Just to be clear you are asking for this turret? If so, I definitely support this suggestion
no thats the schmale blende, im asking for this one
Is this more historical?
arguably, theyre both historical but this one is slightly more so
@quartas121 like i said lol, ur definition of made is 🤣
+1, pop the KT2P and the Ferdi back down to 6.3 and create a line up with this in it.
What was the origanal Panther II turret going to look like? I’ve seen videos talk about it and show a similar turret to the Panther F turret.
- We need it
- Let the dead stay dead
What I mean by “We need it” is not need it but want it
see here
+1 for the regular turreted version, it did indeed work
Would also be nice to have the camo it used to be painted in
Questonable a lot of here sounds very wehraboo and not researched
First off only the side armor was increased and it wasn’t any better then the armor the skirts give em already just you know visually nicer. The armor was a response to panthers being taken out by anti tank rifles that’s all.
In all other characteristics it really wouldn’t have been that special. Rather then a different vehicle they should remove the 88 from the existing P2, give it the proper G turret with 75MM that other panthers have.
No need for an extra vehicle when we have one and it just needs correction. Hell they can even keep the night vision on as its unique thing(tho honestly existing later panthers could be given it as well as a decoration)
Read the suggestion first.
And no, a lot more was done to upgrade the tank than just the side armour.
Keep hate out of the equation
Not really, sloping was nothing new to germany, they already employed it long befor on armored cars, it was seen just as not needed for the required protection levels. And even befor the T-34 were other tanks like the FCM 36.
I read that the VK 30.01 D was heavily inspired from the frontal slope of the T-34 and being a panther prototype, it does make a few links towards?
Thats would only include general shape, but neither armor, angles, gun or turret are the same, and the Panther is from MAN and it doesnt even have the general shape.
Yes but i mean overall obviously they knew the advantages of sloped armour but hadnt beems seriously driven to pursue them until the eastern front?
(As far as ive read)
I suppose so, tho u wouldnt call it a designe orientation on the T-34.
True, ill reword it as, the move towards sloped armour was inspired by the T-34
Good work but no from me for one reason only
It will be put on 7.3/7.7 and be useless after usual crowd cries
I cant see that happening lol.
Its less armoured than a kunigstiger and less armed as well. No way it can be placed at anything above 6.3
It would literally just be a Panther with thicker hull armor and a weird Schmalturm.
At most something like 6.3.