funny how you complain about the german top SAM when its not even german.
the french and swedish have the ITO-90M which has 8 VT-1s STOCK while the flarakrad has to grind from the roland 3s and still only gets 2
they recently said with the br changes that the VT-1 will be stock but it still doesnt change the past
also the 50G value for the VT-1 is only during its 5-10 second ??? flight duration
How about a betetr idea and ask gajin to add HARM and SEAD wepons to both sides to jets that are quite very very underperforming because 80% of there systems and purpose cant is not moddeld?
Then some jets could a thing and keep some sam´s in check or rather we have a cat and mouse game. if only one and one is in the air. But to keep in mind its not always 1 on 1 but its CAS spam vs one or two anit airsystems because nobody ever spawns in those.
Do you recall, the Flak was king for YEARS? Because what, it stood uncontested for 2~3 years? With the best range for those years. Guess what, you’ll get something new soon.
Germany, USSR, and Italy were supposed to get a new aa system.
To be honest with you, FlaRakRad was a breath of fresh air back then, considering how Ka-50s and 52s had used to be nigh untouchable if your missile wasn’t fast enough to jump them, and the Vikhrs at the time were far more busted than they are today.
Germany, USSR, and Italy were supposed to get a new aa system.
Osa ain’t a replacement for the FlaRak/Pantsir, it’s a side-grade at best for the former, and a straight up downgrade for the latter (its missiles are literal bricks and unless we get the M3 variant, they’ll also have less range).
it stood uncontested for 2~3 years?
FlaRak’s reign had lasted for only about ~8 months before ItO-90Ms got added and dethroned it… (October 2020 - > June 2021).
And have Gaijin unlock all of the air tech tree for the ground tree you’re playing so that you can actually fly jets, right? Because otherwise you’re just saying “grind twice as long just to have something that can counter CAS.”
And even as a USSR main, I don’t think those heli nerfs were bad. The recent ones with avionics are terrible ngl, but for the sake of balance and realism the nerfs before hand were good.
The Flak definitely stood king a bit longer than that.
Would love to see expanded A2G/Wild Weasel armament and ARM missiles. But at the same time we need more AD options before that’s really a thing. Currently Russia has a capable high level AD system. Every nation should have a long range AD system that isn’t out ranged by helicopters or fighter.
The number of times I’ve seen the pantsir completely eviscerate light tanks and knock out barrels tracks and sights on mbts is the proof i need to know it can.
And btw the VT-1 is no where near as effective in Overpressure as you paint it to be.
It barely does the job agains composite and not to mention era roofed russian tanks.