- Yes
- No
In July 1941 after the German forces encountered the new T 34 and Kv 1 their main Tank and anti tank guns (3,7 cm KwK/PaK 36 L/45, 5 cm KwK 38 L/42 and 7,5 cm KwK 37 L/24) werent enove to effectivly or at all penetrate their armor. Because of that Hitler ordered Krupp to mount a long 5 cm Cannon on a Panzer IV, this resulted of the creation of a Panzer IV Ausf. D with a 5 cm KwK 39 L/60. The prototype was to be completed by November 1941. The new Gun improved the Firepower of the Pz IV a lot on cost of explosive filler and overall anti infatry efficency. While the installation of this gun proved to be feasible and there was a planned production run of 80 vehicles by the spring of 1942, the whole project was canceled, because the new tank versions of the Pak 40 slowly began to be manufactured (7,5 cm KwK 40 L/43). Because of these main advatages of more explocive filler and better armor penetration after field tests have shown that the 5 cm gun wasnt the best choice against T 34 and Kv tanks they chose the 7,5 cm gun over the 5 cm gun.
Its place in game would be ether depending where it would land in the main TT in group with the Pz IV Ausf. E or as a Premium TT at Rank 2.0-2.3
Its Reasoning would be to show more of the move from Infantrie Support vehicle to Anti Tank Vehicle (L/24 β L/43/48)
It would also be an alternative for firepower to the Pz III J or Marder III, having more firepower than the Pz III J but less armor (see below)
The armor Profile of the Pz IV D but without the extra armor as it is an early model and not the late variant as shown on the Armor thickness Picture, but have been possibly up armored later.
Dimensions (l-w-h) 5.92 x 2.83 x 2.68 m (17.7 x 6.11, 8.7 in)
Total weight, battle-ready 20 tonnes
Crew 5 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Radio Operator and Driver)
Propulsion Maybach HL 120 TR(M) 300 hp @ 3000 rpm
Speed (road/off road) 42 km/h, 25 km/h (cross country)
Range (road/off road)-fuel 210 km, 130 km (cross country)
Primary Armament 5 cm KwK 39 L/60
Secondary Armament Two 7.92 mm MG 34
Elevation -10Β° to +20Β°, 360Β° Traverse at 16Β°/sec.
Turret Armor Front 30 mm, sides 20 mm, rear 20 and top 8-10 mm
Hull Armor Front 50 mm, sides 20 mm, rear 14.5-20 mm and the top and bottom 10-11 mm
Sources: Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf.D - Tank Encyclopedia
Jentz and Doyle Panzer Tracts 4