Planned Battle Rating changes for April 2024

Not just likely, they will but the question is when the devs take a look at it

OTOMATIC has DM23 equivalent ammo, that’s why it’s 11.3. People kept doing too well in it.
OTOMATIC is a 9.7 - 10.3 SPAA at 11.3 purely due to its APFSDS round.
2S38 is a 9.3 SPAA at 10.X purely due to its APFSDS round.

2S38 should be 10.3, and its sister Strf 9040C should remain 10.0.

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Ki 200 is still a very good jet tho

So Russian t34 should go up for reasons but swedish not very funny

Is this genuine mistranslation or are you trying to put words in my mouth?

Thermals matter most in forests and that’s about it.

Sure, whatever everyone opinions are different about thermal sight usage but the HSTV-L still have worse gen thermals

IR tracking doesn’t impact its BR as 2S38 is 10.0, not 9.0.

Combined with it HEVT rounds which means a 4 km no fly zone anywhere near it.

ROF doesn’t mean much when its first stage is the same amount as HSTVL’s ammo capacity.

Except that the HSTV-L take ages to reload the ready racks while the 2S38 don’t.

Weird of you to imply that 2S38 only has a tiny bit more pen than the Strf 9040C.

Weird that you mention the 9040C while i don’t, the HSTV-L basically have no post pen especially now that spall liner are a thing in game.

It’s a worse OTOMATIC. And APFSDS limit isn’t arbitrary.

It’s not and idk what give you that idea but there are alr a bunch of posts about that so i won’t touch on it here.

You even admit that 2S38’s “APFSDS spalling” is trash.

I didn’t but i do admit that it doesn’t have spalling but make up for it with it ROF which is triple that of the HSTV-L .

But you did agree with me that 2S38 should be 10.3, so not sure why you made stuff up about it.

Uh what? Make what up? All I’m stating is facts that have been known for a really long times within the community, also i suppose we just gonna ignore the plethora of posts and ytbers saying that the 2S38 is broken.
Also i don’t touch on this but it also get HEVT which irl should works the same as the AHEAD rounds that the PUMA have but guess which one get it and which one don’t.


M247 and VEAK have HEVT at 8.7 and 9.0.
57mm HEVT is slightly better, hence 9.3 SPAA capability.
HSTVL doesn’t have a ready rack, I also haven’t gone below 13 rounds in the HSTVL yet, and I had a 5 kill match the other day.
In percentage, 2S38 has as much more pen over the Strf 9040C as HSTVL has over 2S38.

Implying that 9.3 SPAA capabilities matter for a 10.0 tank is making stuff up, cause it doesn’t matter. It’s irrelevant information.

What is the reason for a BR adjustment of the AMX that I can not understand in any way.
The airframe is already too high on 10.3 in BR and only because of the missiles there.
You destroy an entire playable Groundforce 10.3 lineup and it has no place on the next 11.3 lineup, where it is massively inferior to everything else.

So if this is about the ground attack potential, why aren’t all the other nations also adjusted?
Here are just the initial BRs of the respective nations with corresponding ammunition.

Israel TV bombs from 8.7 + TV missiles from 9.3
France laser bombs from 10.0 and laser missiles from 10.3
China laser bomb 9.7
britain laser bomb and rocket at 10.3
russia laser rocket 10.3
Germany TV rockets at 9.3
USA TV rockets and laser bombs at 10.3

So since all other nations already have this armament much earlier or at the same level, why is the AMX for Italy raised to 10.7? or why aren’t all others raised as well?

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AMX is the best transonic 10.3 in the game. It very much deserves 10.7 from the damage it does in air RB.

Not sure why you mention ground RB stuff when the BR isn’t being increased based on that.
The only jet in the last 2 years increased due to ground RB was A-6E TRAM and it took half a year I think for it to increase.

