Panzer 4 vs Sherman vs T-34

I just explained in detail why the Sherman has better firepower, and all you can say is ‘‘No way it’s better’’.

Don’t be surprised when I say that hasn’t convinced me.

All are negated with smart positioning and aiming for the long 75.


If you apply the ‘‘Oh those downsides can be overcome with skill’’ argument for one vehicle, I can just apply it to the other as well.

Then the M4 Sherman still has better firepower.

Nah bro, the muzzle velocity and pen makes the Panzer 4’s long 75 way way easier to use and just overall better. Pop the Panzer 4 up to 4.3/7 it will still be useful, Sherman? Not so much.

Can’t say I’ve had much trouble hitting targets with the Sherman’s 75mm.

Sherman’s 75mm penetrates it’s enemies just fine, that’s why it’s stabilizer, reload rate, 50. cals, turret traverse, post-pen damage and gun depression advantages massively overweigh the simplistic penetration advantage.

The M4A1 is more mobile, has better armour, better gun handling, better firepower and better survivability, I see no reason for why a M4A1 would do worse.

For context, my M4 is sitting on a 7-1 K/D ratio with an average of 5 kills per match, up-tiering it to 4.0+ would be no issue due to the aforementioned advantages.

Also, the Jumbo does just fine at 5.0 - 6.0 matchmaking with the same gun.

Being able to use the Pz.IV at higher BRs because the gun is more powerful doesn’t mean it is better than the M4 at their respective BRs.

Much like how the Sturer Emil’s cannon can work even at 6.7, that doesn’t mean the Sturer Emil is even a good 4.3.

For 3.3, the penetration of the 75 mm cannon of the M4A1 works more than well enough, while having other qualities which surpass that of the Pz.IV. Sure, you might not be able to use the M4A1 at 4.7 as well as a Pz.IV, but why would you in the first place?

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Well then panzer 4’s can go down of M4A1 could go up if the M4A1 is that much better.

I mean.

There are a lot of people that do say the M4A1 should go up.


That was gibberish lol

So the P4 has a gun that will kill 5 and 6br and the 3.7 Sherman does not but the M4 is still equal to the P4 at the higher BRs even though it cant perform the same giant killing task?

What do you mean by working at 6.7 but unable to work at 4.3? Is your translator broken?

The biggest disadvange of Panzer IV’s has been forgotten: Its just rank II. Means no events. No battlepass, abysmal paypouts.

At least for me thats a reason to simply never use them. After that comes the bad mobility and they truly aweful amor. Dunno how it was IRL, but ingame its not possible to take any hit. Even most SPAAs kill it easily (the russian ones with quite alot pen lolkill or cripple it from any direction).

Rank 3 for Italy and Sweden though.

In my purest opinion it comes down to play style that this list can be taken as. Are you a player who likes holding massive sightlines and sniping,maybe even just assuring you’ll pen by having a great gun? The panzer 4 is your besr friend right there.

You like brawling, perhaps within an urban evniroment, shermans and t34s appeal a bit more in that area.Specially the sherman with the vert stabilizer. Some mah say the panzer 4 is better due to having to worry less about penning the target as you have the best gun compared to other mediums and even some tank destroyers. But I like all 3 almost equally, allows me to try other play styles and see which map environments tailor better to each tank.

For me it goes like this in how i place them.

1:Sherman for overall versatility and a stablizer for better reaction times in various situations.

2:Panzer 4 for a great gun allowing for less worry if you may lack penetration power

3: T-34 goes here, it does massively benefit from great angle pen, ontop of some “gaijin moments” with the unfortunate way voluemtric can just decide that a shell cant pen because it hit a angle weirdly. However the lack of pen can let you down very quick against some more armoree targets.

With the stabilizer thrown into the matchup, yeah I would.

You are deluding yourself thinking that anything we say here can influence Gaijin one way or another. They’ve probably decided to uptier EBR on their own, regardless of community’s opinion on the matter.

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There are a few examples where complaints from the community led to Gaijin not changing the BR of a vehicle, like when Gaijin planned to make the T29 7.3.

However, that’s protesting against a change, rather than protesting that a change should happen. The community doesn’t have an impact on what tanks are on the list to be uptiered in the first place.