I have noticed that in japanese and german planes (dunno about other nations) if the plane has two different kinds of caliber, (let’s say, 7.7 and 12 mm) when starting the game, only one kind of weapon will fire. Most of the times it is the smaller one, and not until that is depleted will the secondary weapon fire.
Is anyone experiencing this?
There are keybinds for both small calibre guns and large calibre guns. If you use these, make sure to have a binding set for both.
There is also a keybind for fire (Machine guns/canons) which might work better for you. (edit for this one, no idea how this setting is meant to work because it wants to setup axis for it, which makes no sense, so I think this control is bugged)
Personally I use weapon selection with “fire primary weapons” and havent had any issues at all so far
It is not a control binding problem, I have them set up correctly and I never had this problem before. I just finished a round using soviet planes and the YAK-9T/K are also broken. When depleted of ammo and reloading, sometimes only the machine gun fires but not the cannon, which will start firing once machine gun is depleted and so on…
You could try resetting controls back to default or uploading a clip of this happening, but other than that, im out of ideas for troubleshooting, so as MightyBaozi suggested, you might need to submit a bug report Community Bug Reporting System