Pc store on console (idk the name)

Does anyone know when those console ceos will stop dragging there feet?

I missed out on so many events and I have the cash, but i don’t want to buy a pc.



Does anyone know why people are asking about console manufacturer actions on the Warthunder forum? Please contact Sony about this issue because nothing is going to happen from this end because Gaijin aren’t the ones who stopped it from happening.

No kidding, it’s the ceos of console brands which I thought I stated, thanks for your opinion.

I thought this was clear enough to understand

She knows that, but unfortunately she doesn’t play WT or read here.

Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 14-43-02 hexe glaskugel - Google Suche

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Why would anyone on the Warthunder forum have any idea about console manufacturer CEOs? It isn’t a relevant discussion, especially after Forum Staff has said these marketplace issues are out of their hands. Go to Sony’s community and ask them why they won’t. Here is the link: https://us.community.sony.com/s/?language=en_US