Planned Battle Rating changes for April 2024

9 of the confirmed 1950s vehicles added in 2014 alone. Ignoring all the 1950s jets already in the game due to 2012 and 2013.
Realistic Battles wasn’t even an idea at the time.

I wonder how quickly the list grows for 2015…



Technically the venom was developed in the 1940s

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Proposal :

Add Marder 1A- to 10_2 ground sim

Add Marder 1A3 to 9_2 ground sim

Both of the German Marders should be available in 9_2 and 10_2 ground sim, it doesn’t make sense that there is only 1 in each. They are only .3 different and very similar in armament and capability.

So about what, 6 or 7% of the playable aircraft in the game 3-4 years into its life were not 1940’s aircraft, and…your argument is that the game was not designed for 1940’s aircraft?

Mate, we’re still shooting at Light Pillboxes that were modeled 10 years ago for bi-planes and early monoplanes with gen 4 aircraft.

That you’re taking a position we shouldn’t be pushing for a proactive approach to reimagining aircraft balancing and game design…because, uh, the game had some early jets 10 years ago…is wild.


You replied to the wrong person.

This wasn’t you?

(CN) M60A3 TTS > 8.7

Lack of the better shell and ERA of the American one makes this one subpar for 9.0


M4A3 (105) needs to go to 3.3 at least in RB ground, it being at 3.0 is hilarious. M4A3 (105) is superior to the 3.7 M4, with no driver weakspot and its HEAT shell gives it better pen. M4A3 (105) is by far the most undertiered low tier vehicule in Ground RB, almost no tanks at its BR can pen it frontally, while it can pen literally all enemy vehicules frontally with ease.

Please move the AMX-13 (FL-11) to 3.7. Compared to the M24 Chafee at 3.7 in other nations, it has inferior mobility, gun depression, and critically, no stabilizer. Its only upside is the frontally placed engine, but that should mean that 3.7 is the right BR for it. AMX-13 (FL-11) being at the same BR as the Concept 3, with its better mobility and far superior gun, is ridiculous.


Fox shouldn’t go up in BR. If vehicles like 2S38 are balanced at 10.0, then the Fox is balanced at 7.0. If this was on Germany or the Soviets you’d keep it there, and you know it.



You’re kidding, right?

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M4A3 (105) should go to 3.3, but it does have a hull MG weakspot just like any other sherman.

Yeah they were fielded with the Aim-9L


Exactly. You can’t solve compression by moving it to another part of the game.

The system is fine, what’s bad is how it is used. There is a ton of compression, and these changes just make it worse.


its just HVAP, but it has about the same flat pen as APDS at 91mm iirc.

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How much indignation the April BR change caused among players, it is obvious that the developers have a bad memory and have forgotten the riot of last year. It is also clear that the developers do not play their game, so I think that players should, on the contrary, support the most stupid changes possible.
I applaud the transfer of Mig-15 and Saber to Br 8.0, and the dead fleet in the game with the transfer of Br in the small fleet and Eugen and Hipper back to 5.7 will become even more dead.

These changes will increase hatred and toxicity of the game, which will lead to an outflow of people from the game and reduce Gaijin income. A capitalist only understands the language of money, and if he wants to destroy the game with stupid decisions, then we need to help him with this.
Bravo Gaijin, I applaud your stupidity.

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Did you have a small simple thought that changes to aircraft, tanks and fleet should be done at different times? Тhen 1 proposal from one player would make more sense

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Funny how they ignore the most blatant overpowered vehicles once again…

There’s no reason to ask to the community what should change when you simply do what you want either way…


I already play Italy, I just wanted to keep my 5.7 lineup…

As RUS main player,
2S38 definitely not belong 10.0, it is very easy get 1 shot kill at 10.0br.
I will say 9.3~9.7 is where 2S38 really should be.

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