Planned Battle Rating changes for April 2024

It will be as simple as:

(Mode) Unit name. 8.0 > 8.3 - Justification.

This makes it easier for everyone all round to view and respond.


Could you guys at least explain why much requested vehicles don’t get changed?

I requested the kugelblitz to go down to 6.7 in rb since a year and got many likes/hearts aswell and the stats on thunderskill don’t look good either. But now I gave up and didn’t even suggest that anymore.

This would settle some discussions and would be great for transparency

All feedback is taken into consideration when we review the response to the proposals and also further suggestions from the community. Any popular / hotly discussed requests are naturally also reviewed further, however if a vehicle is performing at the upper end of its efficiency at its given BR, unfortunately it cannot go down in BR as its already performing above the norm for its BR.


I think that’s the point that many in the community have an issue with, you rely too much on performance statistics, not looking at the actual capability of the vehicle itself.

I believe this is the main reason why high tier premium vehicles tend to be undertiered, because newer players buy them and perform poorly, skewing the performance statistics and leading to lower BR.


Lmao CL.13 mk.4 would like a word for example lololol

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btw there is no such thing as boxer 35 skyranger its either Boxer Skyranger 30 or Skyranger 30 since it dosent use a 35 mm


People really need to stop making bug reports in planned BR changes thread.

No wonder like 10% of BR suggestions get acknowledged.


Come on man. The 7.0 – 8.0 BR range is going to absolutely dumpstered by these changes. What are you on about?

Moreover, now the weaker non-meta 8.7s and 9.0s in France and GB that should also go down will be left behind and fighting in the uptiers the MiGs and F-86s were getting eviscerated in.

Constantly moving a few pieces around the board doesn’t solve a single issue. The entire BR system needs to be reworked/revamped/rethought—which should have been in the roadmap the moment all-aspect and radar missiles were introduced to a game designed for 1940’s aircraft.


RN Phantoms, yes, never carried 9Ls.

However, RAF Phantoms (so modified FG.1s, FGR.2s and F.3s) were in service until 1992. AIM-9L was in service with Britain in 1982. While I have no photos visually confirming the Phantoms were fitted with 9L, it is probable that they were fitted at some point.



Why this is inappropriate? I think it’s funny :)

This game was never designed for just 1940s aircraft.
This game had late 50s aircraft from the start, and late 60s aircraft by the time it fully released.

you sure about that?



I think thats a photo for you for that

(also, more importantly, wing fuel tanks)


this thing wasnt even adopted into service, the skyranger 30 was adopted since it would serve the purpose of close air defense much better, appart from that, i do believe britain seems interested in the 35 mm version


How does a suggestion like mine fit into this?

Aforementioned post.

Fair enough.

My one vehicle suggestion is to move the A21A-1 fighter version down a step because theres no reason to use it versus the A21A-3 ground attack version.

The number of 1950’s and 60’s aircraft in the game for the first few years can be counted using both hands. But sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.


that ZU-23 might be deadly yeah, but if the recoil is worse than firing a 152mm combined with limited ammo i see bringing it up to 6.0 as overkill. So gaijin is trying to tell us that the BTR-ZD is close in power to the M53/59: which is a truck with dual 30mm cannons that gets APDS, good amount of ammo and protection from machine guns.
if the BTR-ZD goes to 6.0 then the Ostwind 1 and 2 might as well go up to 6.0 and 6.3, besides of rate of fire the Ostwind wins in every aspect from the BTR-ZD. I really don’t see how the BTR-ZD is being put up to such a high br in comparison to the rest of the SPAA’s that are better than it.

The Paraga gets APDS??? I thought it was just HVAP

Please add the Type-16 FPS to the 9_2 ground sim lineup.

It is 100% identical to the Type-16 P which is already in that bracket.

In addition it only makes sense to add the Type-16 P to the 10_2 lineup.

Japan doesn’t have a single light tank in the 11_2 lineup so all three tanks should also be added here. There is no problem having the Wolfpack, VCC and Bradley in 9_2, 10_2 and 11_2.