Yeah… Hoping for Tornado Gr4 with Brimstones to actually give Britain someway to actually fight Pantsirs reliably
does the ASSTA.4 get anything usefull as well?
or can we expect a Tornado ASSTA.4 alongside a Tornado ASSTA.4 WTD-61 with the brimstones?
I have no idea about the absolute latest version. But assuming we dont get additions like CBUs or HARM. Then probably the best Germany can hope for in that regard are glide bombs unfortunately but im not overly familiar with German aircraft.
Unless Germany ends up getting something from another country. CAS could become almost impossible for them until Tranche 2 Typhoons in a year or 2
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me → 😭
Someone gonna leak?
Hold on let me get my popcorn
bro got left on read
Nothing, still the best anti air due to Tor being so slow and such small explosive mass, it should be around 15kg