Planned Battle Rating changes for April 2024

IRT as well, that is the most important bit. 2S38 without APFSDS would be fine at 10.0.

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I see.
Matchmaking for SRB is done by low-point squadrons facing other low-point squadrons more frequently.
My squadron is 35.5K (or somewhere around that), so they would face more competitive (more sweaty) teams than you would, which would make sense why you rarely see Ka-50s.


Me in the 2S38 and the top player in Radkampfwagen.

Radkampfwagen in itself is empty space and trolly, making it really annoying to kill. It’s a good vehicle, but it seems justified at 9.7. Now ask yourself: Can the Radkampfwagen reliably kill ground targets (somewhat yes), and air targets like the 2S38 can?

Yes and no. That is the case, but most of the sweaty teams are Russian and they matchmake on CIS servers. Most of my squadron matchmake on CIS servers to make sure the ping is not horrible, an usual practice for asia-majority teams. So even though the rating was not high, we faced hot shots on a regular basis, namely z100z and avanguard.

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the M64 and Black Cat did not receive any engine buffs and should stay at 5.7.

Especially the Black Cat, it is identical to the TT M18, except with a weaker engine.

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When I started playing Warthunder I was looking forward to flying the F86 and Mig15. By the time I’d grinded my way up the trees, they were already way too weak. I’m looking forward to these changes.

I suspect that more experienced players are the ones using the J6K1, causing the high BR as with your CL-13 Mk 4

I think they are fine where they are tbh, minus the part where you get uptiered and fight supersonic.
Moving them down just make early jets br compress even more and make new players to jet suffer.

Wow one match where i am doing bad and the other guy who vehicles is at lower br than me do much better, im sure it all have to do with my 2S38 being really bad. Like seriously bruh.

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At least newer players wont play this bracket. They either enjor ww2 br or uses a premium.
Buckle up we are dealing with the migs in a spit24

Comet I / Comet I “Iron Duke IV”

Reload rate should be changed to match its contemporaries (e.g. same gun on Concept 3, same reload as 76mm Shermans), 7.4s to 5.9s.

Since the APDS nerfs hit a while back, the Comet was heavily affected. With how useless/inconsistent its APDS round is now (used to have better performance than the regular 76mm British APDS), it’s main round is a solid shot APCBC with similar penetration to the US 76mm round, but without any HE filler.

You can tell the vehicle performs poorly since it had its BR lowered from 5.7 to 5.3, then finally got its turret rotation fixed back to its historical values, and its market price has dropped from close to 200 GJC at its peak, to around 40 GJC now (without even much change in supply during the most massive price drops). It’s just such a mediocre vehicle. I know the turret rotation fix only came as a result of the poor performance/stats, and I doubt the turret rotation fix has drastically improved the vehicles efficiency/stats.


So it either suffer with your prop till you get a decent enough jet to use and learn to play jet combat or shill out money for a high tier prem to get absolutely rekt and go base bombing instead? Doesn’t really do anyone a favour aside gaijin tbh. Let not also mention jet that were at 8.0 now have to fight against former 8.7 and 9.0 jet, that sure is fun.

and this is why I want an Air Sim Style BR Bracket system added to RB.

Some days aircraft would be strong, others they wouldnt. But every aircraft (near enough) would have a time to shine.


It would probly be easier if they just raise the br cap and implement seperated br for cas and arb.
Or just make it so a full up and downtier is only ±0.7 instead of ±1.0

Up to me AMX is a 10.3, but thsi is not the matter, the matter is that, one of the foundations of the changes made to the game after the review bombing and the whole process of modifications was that each vehicle, tank, plane, or ship should be judged for what it inherently was to determine the Battle Rating (BR) and not be influenced too much by player performance. The recent changes are exactly the opposite of this philosophy and also create various problems, such as BR misalignment between aircraft and ground forces, ridiculous overlaps caused by the usual +/-1 of the game match, etc., etc. It’s time to introduce a fluid BR based on the proposed armaments. For example, talking about a hot topic, an AMX with only dumb bombs cannot have the same BR as an AMX with 6 laser-guided bombs. The impacts of the changes are poorly evaluated or deliberately proposed provocatively to then have the excuse of not changing anything, an old trick as old as the world, suggesting something to pretend to change, creating chaos and endless discussions only to change nothing.


However, decompression cant fix BR blackhole issues like Ju 288C and F4S spam.


In my experience, I would change it in according to this:
Helicopters 11.0-12.7


Mi-28NM, AH-60, Tiger HAD Mk.2, AH-129D, AH-64 (with AGM-114L)

Tiger UHT

Z-19E, KA-50, Z-19, Z-10, Rooivalk, AH-1Z

AH-64A, AH-64DJP, Peten, AH-64A GR, AHS , MH-60L DAP, AH-64D, Saraph, Tiger HAD

YAH-64, Mi-28N

Of course, SPAA BRs will have to be reworked (possibly starting at 12.0, with the Pantsir, ADATS, and ITO 90, and 11.7 with the Flarakrad and Tor M1, 11.3 with the Otomatic… etc.
Top tier MBTs should also be increased to 12.0 or 12.3 to give more room for decompression. I don’t think T-90As and other vehicles near that BR should be facing Leopard 2A7s, Strv 122B+s or T-90Ms.
The Max BRs for planes should be 13.0 or even 13.3, where the Gripens and F-16Cs should be (especially with the introduction of MRAAMs).

Z-10(with 8xCM502KG), Mi-28NM (with 4xIzdelie 305), Ka-52M (4x izdelie 305 and 2x R-73) - These may be added later, but for now, satellite-guided munitions shouldn’t be added yet, and I don’t know how they would perform.

I think that is more of gaijin refusal to do anything problem. The ju288 moving down would be nightmare for prop and moving it up would means no one will buy it and gaijin would lose money, the f4s is literally braindead easy to use but once you try to balance it, gaijin bottom line will suffer. Tldr: snail greed


That seperated BR is hopefully coming in June, which will be a massive boost for many aircraft. providing they dont just buff aircraft for GRB and forget about them in ARB.

0.7 sized brackets though definetly could work too