No they didnt lmao they doubled down on it last I saw with the tornado br changes
Question regarding Balancing in general:
Balancing is based on vehicle performance (which i have understood to be mission score per spawn IIRC), does that also take into account BR differences of the vehicles it meets?
For example if i bring the CV90 Mk.IV at BR 10.7 in a lineup into exclusively 12.0 matches, is that score then weighted differently than if i brought it in a 10.7 lineup?
(i.e getting 500 score in a 12.0 match is worth more than 500 score in a 10.7 match in terms of balancing)
Thanks in advance as always :)
I humbly request that the Mirage Milan goes to 9.3 in Air RB. It has the capability of an F-104A/C, that is already 9.3. Thank you.
Nope, the same way a 9.7 can do nothing about a F-5C. The answer is decompression, not whining so much your favorite rat plane premium ends up at too low of a BR
Ground realistic battle, PzH2000 7.7>8.0
I think honestly he have is place at the same BR than the K9 vidar they are pretty powerful and for the 6.7 tank it’s very difficult to hope survive if he it them but for the 7.0 they have more chance.
(Sorry for my poor english i’m french)
This was only ever true when airfields are 1/3rd the size they are now.
The issue is, its way too easy to kill props but jets rinse you. 7.0 would be fine but 6.7 is too much (unless they plan to buff other bombers accordingly)
Me and you are one of the few who understand this.
If you weren’t too cripplingly dense to read both my replies in full you’d have realized that I never wanted it to go down in BR and mentioned that decompression is the solution twice.
Thats right still better than F15a and other planes on 12.0 in ground Having alone this Mobility and 9ms together with tons of flares is not comparable to other jets on 12.0
I don’t mean YOU specifically.
Jagdtiger, ground realistic
Reason: same story like the tiger II (H), but this one has much more devastating cannon, somehow faster reload than the is-2 and at range it’s hard to penetrate
Ariete (Aircraft): 9.3 → 9.7/10.0 in Air Realistic Battles
I am very surprised that this aircraft hasn’t been moved yet, considering that it is the same br as the Sagittario 2 whilst quite literally being a much better version of it. The Ariete is better than all other subsonic dogfighters, and better than the supersonic dogfighters around its br because of its ridiculously strong TWR and minimal weight and wing-loading drawbacks when compared to the Sagittario. This makes the Ariete the best dogfighter in every scenario, except for one, rolling scissors, where most pilots will switch to a lag pursuit or perform a high yo-yo to win the fight anyway.
It’s so good, that many experienced players are able to consistently dodge the early all-aspect missiles that it used to face, making one of its two combat weakness, no countermeasures, irrelevant. The only practical weakness it has is lower speed than some supersonics, but that’s more like prolonging the inevitable than being a reliable card supersonics can use to win against it. To at least make the brs of 9.0-10.0 be better balanced and make more progressive sense, especially in the case of the Sagittario, the Ariete should be 9.7 at minimum, potentially even 10.0.
Tons of flares? You do know it only gets 60 CM if its carrying CAS right? Seems like you dont know what you’re talking about
Aubl 74 HVG reload buff 6.0 → 3.85 seconds
Because m300 is terrible, and does little to no damage. It’s also a small round and should load faster than 6.0 secs.
It’s only .3 br lower than a Turm III
Yes I hit multiple things in perfect kill shot areas, where there was ammo or most of the crew. Died due to lack of damage. When I died to the Strv and when I shot at the Turm III you can see the APFSDS physically hits the ammo but it doesn’t explode
Vehicle: Tortoise
Game mode: Ground Realistic Battles
BR change: 6.7 → 6.3
Tortoise due to poor mobility is very reliant on its armor which is not effective at it’s current BR due to numerous weakspots and firepower it is facing at it’s current BR range, which again cannot be worked around due to poor mobility.
It’s firepower also is not good enough at its br to compensate for lack of mobility and ineffective armor.
Compared to other doom turtles at the same BR it is significantly weaker either in armor, mobility, firepower, or multiple of those, without being better in anything.
(worse gun than Tiger2H)
I have to ask you again, you are only targetting german tanks, what about the T29 and T34 that are just as good?
Well then ok. I totally agree that it’s criminal to have it at 10.3 and have it face 9.3s almost none of which have the performance to keep up with it.
Gaijin i am very upset about this change of lahatut It almost non survivable at 8.7 and now u expect us to do nothing it with it? It’s not worth even flying it now.