Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

If they make Brimstones just like 65s (they are not supposed to be used AtA, so they ignore existence of the flares) then yes

I reckon they’ll just basically be C&Ps of AGM-65Ds. Their advantage will be:

  • The triple mounts
  • Better TV optics (maybe good enough to not need T-pod)
  • Longer range

But I doubt they’ll have any of their “find their own target” mechanics and I doubt they’ll have any smart approach things. They’ll just hit centre mass like AGM-65Ds do

Do brims have their own camera? They are mmw/laser guided, but tv/ir?

I assumed they did at least.


Unless the cameras in the nose of the Gr4 are what they use to guide them because no T-pod there. But they do also ahve that “find pre-programmed target” thing as well

Yeah, we wont be getting that though, So will probably operate like a AGM-65D. Point a camera at a target and fire. The question will be what Camera

Originally Brims are only radar guided, then laser was added in the Dual mode upgrade, so tpod/build in camera on a plane

Yep, that would be my guess. But can you imagine if we did actually get that guidance and the moaning it would cause. Just spawn in, fire off 18 Brimstones over a ridge at 20km. RTB and get 18x kills and then reload and go again

So probably something something radar seeker nerf something something

Will be like the Radar, Chaff, ECM, FM, etc etc on the Tornado, just another missing game mechanic that may or may not ever get added

Or something like, if not targeted at ground target self destruction. If yes then gł dodging they

Based upon SkyFlash, it will be modeled to just instantly explode if the target moves

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We do not talk about it.


Also with addition of radar guided agms like brims, radar disrupting smokes will probably get added

Or they’ll jsut turn all smoke into that

That would be stupid (i can see that)

You Tornado fans are the most didicated community I’ve seen so far.


There is no way they’d give us a Tornado with no DL for the AMRAAMs, right?..

You do not belive in snail? I can see it being labaled as a bug to be fixed. And in typical UK fashion, at least 1 year wait time

True, im probably the least dedicated person here, but some of them are scary.