Planned Battle Rating changes for April 2024

oh my bad yeah it is HVAP, it just kinda behaves like a APDS from my experience, but still i consider the BR change for the BTR-ZD to be overkill

I second this.
It’s suffering from the exact same problem as the Cl-13 Mk.4 for example.
Not many players have it and the ones that do mostly perform exceptionally well with it.
The planes performance is nowhere near a P-51H or Griffon Spitfire.

The other Rank IV premium that was free back then, the F2G, is noticeably superiour in flight characteristics but is at a lower BR because much more people have it and thus the stats are much more average.

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Imagine IS-7 and Maus getting a down tier


Maus only has 180 side so it’s not that hard to kill if you take its gun out since it’s so slow

But that’s exactly what it has.
When a BR is changed in the main nations, it is annoying.
Since there are usually 2-3 replacements there, it’s not that tragic.
e.g. The 10.0 -10.3 deck of the Russians has more vehicles than there are crew slots

If this is done with a minor nation, decks become unusable or only playable to a limited extent.
There are reasons why so few people have played the minor nation here for years.

Italy is now forced to play with 8.3 or 8.7 planes again in this 10.3 deck and these are in no way competitive.

The right solution would not be to adapt the BR but rather the layout.
Because you have to look at the whole picture.
If 6 bomb drops are too many for the BR and comparable aircraft only have 2, then you should adjust exactly that.
Then we cut it all together for the sake of justice and balance.
It’s better to have a reduced layout that is significantly limited than to go to war with a Gina again on 10.3

I would like to see the Russians suddenly fly with the MIG 15/17 again in their 10.0 lineup or the USA with the F-4 or F86 again

And that’s exactly why I asked at the very beginning what this BR adjustment refers to and the other person here said that it performs too well in AIR RB so it has nothing to do with Groundforce.

it was the same with the EBR…

I think the MB-339CD could fit that 10.3 gap pretty nicely no? and it was passed for consideration on the old forum too so u will probly get it within the next 3 years

Oto can only carry 12 apfsds shells

my suggestion for BR changes: taking into account the popularity of a vehicle. If a vehicle is very popular, it should go up, no matter it’s performance, and if a vehicle is very unpopular, it should go down. Logic behind it: unpopular vehicles are only played with experienced players making them overperform (on average), and popular vehicles are played by worse players, making them underperform (on average).

let’s take a scale of 1. Vehicles popularity (aka getting played) being 0.25 and below would get an automatic -0.3br (to encourage player using them), and those being 0.75 and above would get a +0.3 br increase. Those in between would still get balanced by statistic matchmaking.


Idk dude, i can alr think of several jet that would be super undertier and overtier by this logic, vehicle should be balanced by their subjective performance in battle and not by player stats and popularity


Honestly the Su-25 needs to be moved up the su-25 at 10.0 br may look fine on paper but in game most US vehicles at that br except premiums and the av-8’s don’t have any countermeasures.

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Could you explain what you mean by this?

That would be a good idea and not at the same time. Entire tech trees have different popularity, and this would result in players trying to intentionally commenting and reflecting vehicles in a wrong way. In this manner, everything British, Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian, Israeli and even a handful Swedish machines would have their BR lowered.

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I get what you mean, but I remember Phly playing the M3 Lee when it was ‘unloved’, and it definitely wasn’t overBR’d in the slightest.

F-5C 10.3 → 10.7 (Option A)
This jet aircraft have insane flight performance at its current br and beats every single jet in this bracket.
F-5C - removed countermeasures. (Option B)
This aircraft had no countermeasures IRL.
F-5E 10.7 - 11.0
Simply better F-5C overall.
YAH-64 11.0 → 10.7
AH-64A, AHS, Peten 11.3 → 11.0
Nothing stands out excpet the number of Hellfires, and previous increase in BR was unnecessary.
Leopard 2A4PL 11.3 → 11.0
Lacks in armor and firepower when 2A5 is 1 step higher.
Type 16 (Prototype) 9.3 → 9.0
This vehicle worse than two other Type 16`s but sits on the same BR as FPS.
Q-5L 9.7 → 10.0 + Added countermeasures.
Lacks of countermeasures which had IRL.
Z-19/Z-19E 11.3 → 11.0
The only reason of this high BR is TY-90 missiles, but overall it shouldnt be this high.


AJ37 beats it almost every time (at least in a 1v1 situation). Same with the AJS37, J35XS, and J35D.

Instead of compressing the BRs even more, increase all 11.7 Tanks BR to 12.0 / 12.3, then go from there.

by popularity, i mean in term of statistic, the amount of player playing them. And of course it would only be for vehicles out of the norm, that are either too much played, or not seen enough (tigers on the one hand, m1113 tow on the other, as an example). And when it’s popularity is not in the extreme, it would still be balanced by stats.

A few extra thoughts, making 10.7 USSR/Russia popular:

Obj292 to 10.3(10.7 Arcade)
T-80B to 10.7 with 3BM46
T-80UD to 10.7 with 3BM46
Strela-10M2 to 10.7, given thermals(gen II/III), renamed to Strela-10M3

Out of all the 10.0+ BR, 10.7 should be the most bland one. 10.0 features France and USSR 10.3 features Britain and Italy, 11.0 has featured the US, Japan and Israel, and higher tiers are a free-for-all, even the worse trees on ground would compensate with CAS options. 10.7 was shared by the US, China and Israel, but this has been relegated to a BR exclusive to China. Soviet 10.7 lineup is not bad, but previously not attractive enough, after the T-80UM-2 has been moved. Moving certain vehicles up into this bracket may make 10.7 matchmaking more interesting. Other auxiliary vehicles would be sufficient at this BR too, such as the BMP.

Other thoughts:
Remove APFSDS from the 2S38 and re-role it into an SPAA, put the current 2S38 at 10.7 below the 2S25M as a TT vehicle

I don’t think they would nerf the 2s38 that drastic or else the people who buy it would cause a massive uproar, same reasons why the f5c got it flare and why they don’t really bother fixing 288 spam.
P/s: moving to 10.7 is a way better idea tho

Some thoughts on helicopters:
Minor decompression to 12.0
Compression certainly exists in helicopters, but not as extreme as ground and air.
Helicopters 11.0-12.0:
AH Mk.1, Mi-28NM(with 4xIzdelie 305)
Tiger HAD Mk.2, Tiger UHT, AH-129D, Yanshuf, Ka-52, Z-10(with 8xCM502KG)
AH-64D, AH-64DJP, Seraph, Z-10, Z-19E, Z-19(with AKD-10)
AH-64A, Peten, AH-64A GR, AHS, Z-19E, Z-19, Tiger HAD, MH-60L DAP, Mi-28N, Ka-50