
I hate to be the one doing this, but Gaijin PLEASE Nerf the Pantsir-S1, it is insanely overpowered for it’s BR. It’s tracking Radar is K band so only the New SU-25 that was recently added can detect if it has launched a missile at you. No matter what you do it’s radar will overpower your plane even if you go slightly above 60 Meters. I get that CAS at toptier is bad but planes in IRL have ways to counter this, and for most Russian SPAA’s at top-tier you just need to pull 15 g’s and pray to god. Once again i hate to be the one to say this but please nerf the Pantsir or it’s radar a bit.


I mean it is better than other spaa’s but at least a 25-30 km air spawn would help


I agree because if you spawn in within 30 seconds you will have a missle launched on you which you cannot flare or menuever because of the sheere g-pull on the missle



please do gaijin it would make people happy

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If you can spawn further away you would have time to set up those Mavs for the F16C or the gripens


Fair point

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30 is a lot. You would die in 15 if a panstir is already spawned


if you spawn in nuke you would just die because pantsir-s1

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Yeah, it needs nerfing,.or equals adding to all nations or CAS needs buffs at top tier. Pantsirs can shoot you down the moment you spawn and there is no defence



Yeah, just spawning much much further away would help, perhaps also having multiple spawn areas for aircraft would help too


Pantsir is so easy to counter its not even nice lol. The moment you past 5 km do barell roll, you outpull the missle, as it does not really have power to follow at distance due to very short burn time. The meta to kill Pantsir is not to fly high, but fly low and kill it with fast low pass mav. I am seeing people in 16Cs every game totally dominating on Pantsirs, cause the Pantsir cannot see and track you while flying low as the radar is absolutely useless and blind.

To kill Pantsir just fly low and fast, use terrain, trees and other things causing the radar to loose lock. Then kill 3 Pantsirs with your mavs per pass.


It’s missiles are really really quick so you have little time to react as well

They cannot, and there is defence. Its called not fly straight right from spawn.


how about nukes they cant do shit

Yeah, doesn’t help, tornado Gr1, spawn in dump CMs, max G turn away and climb still get hit.

Only aircraft at top tier I have that can reliably survive spawning in is the Gripen a 12.7. but can’t really attack. And even if I get weapons off, usually the Pantsirs just shoots them down


The best way to balance the spaa is just to spawn further away so you have time to react to any threats, being air or ground threats

Yeah, the worst part being is the Pantsir has an insanely long radar range, i think of around 35-40km

Okay, nitpicking here. Noone really uses GR.1, lets be real. People spawn GR.7 instead and fly low like i mentioned and have success. As i said, all you need is barell roll, the missle wont pull enough to get you. And then fly low and fast. People complaining about Pantsir being OP never tried playing with it and seeing it from other side.

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I think it was just 20 smth km’s

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