Passive behavior explanation please

Ive reported several players for just spawning in tank and sitting on spawn whole game. Not doing anything. Their connection was obviosuly ok they just went afk.


This happens alot especially with seasoned players. But it dont help when you own team will camp the enmy af with out trying to drag them to the middle of the map. Its like i must get the kill before my team mate does.

The above post is the correct “version” of what technically passive behavior actually is, no actions at all. It is easiest to spot in tanks, as mentioned spawning in and doing nothing at all. With planes and in naval it is a bit harder to spot in that many times those vehicles spawn in a way that they are moving on their own, i.e. an “air spawn” for planes, and boats/ships have the throttle set and will begin moving without user input. If a plane flies the entire game without adjusting it’s course, firing weapons or shooting rockets/missiles or dropping bombs, that could be passive behavior. Ships are even more difficult to spot in that the “Ai” gunners can fire on their own once given the opportunity and the ship is driven for a long time “on it’s own”, which seems to be a problem with naval play, as of the past couple years or so? At any rate, “running away” while some may deem unsporting, is still a valid tactic. Staying alive or doing damage to the enemy can be the main priority for any player, and it is their choice of which to do and how to do it. If you see a player that is clearly “not there” and has spawned in and is not participating in any way, you can report that. I would suggest using the Server Replay reporting feature for that, or “griefing”. But if the player has made some moves that require “user input”, then it prolly is not passive behavior and most likely is legal game play, whether it meets your approval or not. Game Masters review all reports and act on them accordingly. This is one of the “trickier” Game Rules, as it is widely interpreted in different ways. I think if everyone actually read the Game Rules and got a good understanding of them, there could be less angst from the player base in general about such things, and the GM’s job might become easier/faster if there were less invalid/false reports to sort through on a daily basis. But as with any question you might have about the Game Rules, always best to contact a Game Master directly thru a pm here on this Forum and get a good explanation so as to help your understanding.

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Where are they i can find license agreement and faq but not actual game play

Easiest way I know of is to go in game and select the Community tab - Support - War Thunder and the lower right Window says Game-related issues, there select the top option - How to find Game Masters\Game rule questions . . . everything is in there. I am sorry but I do not know how to find them here on this new Forum. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I guess i should be ssking for a bigger sticky ;)

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I just went there and the word passive is not used once. Shurly we all need to play by the same rules?

In this case it was really annoying - we played more than 10 minutes with 2 B7A2s vs 1 Wyvern (we had ticket lead) and his battle strategy was reduced to trying to lure my teammate into af aaa combined with two attempts trying to force a headon whilst circling his airfield.

All he had to do was to get some alt (~2.000 meters) and extend at top speed, gain distance and alt and force high speed headons being so fast that reversals are useless. Wyverns simply spray you down with 1.200 20mm rounds - he opened fire at 3 km distance whilst scoring his only kill after 5-6 minutes. Speed and climb advantage of Wyverns vs B7A2s below 6 km is insane.

The rip speed in a dive of a B7A2 is depending on alt almost equal to his straight line level speed. So even if you predict the flight path correctly you might have no chance to get in gun range if he has some alt to work with. Depending on alt they can dive faster than 870 kmph TAS…

Your passive play question should imho be addressed to GMs - some of them are quite reasonable guys. You might see in the already provided feedback that players have different opinions about passive game play…

The big one is if you google war thunder passive play you find Stona mentioning about where it came from being random players landing on the map and AFKing.

Now that would be passive… xD


It appears passive play is an unwritten rule that can be reported for, leading to abuse when it suits someones greed, due to the fact its not defined what passive play is ( i cant find it) We all must be guilty of passive play at some point especily when climbing or being interupted at home, but i guess more do it than others and some just take the biscuit .

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I just have to revive this and state I received a warning a month ago which included passive play. I play GRB almost exclusively, and I’m the not the greatest but I’m not also an idiot.
I refuse to be one of those lemmings that just presses W and charges straight ahead, although Gaijin and their recent map changes seems to be encouraging that behavior.
So I doubt it was actually reviewed and was just someone who saw me watching a flank or hanging back, and wasn’t happy.

