Planes are too slow to intercept CAS

The planes in Arcade, the right side of a interceptor is too slow to intercept planes, especially with these horrible J32A which cannot match the speed of a Yak-38M. If so, why make them interceptors at all? Might as well bring back name tags for fighters so they can serve as micro CAS.

Err…there are posts claiming bombers are too slow to avoid fighters…

There is RNG involved…sometimes the fighter is very close, others it is way back…and the TYPES of fighter/bomber make a difference also.

If it happens with all interceptors, then you may have an issue…but i dont think so. Again…if too easy for fighters then bombers will not be fun to play.

It may be improved, as i can agree that having zero chance of interception is annoying…and it does happen…


The whole Arcade CAS system is broken, it’s a pure manipulation of the game.

I don’t care if it’s RNG or not, it’s not what it should be, it should require skill to use it not be dependent on “luck”. And it’s bad for both roles, Whether you are using a bomber and get interceptors at gun’s reach as you spawn, or when you are in a interceptor role and are unable to catch the CAS plane or get the CAS escort at gun’s reach from you. Not to mention the type of payloads that can be seen and their differences, or the side from where you spawn.

The old system, in my opinion, was much better. You would spawn facing the enemy planes, so there was always the chance to be intercepted or to cover the CAS planes in time for them to pass through. I just don’t remember if the planes would spawn from each team’s side, but if you added that it would be a much better system and more close to what it should be. Also more dependent on skill than “luck”(RNG).

And there are more issues with the current system, the low cost it takes you to spawn a plane, the risk you take by leaving your tank to spawn one, or the no cost you pay for kamikaze attacks, the revenge killings, etc…

Also, for those that don’t like steam roll matches, the current CAS system only amplifies this to another level.

I’m saying this as someone who is good with CAS and fighter planes, but who doesn’t like that the game is decided by “luck”.