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- No
I would like to suggest this desperate modification of at least 1 Pzj I Ausf.B to have a 7,5 cm StuK 40 L/48 instead of the (in comparisson) tiny 4,7 cm Pak(t). This is a literal Glass Cannon, putting all points in Gun.
This conversion was made in late war around 1945 and was used in the defence of Berlin, it was aparently abandoned with some damage to the suspention, after all the Pz I Hull wasnt exactly made to carry such a big and heavy gun, with strong recoil. (Visibly, by the big FlakTurm in the background.)
It was visibly originally a Pzj I Ausf.B, duo to still haveing a little part of the original super structure shield to the front, beyond that it was cut off and the gun including standart gun mount taken from a Stug III G or StuG IV was placed on it and given a gunshield to the left and right of the gun, to protect the gunner and loader, at least from the front against MG rounds, while overall only 1 picture exists anymore, there are drawings and artists creations which accuratly represent this.
How much ammo it carried is unknown, however space for around 20-30 rounds should be available in the foot room under the gun, as the cradle starts at the roof of the hull.
In game it would be a literal Glass cannon, maybe event vehicle, and give the low BR range a very potent gun at the cost of everything. Having normal speed (40 km/h), armor to only withstand Mg fire.
Pictures:(Click to show)
Here on this cut out, a number 742 is visible, as well as at the top the only part left of the original Pzj I Ausf.B shield.

The Gun:
7,5 cm StuK 40 L/48
Elevation: -6° to +17°, +/-10°Traverse
Ammo: somewhere of 20-35 rounds.
Ammo Types: Apcbc, Apcr, He, Smoke, Heat
Pzgr.39 (Apcbc) 6,8kg 17g H.10 (28,9) 770 - 792m/s 145-152mm/10m
(British Tests showed for the L/48 Guns up to 2655 fps (809m/s))
Pzgr.40 (Apcr) 4,1kg 28x111mm 0,90kg Core 990m/s 192mm/10m
Pzgr.40 (W) (Apbc) 4,1kg solid 990m/s 132mm/10m
(Used till 1000m as cheaper alternative to Pzgr.39 and Pzgr.40, better velocity made it easyer to aim, flat block face meant its a bit better against angle, its made from softsteel, deforms instead of penetrates armor, better against harder armor. There is a difference between Pzgr.40(W) and Pzgr.40 (Üb).)
Gr.38 Hl/C (Heat) 4,8 kg 515 g H.10 (875,5g TnTa) 450 m/s 115mm/10m
K.Gr. Rot Nb (Smoke) 6,2 kg 95g Pent 540 m/s
The Vehicle:
Pzj I Ausf.B
Armor: 8-14,5mm
Engine: NL 38 TL 6 Cylinder 100 PS
Speed: 40 Km/H
Crew: 3
Geschossringbuch I
Munition der StuK 40
PzJ I Manual
“Panzerjäger” by Ricardio Recio Cardona
The History of Panzerjäger Volume 2
Warthunder Wiki Pzj I Ausf.B
Walther D. Sturmgeschütze and its variants.