Petition to delete/seriously Re-work Attica

Hello lads, hows it going

I think It’s time to address one of the newest, and most frustrating maps in the game



This map has been a constant source of complaints, and for good reason. The poor design, terrain issues, and kind of unbalanced gameplay make it one of the least enjoyable experiences in War Thunder. I’m calling on Gaijin to either remove Attica from rotation or give it a serious rework to make it more playable.

Why Attica Needs to Go (or Change Drastically)

Terrible Terrain & Elevation Issues

  • The excessive rocks, uneven ground, and unpredictable elevation differences make movement frustrating.
  • It’s difficult to position vehicles effectively, often leading to unnecessary struggles with terrain rather than actual combat.
  • Many players find themselves stuck or disoriented due to the chaotic layout.
    Unbalanced Map Design
  • Certain spawn points have a natural advantage over others, leading to unfair matches.
  • The side that gets to key positions (like A) first can dominate the match with little chance of a comeback.
  • Some areas offer little to no cover, making it an easy farm for long-range campers.
    Encourages Spawn Camping
  • The layout of the map allows one team to quickly set up near enemy spawns, preventing the other team from even getting into position.
  • It often results in one-sided battles where one team is pinned down from the start.
    The Map is Disorienting and Confusing
  • Attica makes you feel turned around all the time, and the map does NOT help in any way.
  • There are no clear paths or landmarks to guide players, making it unclear where to go.
  • No other map has this issue, but Attica makes many players feel like they’re playing while drunk. The layout is simply that bad.
    Lack of Tactical Variety
  • Unlike other maps that allow for a mix of close-quarters, flanking, and long-range fights, Attica forces players into predictable engagement zones.
  • The narrow paths and forced chokepoints mean there’s little room for creative or strategic play.

The best options, according to me and some others.

  • Option 1: Delete Attica – The map is beyond saving, and removing it from rotation would improve the overall experience.
  • Option 2: A Complete Overhaul – A serious rework that fixes terrain issues, improves balance, and removes spawn camping vulnerabilities. Some that have been fixed just made the map look more disorientating.

This would much better fit Enlisted! This is so not the style of War thunder at all, This map feels like you should be running around with a bolt action! Not driving around dodging bombs and tanks at every second!

If you’re tired of dealing with Attica and want to see change?


What do you want!
  • Rework Attica!!
  • Remove Attica from map rotation!!
  • Nothing, its fine.
0 voters

please share your thought’s below! Not only to keep this discussion afloat, but also To make your opinion heard!


It absolutely needs to be gone. I only ever played this map once and I HATE it.


Another issue I have with it is it’s atrocious performance. I go from averaging 70-80 FPS on other maps, but I barely break 50 on Attica. It runs unacceptably bad for me, and I’ve heard of others with similar issues.


you are forgetting that attica is a CAS heaven for being this hilly and spawncamping is a general problem…

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That’s the other issue, only time I played it I went from roughly 100 fps on other maps to 60/70 fps which is 140% playable, but I shouldn’t be getting those drops. Imagine what it would be if I was still on my laptop that only ran ULQ

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Immediately I get this map I take it as a sign from gaijin to stop playing.

It’s one of the few maps that I absolutely hate playing on as the gameplay is terrible.

It doesn’t help that my cpu seems to also not like it as my fps goes all over the place making looking around a chore.

I agree to deleting this abomination!


My laptop gets around 80-120fps on other maps at high graphics and drops to 50-70 on this map

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Yea it’s horrific. Like I have a 3050 6gb and 60 FPS in war thunder movie settings is wild.

I have very little issue with Attica, though I 100% agree with bringing back the glory days of white rock fortress.


Map is quite terrible, having played it about 10 times, there’s like 2 positions you can go to and then its just camping to get kills. Not only is this gameplay boring, its frustrating for people actually trying to play the game and move around.
Seriously, please rework OR


Attica is a lost case, the last three maps for ground were a lost cause, at least Flanders is somewhat playable but North Holland is just Poland with a new appearence.


The ultimate concentration of all worst map features. No need to exist anymore


CAS hell, spawn camping galore and only hull down gameplay


This was their replacement for it…

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it’s disgusting.
It’s my new signature :P


You thought you were stealthy sneaking that into your post? Don’t be talking bad about North Holland. It’s much better than small Poland map (edit: Eastern Europe map). Entirely different map, aside from the small similarity that is the river arrangement. Entirely different buildings, sightlines, strategies… Even the river is different; ability to cross it it any location effectively transforms its role completely. I would even argue North Holland has better sniping and flanking opportunities.

Besides the city, the hills near the spawns, specially at the east side of the map are purely spawn-spawn sniping spots, and still, North Holland, like the others, are far from the worst maps yet added, and yes, it’s just a Poland with a new appearence, the river crossing the city and then splitting in two in the middle - original design, because Poland has equally good flanking and sniping positions.

hardly, its literally eastern europe (which is based on a town in poland iirc) but modernised to look like if you shrank amsterdam into one canal and red light district

I actually don’t mind Attica. East side for flanking, west for camping.

My only issue is I think the East could use some more space to flank and not get caught in a stalemate but other than that I think it’s pretty okay.

Ima be honest, I’m loving Attica, aside from the frame drops…
Don’t burn me at the stake :P