[Petition] - Replace India with a better Sub-nation

They could have at least picked a Briitsh export or native built. Instead of Soviet export. Heck with the Sea Harrier FA2 coming this update, I was expecting the Sea Harrier FRS51 as a premium. But nope


*We hope

Though it does mean that British vehicles are even less likely to appear as Premiums. I’d have bought a Premium Tornado or Harrier in a heartbeat

Gaijin should make presets like Ground SB with After 1945 RoC planes in BLUFOR and DDR planes in REDFOR


I think it’s still better than the lazy c&p from the main tree we got recently like the german and swedish leo 2A4, german event tornado, amx etc.

This provides at least a different playstyle but yeah (british) prototypes should be considered first

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Maybe, though still waiting on major placeholder parts of previous stuff to be fixed and adding Soviet stuff isnt really filling me with much confidence that they will be fixed.

Does it? The strategy suggested in the Dev-post by smin was to employ an identical strategy used by the Tornado F3 and Phantom FGR2. Hit and run attacks on distracted players. Does it really add anything to our TT?

We all know why other nations are getting Ivan C+P - Because Gaijin can’t be assed to get and keep balls rolling on adding in more domestic vehicles for many nations and since they’ve overbuffed Russian hardware it’s also easier to just give them out instead of nerf them accordingly.

So it’s 2 birds, 1 stone in usual Gaijin fashion.


AUS tree should have been the first sub-tree added to the UK, or AUS & NZ, because UK needs a heavy multirole bomber, like the F-111G/C.

Should have gotten the Avro Vulcan ages ago. Too bad the F-111K project was cancelled.

Speaking of the F-111A, it used the AIM-9E, and could use the AIM-9J, but it isn’t given in game, and is needed pretty badly at 10.3 in my experience from fighting it.


Yeah, its even come out that all Mig-21s are overperforming.

They have too much thrust because they use “emergency power” something the devs have said they wont model on any aircraft to date. (but have said they might consider it in the future, i guess so they dont have to nerf the Mig-21)



That’s been known for awhile that they are too fast, but you know, Gaijin always tried to sweep such things under the rug while their fanboys just accuse others of being anti-russia or whatever else they can think of.

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I think any British realm or dominion of the time of said vehicles service should be British tree. If it was something used by India in ww2 then it should be British. 2000s then it goes to the nation it most fits eg. Russia or America etc.

Examples of British realms.
Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, The Bahamas, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, and the United Kingdom.

I should specify I don’t believe these should be treated like SA was but their vehicles placed in the existing tree where gaps and lineups are filled and balance is improved.

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+1, T-90 and Mig-21 have no place in the British tree, especially not the best Mig-21 variant and T-90S sitting at a lower BR where it actually has other vehicles…

India can still be decent, but only if they put original vehicles and original vehicles ONLY. Same goes with Canada, no copy paste that doesn’t deserve to be in the British tree (like the numerous American planes that Canada used), same with Australia or whatever other Commonwealth trees they want, just no copy paste or foreign vehicles


I mean the F-111K meets the requirements for the game as it was partially built(even if just barely) and we could get its predecessor the TSR.2 which would give you a Buccaneer with insane speed


@Morvran Gaijin decided indian vehicle for great britain. My condolences.

But RSAF Tornado F3 like Tornado F3 (RAF) of Tornado ADV (Aeronautica Militare) ?

Gonna be honest I’d say don’t replace India at all. Buff L27A1 so its more like the historical figures we do have, buff the Mantlet, either implement regen steering or buff its mobility as a temp fix, make the backing plate Steel, make ASPRO able to withstand 25mm APDS at 500m as per STANAG L5 by itself, start adding actual indigenous light tanks (CVR(T)s, L4 WOMBAT and Ajax I’m looking at you), add a early IR SAM (Javelin Land Rover, or some Stinger dude in a Landy) and stop trying to randomly nerf British Air more for no goddamn reason when its objectively worse.

+1, India can definitely make its own tech tree, Canada would be a good choice as a replacement.

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I agree, lots of unique additions could’ve been added from Canada, Australia, and India:

  • CF-100 Canuck & CF-105 Arrow
  • CAC-15 Kangaroo and CAC-27 Sabre (the Australian Sabre is heavily modified therefore I don’t consider it C&P)
  • HAL Ajeet (variant of the Folland Gnat which itself should also be in the UK tree), HAL Marut and HAL Tejas

Although I’d also like to see the Canadian and Aussie variants of the Hornet & Super Hornet respectively, but no Indian variants of Soviet or French C&P (MiG-21/29, Su-30, Rafale)


Heck, the RAF did operate the Sabre for several years. Its not an unreasonable addition to our TT. But the modified Australian version is a good way of adding it to our TT without it being a C&P as you said

THere is a half reasonable argument for the Australia F-18 with ASRAAM to go to the US as it would be one of the only ways for them to get the ASRAAM and so would make quite a good event/SQV. But Canadian CF-18 I dont think is a big ask. Not many nations will even have a claim for the F-18 let alone actually get it. (currently US and Finland, with Germany and UK as maybes)


This makes sense. Since Australia operates both Legacy and Super Hornets, the former can go to the US (UK would also get a Legacy Hornet in the form of the CF-18) with ASRAAMs (they were operated on F/A-18C’s since 2004), and the Australian Super Hornet can still go to the UK after the Canadian Hornet (for example)


Yep, good balance. and fits the TT a lot nicer.

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Not sure about air, but the ground tree could get Jordanian tanks alongside the South African ones. Jordan had and still has a number of modified British designs, alongside some unique developments aided by South Africa, so there’s also a link there.

Tariq – modified Centurion


Tariq with Falcon 1 turret


Challenger 1 (Al-Hussein) with Falcon 1 turret

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 08.53.46

Challenger 1 (Al-Hussein) with Falcon 2 turret

Al-Hussein Hybrid – Challenger 1 with 120mm RUAG cannon and better FCS

Al-Hussein Hybrid with additional turret armour


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