Panzerhaubitze 2000

Do we have a source the -2 gun depression is correct?
Pretty sure it should be -5

Actually it should be -2,5
But not -5

They realy did the 11,25 :)


@WreckingAres283 do you thing it would be worth setting up an Suggestion?


What would be the best way?
Make an Vote here and see the results?

Either make a seperate Dev Thread or a Suggestion;

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Well, then I likely will do an seperate Dev-thread later if no one is faster
Also, +1 for yours from me :)

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Did it get its initial burst fire for first shells?

No, but an Ace 6s reload (yes, you can train the loader because its not an full autoloader, the charge is still placed manually)

would love a higher br for a possuble 3.3 or 4 sec reload

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u dont want that, because after the initial 3 it would need quite a bit longer for reload

would just be like the challeys

Only if you keep firing without taking a short break. If you wait for ~15 sec after last pressing fire, you have your burst ready again

could be a readyrack mechanic

It essentially is a pseudo-ready rack irl, so that would fit

Should one make a bug report for that or how would I best suggest / report the lack of a ready rack mechanic for the burst fire?

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Shouldn’t the name be corrected for the German PzH 2000 to PzH 2000 A2 ?

Seeing as how all four charges are used when you fire a round, it should probably be the max payload velocity, something like the type 99, but far as I can tell, the gun stats are just copied from VIDAR, which also has slow M107 despite having an L/52

Really hope that SAPHE shell gets added, but the bug report hasnt even been looked at yet. Kinda wanna ping gunjob cuz hes a tech mod, so i think he could pass it, but he gets pinged enough and hes usually a plane guy :/