Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Lol if we get a Harrier or Tornado as our new top tier I’m quitting the UK until the Typhoon, and even then I’ll be sure to grind out the German one (much more easily mind you) because I have 0 faith that ASRAAM will be the lethal long range killer it is IRL.

Would you be OK with Canadian or Australian F-18?

IMO it makes more sense than Gripen, and would be a good entry into Fox-3 combat, bridging the way for Eurofighter to come later on.

in the same way we’ll get the Stage 2 dadar on release of the Tornado F.3…

right… right…?

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No no that would be unrealistic nonsense, ASRAAM cannot be long range what are you on about

proceeds to add T-90M with precisely 0 spalling

Yea, i’d like to see these aircraft as well as the Tornado and Harrier, I can see that some people enjoy and are very talented with that sort of playstyle but for me its not the reason I play Air RB. Any sort of fighter and i’d be happy to be honest.

I would think it would be something like the camera/radar slaving on the F-14B. You point the lightning at the target and the radar will lock onto it which would do the targeting for the Brimstone.
I’m just thinking because it’s an ARH missile like the AIM-120.

we’re a different brand of crazy

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You have to be to be a Brit main. Didn’t you see it on the Job Application form?

What form? I was here before any forms were posted? Do i need to fill it? Am i excluded from the UK mains community? Was everything i did up untill now a fake?


damn did we send you the wrong government form? damned MoD, so this is why they ended up with a Meteor missile that couldn’t fit in the F-35 internal bays lol


I was at Yeovil during the summer and the QE display was amazing. I am slightly miffed and how we basically got the Invicible class 2.0 instead of the railgun launchers. I understand considering that we haven’t operated a fixed aircraft in over 40 years but some of our pilots were sent to the States to fly the Hornets so…

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Yes, the only thing i got from the MoD was the list of numbered Tea leafes supply for the next 10 years or so. I did not understand the meaning of it, so i kept it under the sugar bowl. Now it all makes sense!

All because that one guy decided that instead of making a usefull head, Meteor will have to be flown using fancy hats placed on the sensor, adding 196 inches to the total lenght.

I’m still convinced that it’s because the Americans are salty that Britain and much of Europe has a superior missile to them

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They are salty about the Delta wings. As you know, there is more Delta wing in Europe than it is Mcdonalds on typical street in America


From what I understand it’s LM dragging their heels, Meteor compatability was supposed to come with F-35 Block 4, however that keeps being pushed back. BAe is currently working on getting meteor to work on the current blocks, but after the Nimrod/Haddon-Cave review, testing is very difficult and lengthy (basically any accidents in service are placed squarely at the compaines if it’s found safety reviews where not up to “standard” so they end up being very in depth), + the fins have to be shrunk a bit so we’ll have to see how long that re-engineering and testing will take.

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So it will be the AIM-120C for us then. Yikes.

Yeah don’t know why it taken them this long to realise the missile ain’t gonna fit

Well, probably things had to do with not exporting your weapons/plane ect, dimensions sent by paper ect, or just they could not find the middle ground like always.

You would think spending millions on new set of aircraft you make sure your stuff can work on it

This isn’t some new thing. The clipped wing Meteor has been talked about since at least 2015 (i.e. before the Meteor even entered service).

The clipped wing version already exists: