is going up in BR for the 2nd time in 2 updates. True, it does have excellent ARH missiles for the rank and is overperforming relative to the American F-14A early. That said, moving to 13.0 virtually guarantees a very high number of matches against 14.0 aircraft.

Because it is featured in-game with all of its experimental ordnance (R-27s, Sedjil, etc.), it makes sense to add the R-73 which will further justify its place at 13.0. This would help differentiate it further from the F-14A in the tech tree as well.



  • Its supersonic at a BR where a lot of aircraft are not supersonic
  • It has some of the best guns in the game
  • It turns extremely well and can out dogfight most aircraft
  • Its highly resistant to damage, and can shrug hits that would render most aircraft dead or unflyable
  • It’s IR signature is so low, that some missiles can barely acquire a lock (Its colder on full AB than an F-117)
  • Due to its cold signature, it can 1 flare defeat most missiles, including IRCCM missiles
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Why R2Y2 need to be gone?
Act like those are only unrealistic planes in the game

Ground Realistic battles, AMX-50 (TO90/930), 8.0 → 7.7
The reason for this is that compared to the AMX-50 (TOA100) it features worse or equal stats to that tank in every aspect. It carries APHE with considerably less penetration and for that reason it is a higher BR?

It is also considerably worse than the Obj 906 which has a stabiliser, APHE with better penetration and a HEAT-FS shell paired with the 4 second reload.

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They’re the most unrealistic planes because they never actually existed.

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Simulator Battles: J35D 10.7 → 10.0 This aircraft does not have countermeasures, RWR, or radar missiles. Other notable 10.7 aircraft like the Mig-21SMT and F-4E have all three. Flight performance is it’s only defense, and it’s severely fuel limited. It can carry drop tanks, but that requires surrendering two missiles.

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Air Realistic F-89B 7.0>7.7 or 7.0>8.0 the thrust from the afterburners allows for free kills on plains with only about 1/3-1/4 th the thrust.

Ground Realistic battles, Char 25t, 8.0 → 7.7
This is a light tank with the same battlerating as the Obj 906 which is the closest thing I can compare it to. The Obj 906 features the same reload speed but with a better APHE shell, HEAT-FS shell and a full on stabiliser.


Hah I’m surprised some Soviet ship in the game also not even real as well yet why don’t they also remove too?

Hope it gets lowered 10.0 at least, it has AIm9Js tho