[Petition] - Replace India with a better Sub-nation

I know some were unhappy gaijin resolved indian vehicle for great britain tech tree. My condolences

It’s down to gaijin

A bit of off-topic critique, but calling this MiG a “copy-paste” vehicle is really stretching the definition of it. It’s like calling the F-4C and the F-4J the exact same vehicle.

Compared to totally unique stuff like the ZA Cheatah. It’s very C&P

Eh, I’m going to heavily disagree there. A C&P vehicle should refer to vehicles that have no differences to each other (aesthetic model differences do not count like the Hungarian BTR). The MiG-21 UPG has a lot of kit that no other MiG-21 has, making it quite different. My experience if I play the UPG would not be the same as a Bis.

Its more unique than T-90S so every british hardcore main could stop screaming muh russian copy paste things in my tree where they dont belong buuuh huuu. Meanwhile Arjun is domestic Indian and actually more unique than T-90S.

How about ammo changes like one shell missing?

  1. India was a commonwealth nation. (I know controversial, but that didn’t stop Taiwan from going to China)

  2. Mig-21s were exported all over the place. If Italy, Israel, and France can get F-16s, and Sweden and Germany can get Shermans, then we can tolerate the UK getting a Mig-21.

  3. Canada doesn’t have a defined tech tree. They have vehicles in several tech trees. Australia, likewise, already has an Abrams in the US tree. New Zealand wouldn’t add anything domestic to the tree.

I honestly think canada and australia and a few other nations shouldnt be a part of any tt fully rather the vehicles can go to nations that either made the vehicle or have ties to them in order to fix lacking of (whatever vehicle at said BR) canada is already like that and i dont really see a problem. Australia is a bit iffy, i think most should go to britain but i also dont think every vehicle should go to them.

It’s a case by case situation, I generally see C&P vehicles that are the exact same variant, BR, and Modules from whatever trees they are from.

Notice how the other nations recommended like Canada, Australia or New Zealand have mostly foreign equipment? Copy and paste wont be resolved by removing India lmao.

I don’t want to see more nations like Israel introduced into the game whatsoever unless that nation has a ton of vehicles like the USSR, Germany or USA (which are also unique ofc).

Oh, but it is a very bad one. Or di you miss the fight to keep Canada together since the 2A4M CAN was leaked?

  1. Can’t make a Canadian line-up
  2. Have to watch my non-exported stuff fight each other outside of minced battles.
  3. Have to find all 10 trees just to play my stuff when half doesn’t even speak English.

Being used as “filler” is the worst insult a nation can receive. And is walking over the people oh the nation.

Not gonna lie the 2a4M shouldnt be on britain, just like how the polish sherman shouldnt have been on germany( i know its not), its a british? Design so it went to britain. The 2PL is a german vehicle with german armor kits just like the 2a4m. Idk seems like thats makes sense. Until a nation has been stated to be a part of a nation exclusively then this is how it should be and already is.

NATO C&P is still far better than Soviet C&P.

but let’s not ignore that nations still have unique stuff to this day like Canada and its domestic LAV line.
Let’s not ignore the fact that all three nations could have a full unique WW2 as they built plenty domestically then.

Oh, how fitting you used defence giants like the USA and USSR to say you don’t want any other nation in game.


The 2A4M CAN just shouldn’t have come to the game. I’ll have to deny I’m Canadian every time I kill an ADATS with it or it with the ADATS.


Swiss Hunter- Bitsh vehclie- German tree. (Gaijin hasn’t said Germany is getting all of Switzerland)
Indian T-90 - USSR vehicle - Bistish tree (was added under the justification of “Commonwealth” before Gaijin said what they did under the MiG post)
ADATS(M113) - US hull with joint US-Swiss turret- UK tree.

It is not how it has been for years. It hasn’t been tech-only for years.

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Well its an unfortunate case of what gaijin says goes. It doesnt seem that far off to assume gaijin will probably make the swiss a subtree of germany in the future. At the end of the day its not entirely our choice as it is inevitably decided by gaijin. This post is about as useful in its demands as gaijin is at balancing which is hardly something they glance at, at least for a few months, maybe.

You are completely ignoring the fact that these Sub TTs are mostly for Top Tier, Britain already has a plethora of WW2 vehicles and we are currently limited to 5 lines anyways. The whole point of them is to fill in gaps and the high BR gaps they must fill will only be introducing C&P vehicles.

What gaps?

Britain has no gaps. Especially at 11.7 that needed filling. Now that AMRAAM has been added and Typhoon should be added soon. We have no need for any Sub-nation filler. With 1 exception. That is a supersonic fighter at 10.3-11.0 range which should be filled with Mirage III or Cheatah from South Africa.

Thats it

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Ah yes, zero gaps.