Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

Also, it wasn’t just one vehicle. Both A-10s, the A-6 TRAM, and the Su-25/K were all affected.

So now the F-14A once again is massively overpowered and stomps on all 11.3-11.7? What a great idea!

So no, we won’t be doing that (hopefully anyway), your solution is to, get this, DECOMPRESS.

God forbid a slow, straight winged CAS plane outturns a fighter optimized for high speed flight and lobbing missiles! God forbid it being able to defend itself! The Cope is real.

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i disagree. it absolutely should not go below 7.7 br and the most suitable seems to be 8.0br for me.
Now that it has access to a ammobox you have access to 60 + 660 apds which you can spam at very rapid bursts(apds refill is like .5 seconds) anywhere you like + “infinite” amount at a capture point.

sidam at a ammobox/capture point > zsu-23-4, but you need sit still to constantly refill the apds.

the stock belt should be changed tho(maybe 1 in 3 apds?), with the current stock belts you have poor velocity against aircraft and cannot kill any grounds targets with your 4mms of penetration.

i have gotten a nuke with the sidam very recently mind you. yes i got lucky, but still the ammo box was a world changer for sidam.

sidenote, Grb sidam mistral > 9.3 pls gajub its worse than pgz04 and zsu-23-4m4 and machbet and sits at a higher br.

So again, the answer is decompression. Not forcing the IRIAF into a place it’s not even a little bit competitive in. It’s like putting the first plane with AtA missiles 1.3 BR higher than the others even though it’s not equipped for that.

The ayit please in air and ground should go up

Radkampfwagen-90 should go to 9.7 realistic
It’s already worse than the centauro 105 type 16
Zlt 11 all having good thermals and laser warning at Lowe battle rating

Leopard 2a5 should go to 11.7 like challenger 3
And m1a2

Leopard 2pl and 2a4m should get 5.0 s maxed reload


We should be asking for decompression, not compression.

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I’m aware, however my statement still applies when one vehicle (1) becomes 5 because in the grand scheme of things… “5” is actually “3” and “3” is actually not a big difference from 1 when you consider these vehicles affect 50+ planes…

9M does more than that in sim bud.

Your coping about the A-10 is very much real.

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Yes, I am an owner. I never got to the Fakours. This is as far as I got with it before giving up. You tell me if this aircraft will be competitive against 8, 12 or 16 AMRAAM equipped aircraft at 13.0 when it wasn’t even competitive at 12.7. I don’t think the RWR will even detect an AMRAAM launch.

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Good point, I forgot DM13 sucks so much vs angles. Updated my post to reflect that.

until decompression happens (if rather), it’s still far better to ELIMINATE outlier vehicles rather than let them continue to exist simply because they themselves would be not great if uptiered.




Frankly it’s just too good to be at 13.0 when things like the M4K are also there, it’s a BVR aircraft, it doesn’t need to beat an F-16 in a dogfight. Moving it back to 13.3 would be a good step towards decompression which is urgently needed. This also means the Tornado F.3 Late stays at 13.3.


joke comment, I will not take you seriously by acting like the IRIAF wasnt near the top of 12.7 jets already


I’d like your post but

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My god, you need to learn to read lmfao.

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Air Simulator, F-14A IRIAF , 12.3-> 13.0, Fakour-90s are highly unbalanced as there is no counter to a team that spams fakours AND aim-54s, which makes the games extremely un-fun to play, as everything you do is, try to take off, get slapped by Fakour and or phoenix, rinse and repeat.

Leopard A1A1
Ground RB
9.0 ----> 8.7
The tank does not have Laser Range Finder, right now its just a mutch worse OF-40 MK2 at the same BR.


Not until they also uptier the: SU27, F15, AV8B+, Tornado F3 late (going to 13.0 now), Ja37D(I), and any other fox3 carrier and/or strong 13.0 that is comparable in performance

Gun…? Sure. Although the Chi-To has higher penetration, damage, velocity, and slightly better accuracy, at the cost of a slightly higher reload rate.
Armor…? Sure. Although Chi-Tos have far better turret with 75 mm front, and the Chi-To Late has better hull due to the angle on the 75 mm plate.
Mobility…? Absolutely not.