It is basically an a6 tram but better in almost every way and not a prem so it have to go 10.7

We don`t have separate BR at the moment so i have to bring it here.
I play ground force and not fly.
And for ground you destroy a complete Lineup.
Now you have bring at 10.3 old shit without rockets and guided ammunition and no flairs.
You best usable part ist now a 8,7 plane since the G91 have high wing rip problems with some bombs on it.

If you flyboys men a AMX airfraim who rip his wing in every 2-3 match with only 2x 9L is ok at 10.7 than play it.
I saw nearly no one who play it there in my many fly outs.
Maybe because nobody plays Italy at this tier
And only because of Hungary, now some are coming back


Then you play 10.7 ground, or you leave AMX out of your lineup until June.
Cause leaving AMX at 10.3 where it’s OP isn’t a good solution.

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And again BS
If you think it needs to be adjusted then all the others need to be adjusted but of course you ignore that again.
Also there is no 10.7 lineup for Italy but that was too difficult to look up.

And your argument can be used the other way round.
Then it doesn’t fit until the BR are traded separately.
GF would remain playable until then.

Because if it is so OP in your opinion, it hardly matters because only 10 people fly the thing out in AIR RB at all
There it has more effect that for 2-3 months a Ground Force BR has no more air support

No, because all the others you mentioned are fine to bad in air RB.

You only want to see your side and ignore everything else then stay alone with your twisted world view.
Just don’t think outside the box.

And if you really think 0.85 air frags per battle for the AMX in RB is too high, I can’t help you either.

There are far more dominant aircraft on BR.
These are then at air frags 1.5-3.0 depending on the version
e.g. an F-5, F104, Mirage III, Mig21, F8U …

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Sure, it has ‘9.3 SPAA capabilities at 10.0’, so you assume that it’s not worth anything. HSTV-L has ~3.0 SPAA capabilities at 11.3, and it has absolutely no chance at dealing with any aircraft at any situation unless they are flying right at you. The fact that the 2S38 can do both is remarkable. With your logic, the HSTV-L with HE-VT should remain at 11.3 just because it would only have ‘9.3 / 9.7’ SPAA capabilities too, which is clearly not right.


Check my ground kills in the AMX.
I very much used it as multi-use.
All the air frags are players.
Haven’t used it in ground yet, and will wait on June.

Weird of you to make this post

Like why would you post that and claim Italian tech tree players are making this claim?
You are the only person on the forum to ever post that to my knowledge.

SPAA capabilities below a vehicle’s BR doesn’t increase its BR. This has never been the case.

I agree that it is frustrating that it would ruin a lineup, but balancing vehicles’ BRs should have nothing to do with how suitable it would be in a lineup.
The vehicles’ BRs should only be based on its merits and performance. The AMX has a decent airframe, and has an internal gun and 120 flares, while being able to carry 6 laser-guided bombs and 2 Aim-9Ls. Let’s talk about the A-6E Tram, since you brought it up: It has a worse airframe, it can carry a gunpod and 2x aim-9Ls to keep up with what the AMX has, but then it can only carry 2 laser-guided bombs, and will only have 60 flares. The AMX is genuinely better, so it deserves the uptier to 10.7, although I understand that the other vehicles are also really strong for their BRs.

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So I want HSTV-L with proximity fuse rounds (HE-VT) at the same BR as it already is.


If round exists, I don’t really care.
I’d never load it personally cause APFSDS is far more important than shooting at helicopters with HEVT when my Abrams already does that.

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Ah, but you’d have to play an Abrams instead.
That’s the thing, you can do both with the 2S38.
And why would you say APFSDS is better when KA-50s are destroying you and your teammates?
A HSTV-L with more capabilities (with the addition of HE-VT) is better than a HSTV-L without. They are ultimately better (even if it’s inferior to actual SPAAs), and so it should be reflected by their differences in BRs.
So if the HSTV-L does get proximity, I would say it would be fine at 11.3, but it’s underperforming at the BR it is at and 11.0 would make more sense, especially comparing to the capabilities of the 2S38, which you say should be at 10.3 (a whole 1.0 BR lower).