Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion



Thank you for taking time out of your day to explain it to me

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@Gunjob If you ever do a gofundme, I’ll happily chuck some beer tokens your way. Working hard for competitive (or at least vaguely accurate) British aircraft and vehicles is a worthy cause…


I have a buy me coffee account if you look in the description of my youtube videos :).


Have you considered British TT consultant? There’s certainly the support for it, I know there’s a whole convoluted process but I got asked on reddit from one of your fan posts if I had considered making a poll for that. But equally its likely more unpaid work for you and there’s no point me making one if you have no interest in the position.

Then finally there’s naturally no mandate Gaijin actions such a poll.


I second this but only if you want to do it. We the people do not want to put so much responsibility on your shoulders unless you are ok with it.

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Pretty much my train of thought, particularly with what happened with the Chinese consultant and the mod who got doxxed, I have no desire to pressure Gunjob into a position he may prefer to avoid, particularly as he already does so much for the projects of all nations in-game but particularly Britain.

However if he is interested i’d happily make the post and advertise it on reddit too.

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I never asked what is the Tornado lacking? I don’t care about GMR for now but what’s the deal with the “80%” remark?

Well biggest thing propably is the ground radar which is only implemented on the SU 39, besides that debatable if the radar has A2A detection abilities as well

Then it is missing Countermeasures a whole lot, the pods each would have like 500 chaffs and 24 flares (wild number out of my head but shows the point)
You can argue in the same measure missing ECM as well

Besides that our most favourite Dispenser weapons propably like the MW1, HARMS and Taurus.

Arguably the Aim 9L should be replaced with the AIM9L(I) variant. Asraam and Iris-T propably are to strong currently.

British tornados have access to brimstones as well

Also slats, something with flight model iirc, engines compressing ect.

yeah that goes into technical stuff i have no idea about

If you wait long enough Morvran will spawn here and give you a list

What’s MW1 and Taurus?

MW1 is the german cluster dispenser system. You fly over an area and distribute mines , bombles etc. Often used to destroy runways. The british version is named JP223

The Taurus is the german cruise missle. British one is named Storm Shadow


And those 5 kinds were? Anything like the Durendal?
Besides how good is Taurus? From what I can tell storm shadow is going to be useless

MW-1 is slightly superior with the kind of possible ammunition KB44 (small bomb ), MUSPA (Fragmentation Mine Active-Passiv), MUSA (Fragmentation Mine Activ), MIFF (Anti tank mine), STABO (Runwaybomb) =Basicaly dropped Durendal

Taurus and Storm Shadow is nearly identical

tell that to the Rostov-on-Don

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Flight model. Currently its placeholder code. The lack of slat code not only results in around 5-10% loss in turn performance at high speed and I think it’s about 60-70% turn performance at low speed. Also other issues have been found but changes have been put on hold till the code is finished.

Counter measures. Currently BOZ pods are missing 600 chaff each in addition to that the Gr1 is missing 2x BOL rails for an additional 320 mixed CMs.

Weapons. We are missing a mix of both weapons in the game and a few not in the game yet. Mk82 snakeyes are due to be added soon™ but we could also have the 500lb paveways. Not in the game yet include CBUs (the Tornados primary anti tank weapon) but also ALARM, Sea Eagles and JP233 (MW1, for German Tornados)

PGM-500/2000s could receive a vastly better seeker

We are also missing systems like Sky Shadow ECM pods which would be an amazing counter to anything with BVRs.

Cockpit is missing some functionality that would be amazing in SB

Ground radar in any form. I know you arent fussed about it, but the lack of any form of ground radar really sucks. Full GMR would be amazing in SB as well, especially with newer weather effects.

Aim-9Ls could be upgraded to be Dechirped.

Engine performance at high speeds might be incorrect, currently that’s being investigated by a few I think.


@x_Shini told you