You were “Report Bombed”, and generally when folks do that, they include as many if not all possible rules violations. It’s an automatic warning sent any time someone gets reported “x” of times within an allotted time period. Many players do not understand how the complaint system works, almost as many have never read the Game’s Rules. A player that gets reported will only be dealt punishment in cases where those rules have been broken. The number of reports mean absolutely nothing, and making false/invalid reports, especially with the intent to get innocent players into trouble is also against the rules and can bring punishments in and of itself. I’ve been here 10+ years now and to this day, people still make false reports and fail to read the rules . . . go figure . . . lol. Being reported is not against the rules and is nothing to worry about . . . as long as you did nothing wrong of course . . . lol. But players get mad or feel wronged and lash out in this manner which only clogs up the report system and makes more work for the Game Masters. Wastes everyone’s time really . . . even their own.


It has a lot of “definitions” amongst the player, that’s for sure. But unless things have changed, “passive behavior” used to be when a player spawns into a game and does nothing . . nothing at all. Tank battles it’s pretty easy to spot, guy spawns in and his tank never moves the entire match . . . that’s passive. Same guys drives outta spawn, goes out a ways and parks behind a rock and sits there for a good while. He moved, drove the tanks and may just hiding, waiting for a target . . any of a number of things . . . not passive. Planes and ships it’s harder because they spawn in moving, except Air RB when they get an af spawn. if they never take off . . that’s passive. But planes that just spawn and fly in that direction and never change course or anything . . . that could be passive.
Last guy flying off into outer space and staying as far from enemies as they can . . not passive . . survival is a “tactic” and they are doing something, so . . not passive. Just because a player is not doing what his enemies want doesn’t make it passive. At times it can seem “unsportsmanlike” or unwanted action “wasting everybody’s time”, as long as they are doing something, making an effort . . it’s not really passive behavior. It’s not outlined because there are a great many variables and a static criteria is not really possible to post out. Same with any list of “bad” words . . . some words yeah, easy . . some, usage and intent play a role . . . there’s too many scenarios to list them all. If you have to wonder if a word’s “allowed” it prolly isn’t use another word. If you want to report a guy for passive, just think of how and if it qualifies . . . it’s easier when everything is in black & white, but somethings just don’t fit that mold 100% . . I mean can’t even count the number of times over the years I have hit the “To Battle” button and wondered off to get something to drink, go to the baffroom or step outside and come back having forgot I started a match . . . . lol, yeah, that was passive . . at least until I got back . . ☻

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Yea, that report bombing, and the depiction of ‘everything’ being listed in the ‘reasons’ makes it harder to see whether or not it was one thing.

Also though, if you have a stack of old reports, and get a few more, that 10 times warning also comes up I think.

Which also sucks for clarity.

Another case of passive play is one time a hornet mk.III climbed to space and was much faster than anyone on our team and just wasted all our time. His fuel is so much that he didn’t need to return to base. He wasn’t even trying to kill us or complete objectives.

Thing is, you’ve got to make the choice in that scenario of what to do, fast… You either pursue them and get mad, or carry on with objectives, heading back to base and rearming to go hit more.

If anything, this scenario, should lead to over-time in the match almost giving you more time to push through the objective, or to have AI strike units come in to hit targets/bases, or, an AI ground match of light units to give you something to hit.

It’s not so much passive, as it is strategic, and tactical.

Another ‘solution’ would be to have the Enduring Confrontation AI ‘‘Hunter’’ units come in to find and destroy the player.

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Yeah I don’t worry about it to much as the warning stated you’ve been reported at least 10 times, and had a list of things, which included passive play.

It’s one of the odd rules that Gaijin has in it’s list of complaints allowed, which never really made sense as it’s obviously open to interpretation and seems to be more of an issue on the Air RB side.

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