Just because it can be one shot, does not mean it should go down.
Just because it can be one shot, does not mean it should go down.
M1 KVT can be one shot by the 2S38 and its 10.3 so that means by your logic it should be 9.3 ~ 9.7 too, fair.
The 76MM M551 should stay at 6.7, first of all with fewer shells and no HEATFS, should not have the same level as the T92, the M18 should stay at 5.7, he does not have the ability to match the German tanks
*1.0, clearly it should be the russian reserve tank.
In all seriousness, wtf is the 2S38’s br- that thing can face late centurions
Hey Gaijin, can we get the Ariete tanks that are 11.3 and 11.7 down to 11.0 and 11.3. They are just not really competitive at the top tier environment. They don’t have a 5 second reload that the Abrams, Leclercs, Type 10s have. They don’t have spall liners or armor to survive tanking a hit like the STRV 122B, Leo 2A7, Challengers, and T-90M. They aren’t that quick to get to good positions. They are just up at a BR cause there had to be something for them to be there but I feel that has really effected the way top tier italy is handled. You can see more Centauros over the Arietes due to the Arietes lack of anything to set them apart.
Welp… I explained almost everything on this topic…
Dont do the fox dirty like that :(
He said it himself.
Theres no need for further jokes.
I don’t think the M64 should be the same BR as the M18 as it is inferior to the M18 in just about every measure. It’s slower, carries less ammo, has worse acceleration, it just isn’t as good.
No they wouldn’t.
2S38 started off at 9.3. It increase 0.7, the BR that the Fox is increasing.
Wasnt a pro-russian post.
What he is saying, is that if clearly under-BRed tanks like the 2S38, that repeatedly and constantly get asked to be moved up to 10,3/10.7 (or often even higher) can remain at 10,0 despite such demands.
Then why is there such an immediate and overwhelming need to nerf the Fox by quite a large margin (2 stop increases are relatively rare)
If anything, it was a pro-minor nation post
What about it is pro russian? It says that if the fox is going up by .7, the 2S38 should too. If anything it is anti-2S38.
Yeah thats one of the dumbest takes I’ve heard today. It’s pretty simple. There are major nations, which get the most vehicles and attention, and minor nations which don’t get as much attention.
Could be very wrong here but I think it’s the same issue with why people are complaining about the placement of the IKV 91, seeing as it is currently getting increased by 0.3, can it survive going up by 0.3? Sure it can just play it better, but even though I don’t own the fox, I can say that it won’t survive going up by 0.7.
Sure the 91 has a LRF but the damned thing has 0% survivability, and it is basically relegated to being either a quick rush glass cannon or as a sniper owing to the fact that you do get a very good tank for shooting from afar so long as you are good with your (shitty HEAT) shot placement.
With how the current maps design/balance seems to be going the sniper role is quickly getting nipped in the bud and to draw comparison to the FOX, it has a very specific niche and does it well, (that being being very small, very fast and able to shrug off low caliber mg rounds to allow it to very effectively rush a team who isn’t ready/prepared for one).
However if it gets put into a position where the map isn’t built for its specific playstyle, or if the person using it doesn’t know how to squeeze the most out of it it quickly becomes a downgrade to most other options around its BR owing to the fact that its niche is no longer exploitable.
The general player base just haven’t had enough time to get used to the FOX’s playstyle yet and instead of actually learning the way to counter it (just don’t get flanked and try to keep an eye out for teammate blind spots lol), it just gets the “It’s OP and needs to be tanked to being almost worthless” treatment that it does not at all deserve.
EDIT: Also seeing as city/town maps seem to be the ones that come up in rotation the most often (at least in my personal experience) the whole idea that tanks that do well with long range line of sight (IKV 91) and tanks that excel at crossing open ground but not snaking its way though small short roads (FOX) the maps themselves already go up against this special playstyle tanks, can they be used like other generic tanks? You could certainly try, but it wont be fun.
If these tech trees that got less attention existed, they’d have zero vehicles in some updates. Not one, zero.
Equal attention means the nations with the most real-life production vehicles get more vehicles.
Unequal attention in favor of alleged minor tech trees means those tech trees get equal or more vehicles than the other tech trees.
So no, every tech tree is given equal attention, which leads to unequal results, cause that’s what equal attention means in this context.
And sometimes, “minor” tech trees are given more attention than everyone else for a couple vehicles.
Getting less attention is only getting 1 vehicle per update, while the largest nations get more.
Equal attention means that all nations get a roughly equal amount of new vehicles, and changes. It makes sense that nations who have produced more, will get more. However it makes the nations that produce less, get less, and can be called minor nations because of it.
Unequal results is not equal attention. I don’t understand how it possibly could be.
Also good job at deflecting the first question I asked you. I’ve noticed you tend to do that alot.
No, that’s equal outcome, AKA equal results.
Attention does not equate to outcome.
If I do 1 hour of research on M4 Sherman, I will learn far more about it and have resulted in a more complete understanding than 1 hour of research on XF-35.
There is inherent differences in the amount of information and how easily accessible that information is.
Equal attention will always result in unequal outcomes.
I hope that explanation also answered your statement here. If not, please DM me for further discussion on this rather off-topic matter.
VIDAR should be made br 10.0. This Howitzer with thermal and laser range finder is absolutely broken, especially when it has the ability to survive a couple of APFSDS shots from the front and has the ability to one-shot-kill anything.Things go the worst on large sniping maps.
Thx for compressing early jets br even more guys, i’m sure the me-262s and other early jets will have fun fighting sabre and mig 15 bis, thx for separating Korean war jet and compress the br even more instead of just raising the br cap to 13.0 or 14.0 and move the cold war stuff up. I’m sure this has nothing to do with making new jet players life absolute hell so they buy your top tier prem.
Also why raise all M18 br to 6.0, this basically destroys the american 5.7 lineup, making it kinda obsolete since the Bulldog is literally .3 br away and i’m pretty sure i can name 10 reasons why the Hellcat is worse than the Bulldog.
Havent had issues with it, LRF isnt that big of an advantage in AB anyways. Also thats like a 2 br jump wtf
simply moving most jets up isn’t very viable since it’ll make most jets useless in GRB until they add the split br they’ve been talking about